Angol-magyar, magyar-angol online szótáraink

drop szó ragozott formái: | dropped | dropping |
drop - Online English Department Dictionary

loss in value / drop in value / decrease in value: értékvesztés / értékcsökkenés
suspended ceiling / drop ceiling / false ceiling / T-bar ceiling: álmennyezet
drop: csepp |

drop - kétnyelvű szótár

drop: függő; függődísz; ejtés; leejtés; lejtő; pottyanás; lepottyanás; ejtőernyős ugrás; csökkenés; ejtési magasság; esési magasság; bedobónyílás; bitófa; akasztófa; csapódeszka; csapó; csappantyú; kulcslyukfedő; zárredőlap; függöny; kapuskirúgás (kézből); csepp; csöpp; cukorka; leesés; visszaesés; csöpög; vége lesz; ejt; leejt; ledob; bedob; borjazik; letesz; felad; felhagy; csepeg; összeesik; elesik; csökken; süllyed; abbamarad; cseppent; elejt; dob; ellik; abbahagy; pirula; esés; hanyatlás; csapóajtó; süllyesztő; felvonásvégi függöny;

-------------- kifejezésekben: --------------
a drop of water: egy csepp víz; a drop of wine: egy kevés bor; at the drop of a hat: nyomban; azon nyomban; a legkisebb jelre; a legkisebb beavatkozásra; do a drop: iszik egy csöppet; drop a brick: tapintatlan megjegyzést tesz; ostobán elszólja magát; drop a hint: célzást tesz vmire; drop a pot of money: elveszt egy halom pénzt; drop around: benéz vhova; látogatóban benéz vhova; drop astern: hátramarad; lemarad; drop away: elmaradozik; egymás után meghal; lemorzsolódik; drop behind: lemarad; sor végére marad; lehagyják; drop by: benéz vkihez; meglátogat vkit; bekukkant vkihez; drop by drop: cseppenként; drop down dead: holtan összerogy; holtan elterül; holtan összeesik; drop earring: fülönfüggő; drop from the clouds: égből pottyan; drop front: lehajtható írólap; drop in: megérkezik; drop in on sy: benéz vkihez; drop in prices: áresés; drop in the bucket: csepp a tengerben; drop in the ground: talajsüllyedés; talajelmozdulás; drop in the ocean: csepp a tengerben; drop into: belepottyan; beleejt; drop into the habit: rászokik vmire; drop me a line: írj pár sort; drop off: leesik; lehull; elhull; lecsökken; elalszik; elszundít; álomba merül; álomba szenderül; elpatkol; elhal; kihal; drop off like flies: tömegesen hullanak; hullanak mint a legyek; drop off one by one: elszállingózik; drop off the hooks: beadja a kulcsot; elpatkol; drop off to sleep: elalszik; elszundít; álomba merül; álomba szenderül; drop one`s teeth: meglepődik; elképed; leesik az álla; leszakad a pofája; drop out: elhagy; kiesik; kimarad; lemorzsolódik; drop seat: felcsapható ülés; drop sg like a hot potato: elejt vmit; nem törődik többet vmivel; drop sy a line: pár sort ír vkinek; drop the anchor: lehorgonyoz; horgonyt vet; lemacskáz; drop the flag: zászlóval jelt ad az indulásra; elindul; nekivág vminek; drop the pilot: révkalauzt elbocsát; nem veszi többé igénybe bevált tanácsadóját; drop the reins: elengedi a gyeplőt; drop to earth: leszáll a földre; leereszkedik; drop with fatigue: összeesik a fáradtságtól; összeesik a kimerültségtől; get the drop on sy: készületlenül talál vkit; have a drop in one`s eye: látszik rajta, hogy ivott; van benne egy kis nyomás; have a drop too much: felönt a garatra; többet iszik a kelleténél; he has had a drop too much: többet ivott a kelleténél; i`ll drop you at your door: elviszem hazáig; ohmic drop: ohmos feszültségesés; pressure drop: nyomásesés; ready to drop: holtfáradt; steam drop: gőznyomásesés; gőzüzemű ejtőkalapács; gőzkalapács; gőzpöröly; steam drop hammer: gőzüzemű ejtőkalapács; gőzkalapács; gőzpöröly; take drop: iszik egy kortyot; iszik egy keveset; you could hear a pin drop: még a légy döngését is hallani lehetett;

drop - EU-szótár

drop appliance: ejtőkészülék
drop height / height of drop: ejtési magasság
ball drop test / ball test / ball-impact test: golyóbehatolási vizsgálat / golyóejtési vizsgálat / golyóteszt / golyóval végzett ejtési vizsgálat / golyóval végzett vizsgálat
ohmic overpotential / ohmic overvoltage / resistance overpotential / resistance overvoltage / solution ir drop: ellenállási túlfeszültség / túlfeszültség

drop - értelmező szótár

drop1 (n) a shape that is spherical and small beads of sweat on his forehead
   Hasonló: bead | pearl |

drop2 (n) a small indefinite quantity (especially of a liquid) a drop of each sample was analyzed | there is not a drop of pity in that man | years afterward, they would pay the blood-money, driblet by driblet
   Hasonló: drib | driblet |

drop3 (n) a sudden sharp decrease in some quantity there was a drop in pressure in the pulmonary artery | a dip in prices | when that became known the price of their stock went into free fall
   Hasonló: dip | fall | free fall |

drop4 (n) a steep high face of rock a steep drop
   Hasonló: cliff | drop-off |

drop5 (n) a predetermined hiding place for the deposit and distribution of illicit goods (such as drugs or stolen property)
drop6 (n) a free and rapid descent by the force of gravity
   Hasonló: fall |

drop7 (n) a curtain that can be lowered and raised onto a stage from the flies; often used as background scenery
   Hasonló: drop cloth | drop curtain |

drop8 (n) a central depository where things can be left or picked up
drop9 (n) the act of dropping something
drop1 (v) let fall to the ground
drop2 (v) to fall vertically
drop3 (v) go down in value
drop4 (v) fall or descend to a lower place or level
   Hasonló: drop down | sink |

drop5 (v) terminate an association with
drop6 (v) utter with seeming casualness drop names
drop7 (v) stop pursuing or acting knock it off!
   Hasonló: knock off |

drop8 (v) leave or unload drop off the passengers at the hotel
   Hasonló: discharge | drop off | put down | set down | unload |

drop9 (v) cause to fall by or as if by delivering a blow Lightning struck down the hikers
   Hasonló: cut down | fell | strike down |

drop10 (v) lose (a game)
drop11 (v) pay out
   Hasonló: expend | spend |

drop12 (v) lower the pitch of (musical notes)
   Hasonló: flatten |

drop13 (v) hang freely The light dropped from the ceiling
   Hasonló: dangle | swing |

drop14 (v) stop associating with
   Hasonló: dismiss | send away | send packing |

drop15 (v) let or cause to fall in drops
   Hasonló: dribble | drip |

drop16 (v) get rid of shed your clothes
   Hasonló: cast | cast off | shake off | shed | throw | throw away | throw off |

drop17 (v) take (a drug, especially LSD), by mouth
drop18 (v) omit (a letter or syllable) in speaking or writing
drop19 (v) leave undone or leave out The workers on the conveyor belt miss one out of ten
   Hasonló: leave out | miss | neglect | omit | overleap | overlook | pretermit |

drop20 (v) change from one level to another
drop21 (v) fall or sink into a state of exhaustion or death
drop22 (v) grow worse Conditions in the slums degenerated | The discussion devolved into a shouting match
   Hasonló: degenerate | deteriorate | devolve |

drop23 (v) give birth; used for animals
  A "drop" egyéb formái: dropped, dropping
  Lásd még: | droplet | drop | dropper |

------ "drop" kifejezésekben --------
cough drop (n) a medicated lozenge used to soothe the throat
dead drop (n) a drop used for the clandestine exchange of intelligence information
drop arch (n) a blunt pointed arch drawn from two centers within the span
drop biscuit (n) biscuit made from dough with enough milk that it can be dropped from a spoon
drop cloth (n) a curtain that can be lowered and raised onto a stage from the flies; often used as background scenery
drop curtain (n) a curtain that can be lowered and raised onto a stage from the flies; often used as background scenery
drop earring (n) an earring with a pendant ornament
drop forge (n) device for making large forgings
drop hammer (n) device for making large forgings
drop keel (n) a retractable fin keel used on sailboats to prevent drifting to leeward
drop line (n) a headline with the top line flush left and succeeding lines indented to the right
drop press (n) device for making large forgings
drop scone (n) a scone made by dropping a spoonful of batter on a griddle
drop shot (n) a soft return so that the tennis ball drops abruptly after crossing the net
drop zone (n) an agreed area where military supplies are dropped to ground troops
lemon drop (n) a hard candy with lemon flavor and a yellow color and (usually) the shape of a lemon
potential drop (n) the difference in electrical charge between two points in a circuit expressed in volts
voltage drop (n) a decrease in voltage along a conductor through which current is flowing
drop cloth (n) a large piece of cloth laid over the floor or furniture while a room is being painted
drop a line (v) communicate (with) in writing
drop anchor (v) secure a vessel with an anchor
drop away (v) get worse
drop back (v) take position in the rear, as in a military formation or in the line of scrimmage in football
drop behind (v) to lag or linger behind
drop by (v) visit informally and spontaneously
drop by the wayside (v) give up in the face of defeat of lacking hope; admit defeat
drop dead (v) pass from physical life and lose all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain life
drop down (v) fall or descend to a lower place or level
drop in (v) visit informally and spontaneously
drop like flies (v) rapidly collapse, die, or drop out in large numbers
drop off (v) fall or diminish
drop one's serve (v) lose a game in which one is serving
drop open (v) open involuntarily
drop out (v) give up in the face of defeat of lacking hope; admit defeat
drop the ball (v) commit a faux pas or a fault or make a serious mistake
drop back (v) to lag or linger behind
drop off (v) change from a waking to a sleeping state
drop out (v) withdraw from established society, especially because of disillusion with conventional values
drop off (v) leave or unload
drop out (v) leave school or an educational program prematurely
drop off (v) retreat
drop off (v) get worse

A(z) drop szóhoz valahogyan kapcsolódó szavak - fedezd fel őket is!

descent | deposit | depositary | depository | repository | maildrop | curtain | drape | drapery | mantle | pall | decrease | decrement | correction | voltage drop | free fall | gravitation | descent | plunge | precipitation | drug | dead drop | hiding place | crag | formation | geological formation | precipice | tear | teardrop | raindrop | small indefinite amount | small indefinite quantity | droplet | eye-drop | eyedrop | sphere | dewdrop | teardrop | bear | birth | deliver | give birth | have | fatigue | jade | pall | tire | weary | fade | languish | rot | waste | decline | worsen | fall | nol.pros. | nolle pros | nolle prosequi | cease | discontinue | give up | lay off | quit | stop | music | alter | change | modify | decline | go down | wane | fall off | sink | slump | tumble | change | forget | jump | pass over | skip | skip over | elide | express | give tongue to | utter | verbalise | verbalize | athletics | sport | lose | do drugs | drug | chop down | poleax | poleaxe | log | lumber | cut | cut | come down | descend | fall | go down | deliver | wharf | air-drop | exuviate | molt | moult | shed | slough | remove | take | take away | withdraw | abscise | exfoliate | autotomise | autotomize | pour | drip | come down | descend | fall | go down | dump | plunge | drop | plummet | plump | flump | flump down | decline | displace | move | drop | plop | dump | hang | plank down | plonk down | plump down | drop | drop down | sink | fall off | sink | slump | drop | drop open | fall open | change posture | droop | flag | sag | swag | sag | sag down | consume | deplete | eat | eat up | exhaust | run through | use up | wipe out | consume | squander | ware | waste | afford | pay | blow | trifle away | wanton | wanton away | underspend | misspend | nickel-and-dime | penny-pinch | commit | invest | place | put | economise | economize | save | lay out | piddle | piddle away | trifle | wanton | wanton away | misspend | remove | dismiss | drop | send away | send packing | can | dismiss | displace | fire | force out | give notice | give the axe | give the sack | sack | send away | terminate | drop | hang | droop | loll |

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