Company email etiquette tips – LAN

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Ez egy Nyelvelemzés (Language Analysis) típusú feladat. Itt van hozzá a használati utasítás.

1. Be concise and to the point.

Do not make an e-mail longer than it needs to be. Remember that reading an e-mail is harder than reading printed communications and a long e-mail can be very discouraging to read.

2. Use proper spelling, grammar & punctuation.

This is not only important because improper spelling, grammar and punctuation give a bad impression of your company, it is also important for conveying the message properly. E-mails with no full stops or commas are difficult to read and can sometimes even change the meaning of the text. And, if your program has a spell checking option, why not use it?

3. Make it personal.

Not only should the e-mail be personally addressed, it should also include personal i.e. customized content. For this reason auto replies are usually not very effective. However, templates can be used effectively in this way, see next tip.

4. Use templates for frequently used responses.

Some questions you get over and over again, such as directions to your office or how to subscribe to your newsletter. Save these texts as response templates and paste these into your message when you need them. You can save your templates in a Word document, or use pre-formatted emails.

5. Answer swiftly.

Customers wish to receive a quick response. Therefore, each e-mail should be replied to within at least 24 hours, and preferably within the same working day. If the email is complicated, just send an email back saying that you have received it and that you will get back to them. This will put the customer’s mind at rest and usually customers will then be very patient!

6. Do not overuse the high priority option.

We all know the story of the boy who cried wolf. If you overuse the high priority option, it will lose its function when you really need it. Moreover, even if a mail has high priority, your message will come across as slightly aggressive if you flag it as ‘high priority’.

7. Do not write in CAPITALS.

IF YOU WRITE IN CAPITALS IT SEEMS AS IF YOU ARE SHOUTING. This can be highly annoying and might trigger an unwanted response in the form of a flame mail. Therefore, try not to send any email text in capitals.

8. Read the email before you send it.

A lot of people don’t bother to read an email before they send it out, as can be seen from the many spelling and grammar mistakes contained in emails. Apart from this, reading your email through the eyes of the recipient will help you send a more effective message and avoid misunderstandings and inappropriate comments.

9. Take care with abbreviations and emoticons.

In business emails, try not to use abbreviations such as BTW (by the way) and LOL (laugh out loud). The recipient might not be aware of the meanings of the abbreviations and in business emails these are generally not appropriate. The same goes for emoticons, such as the smiley :-). If you are not sure whether your recipient knows what it means, it is better not to use it.

10. Use a meaningful subject.

Try to use a subject that is meaningful to the recipient as well as yourself. For instance, when you send an email to a company requesting information about a product, it is better to mention the actual name of the product, e.g. ‘Product A information’ than to just say ‘product information’ or the company’s name in the subject.

concise: tömör, velős, lényegre törő. A szó gyakori szótárak nevében is: concise dictionary, ez kéziszótárt jelent (tömöret ugye, tehát nem nagyszótár, a kisebbet meg pocket dictionarynek hívjuk))

to the point: lényegre törő, nem elkalandozó. A point jelenti a lényeget, fontos elemet

discouraging: elkedvetlenítő, lehangoló

spelling: helyesírás

punctuation: központozás (pont, vessző, kettőspont stb.)

give a bad impression of sy: rossz benyomást kelt valakiről

to convey sg: közvetít, üzenetet átvisz, továbbít

full stop: mondatvégi pont

comma: vessző

spell checking, spell check: helyesírás-ellenőrzés

Not only should the e-mail be personally addressed: nem elég, hogy…, de még… is – inverzió, tehát ezért kérdő szórend, noha kijelentés a mondat. Ezt inverziónak hívjuk

customize, customise: testre szab, személyre szab

content: tartalom

for this reason: ebből az okból kifolyólag

template: sablon

directions: útbaigazítás

subscribe to the newsletter: felíratkozni a hírlevélre. Előfizetést is jelent

to paste: beilleszt (a számítógépes szövegek esetén)

pre-formatted: előre formázott

swift: sebes, gyors

each e-mail should be replied to: mindegyik emailt meg kell válaszolni. A mondatvégi to kell, hiszen reply to an email a szerkezet.

preferably: még jobb, ha, még előnyösebb, ha…

put someone’s mind at rest: megnyugtatja, lenyugtatja

overuse: túlságosan sokat használja

the boy who cried wolf: a fiú, aki farkast kiáltott (nálunk is ismerős kifejezés, vagyis fölöslegesen riogat

high priority: nagyon sürgős – az email elküldése előtt beállíthatod a sürgősségi szintjét, a legmagasabb a high priority, bizonyos magyar szoftverekben rendkívül sürgős.

slightly: picit, kicsit

to flag an email as: …-ként jelöli meg az emailt (pl. sürgősnek)

capitals: csupa nagybetű. Mondjuk még így is: block capitals, capital letters

trigger sg: kivált valamit

flame: magyarul is flame (fléjm) a neve: olyan üzenet, amelynek általában nincs köze a témához, de rosszindulatú, sértő, esetleg gyalázkodó. Inkább internetes fórumokon szokás, de e-mailben is előfordul. A szó alapjelentése láng/lángra lobbant.

don’t bother to: nem fordít rá ügyet, rá se hederít, nem teszi meg

recipient: címzett (szó szerint: a megkapó, aki megkapja)

abbreviation: rövidítés

emoticon: magyarul is előfordul az emoticon, emotikon, de inkább hangulatjel a tisztességes neve

by the way: mellesleg, apropó

be aware of: ismeri, tudja

the same goes for: ugyanez igaz a …-re

subject: tárgy, az email tárgya

for instance: például

the actual name: a tényleges, valódi neve (Fontos: az actual soha nem jelent aktuálist!)

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