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factor - Online English Department Dictionary

risk factor: kockázati tényező
factor: faktor | factor: tényező |

factor - kétnyelvű szótár

factor: tényezőkre bont; tényező; alkotóelem; ügynök; bizományos; szorzótényező; együttható;

-------------- kifejezésekben: --------------
deciding factor: döntő tényező; objective factor of capital: tőke tárgyi tényezője; prime factor: elsődleges tényező; kiindulási tényező; proportion factor: arányossági tényező; proportional factor: arányossági tényező; steric factor: tértényező; subjective factor of capital: tőke személyi tényezője;

factor - EU-szótár

Q factor: jósági tényező
risk factor: kockázati tényező
push factor: migrációra kényszerítő tényező
crest factor: amplitúdótényező / csúcstényező
human factor: emberi tényező
cabin factor: kihasználtság
factor price: tényezőár
biotic factor: biotikus környezeti tényező / biotikus tényező / élő környezeti tényező / élő tényező
ground factor: talajtényező
packing factor: fedettségi tényező
abiotic factor: abiotikus környezeti tényező / abiotikus tényező / élettelen környezeti tényező / élettelen tényező
cyclical factor: ciklikus tényezők
capacity factor: kapacitás tényező
coverage factor: kiterjesztési tényező
usability factor: felhasználhatóság
induction factor: indukciós tényező
virulence factor: virulenciatényező
conversion factor: átváltási tényező
BF / brake factor: lefékezettségi tényező
calibration factor: kalibrációs tényező
self-heating factor: önmelegedési tényező
availability factor: rendelkezésre állás
modelled risk factor: modellezett kockázati tényező
Rf / response factor: Rf / válaszjel faktor / választényező
SME supporting factor: kkv-szorzó
time-weighting factor: idősúlyozó tényező
SVF / sky view factor: SVF / égboltláthatósági index
AF / assessment factor: AF / értékelési tényező
linear reduction factor: lineáris csökkentési tényező
single factor stress test: egytényezős stresszteszt
SCF / smart control factor: intelligens vezérlési tényező
hydrocarbon response factor: szénhidrogén-választényező / szénhidrogénre vonatkozó választényező
BCF / bioconcentration factor: BCF / biokoncentrációs tényező
M-factor / multiplying factor: M-tényező / szorzótényező
SHGF / solar heat gain factor: SHGF / szoláris áteresztési tényező
scale factor / scaling factor: léptéktényező
TEF / Toxic Equivalency Factor: TEF / toxicitási egyenérték faktor / toxicitási egyenérték-tényező
CCF / credit conversion factor: hitel-egyenértékesítési faktor
TFP / total factor productivity: teljes tényezőtermelékenység
connecting factor / linking factor: kapcsoló elv
blue reflectance factor / brightness: ISO-fehérség / fényesség / szórtkékfény-visszaverődési tényező
CF / certainty factor / confidence factor: hitelességi tényező
conversion coefficient / conversion factor: átváltási együttható
Student factor / Student t-factor / t-factor: Student-együttható / Student-féle (t) együttható / Student-féle együttható
particle concentration reduction factor / pcrf: részecskekoncentráció-csökkentési tényező
air factor / excess air factor / excess air ratio: levegőfelesleg-arány / levegőfelesleg-tényező
correction factor / corrective factor / weighting: korrekciós együttható
absorptance / absorption factor / absorption ratio: elnyelési arány / elnyelési tényező / elnyelőképesség
ambient correction factor / ambient correction term: környezeti korrekciós tényező
capacity factor / capacity ratio / retention factor: retenciós faktor
confounder / confounding factor / confounding variable: zavaró tényező
PIF / Photo-Irritation-Factor / photo-irritation factor: PIF / fotoirritációs tényező
PEGbG-CSF / pegylated bovine granulocyte colony stimulating factor: szarvasmarhákból nyert, pegilált granulocytakolónia-stimuláló faktor
clotting factor II / coagulation factor II / factor II / prothrombin: II. alvadási faktor / II. faktor / II. véralvadási faktor / protrombin
FRF / Fat Consumption Reduction Factor / fat (consumption) reduction factor / fat reduction factor: ZSRF / zsírredukciós faktor
R-factor / R-factor plasmid / R-plasmid / antibiotic resistance plasmid / drug-resistance factor / resistance factor / resistance plasmid: R-faktor / R-faktor plazmid / rezisztencia-faktor

factor - értelmező szótár

factor1 (n) anything that contributes causally to a result
factor2 (n) an abstract part of something two constituents of a musical composition are melody and harmony | the grammatical elements of a sentence | a key factor in her success | humor: an effective ingredient of a speech
   Hasonló: component | constituent | element | ingredient |

factor3 (n) one of two or more integers that can be exactly divided into another integer
   Hasonló: divisor |

factor4 (n) a businessman who buys or sells for another in exchange for a commission
   Hasonló: agent | broker |

factor5 (n) any of the numbers (or symbols) that form a product when multiplied together
factor6 (n) an independent variable in statistics
factor7 (n) (genetics) a segment of DNA that is involved in producing a polypeptide chain; it can include regions preceding and following the coding DNA as well as introns between the exons; it is considered a unit of heredity
   Hasonló: cistron | gene |

factor1 (v) resolve into factors
   Hasonló: factor in | factor out |

factor2 (v) be a contributing factor
factor3 (v) consider as relevant when making a decision
   Hasonló: factor in | factor out |

  Lásd még: | factorization | factorisation | factoring | factorize | factor |

------ "factor" kifejezésekben --------
absorption factor (n) (physics) the property of a body that determines the fraction of the incident radiation or sound flux absorbed or absorbable by the body
accelerator factor (n) a coagulation factor
antiberiberi factor (n) a B vitamin that prevents beriberi; maintains appetite and growth
antihaemophilic factor (n) a coagulation factor (trade name Hemofil) whose absence is associated with hemophilia A
antihemophilic factor (n) a coagulation factor (trade name Hemofil) whose absence is associated with hemophilia A
antihemorrhagic factor (n) a fat-soluble vitamin that helps in the clotting of blood
antiophthalmic factor (n) any of several fat-soluble vitamins essential for normal vision; prevents night blindness or inflammation or dryness of the eyes
antipernicious anemia factor (n) a B vitamin that is used to treat pernicious anemia
causal factor (n) a determining or causal element or factor
Christmas factor (n) coagulation factor whose absence is associated with hemophilia B
clotting factor (n) any of the factors in the blood whose actions are essential for blood coagulation
coagulation factor (n) any of the factors in the blood whose actions are essential for blood coagulation
cognitive factor (n) something immaterial (as a circumstance or influence) that contributes to producing a result
common factor (n) an integer that divides two (or more) other integers evenly
conversion factor (n) factor by which a quantity that is expressed in one set of units must be multiplied in order to convert it into another set of units
decisive factor (n) a point or fact or remark that settles something conclusively
determining factor (n) a determining or causal element or factor
equivalent-binary-digit factor (n) the average number of binary digits needed to express one radix digit in a numeration system that is not binary; on the average a number that can be expressed in N decimal digits takes 3.3N binary digits
factor analysis (n) any of several methods for reducing correlational data to a smaller number of dimensions or factors; beginning with a correlation matrix a small number of components or factors are extracted that are regarded as the basic variables that account for the interrelations observed in the data
factor I (n) a protein present in blood plasma; converts to fibrin when blood clots
factor II (n) a protein in blood plasma that is the inactive precursor of thrombin
factor III (n) an enzyme liberated from blood platelets that converts prothrombin into thrombin as blood starts to clot
factor IV (n) ion of calcium; a factor in the clotting of blood
factor IX (n) coagulation factor whose absence is associated with hemophilia B
factor of proportionality (n) the constant value of the ratio of two proportional quantities x and y; usually written y = kx, where k is the factor of proportionality
factor of safety (n) the ratio of the breaking stress of a structure to the estimated maximum stress in ordinary use
factor V (n) a coagulation factor
factor VII (n) a coagulation factor formed in the kidney under the influence of vitamin K
factor VIII (n) a coagulation factor (trade name Hemofil) whose absence is associated with hemophilia A
factor X (n) coagulation factor that is converted to an enzyme that converts prothrombin to thrombin in a reaction that depends on calcium ions and other coagulation factors
factor XI (n) coagulation factor whose deficiency results in a hemorrhagic tendency
factor XII (n) coagulation factor whose deficiency results in prolongation of clotting time of venous blood
factor XIII (n) in the clotting of blood thrombin catalyzes factor XIII into its active form (fibrinase) which causes fibrin to form a stable clot
fudge factor (n) a quantity that is added or subtracted in order to increase the accuracy of a scientific measure
greatest common factor (n) the largest integer that divides without remainder into a set of integers
growth factor (n) a protein that is involved in cell differentiation and growth
growth hormone-releasing factor (n) a releasing factor that accelerates the secretion of growth hormone by the anterior pituitary body
Hageman factor (n) coagulation factor whose deficiency results in prolongation of clotting time of venous blood
highest common factor (n) the largest integer that divides without remainder into a set of integers
hypothalamic releasing factor (n) any of several hormones produced in the hypothalamus and carried by a vein to the anterior pituitary gland where they stimulate the release of anterior pituitary hormones; each of these hormones causes the anterior pituitary to secrete a specific hormone
intrinsic factor (n) a substance produced by the mucosa of the stomach and intestines that is essential for the absorption of vitamin B12
load factor (n) (aeronautics) the ratio of an external load to the weight of the aircraft (measured in g)
multiplier factor (n) the number by which a multiplicand is multiplied
nerve growth factor (n) a protein that is involved in the growth of peripheral nerve cells
prime factor (n) the prime factors of a quantity are all of the prime quantities that will exactly divide the given quantity
reflection factor (n) the fraction of radiant energy that is reflected from a surface
releasing factor (n) a substance produced by the hypothalamus that is capable of accelerating the secretion of a given hormone by the anterior pituitary gland
Rh factor (n) a blood group antigen possessed by Rh-positive people; if an Rh-negative person receives a blood transfusion from an Rh-positive person it can result in hemolysis and anemia
rhesus factor (n) a blood group antigen possessed by Rh-positive people; if an Rh-negative person receives a blood transfusion from an Rh-positive person it can result in hemolysis and anemia
rheumatoid factor (n) autoantibody that is usually present in the serum of people with rheumatoid arthritis
safety factor (n) the ratio of the breaking stress of a structure to the estimated maximum stress in ordinary use
scale factor (n) a number used as a multiplier in scaling
Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (n) a self-report personality inventory developed by Raymond B. Cattell to measure the 16 personality dimensions that emerged from his factor analysis of a wide range of traits
spreading factor (n) an enzyme (trade name Hyazyme) that splits hyaluronic acid and so lowers its viscosity and increases the permeability of connective tissue and the absorption of fluids
stable factor (n) a coagulation factor formed in the kidney under the influence of vitamin K
sun protection factor (n) the degree to which a sunscreen protects the skin from the direct rays of the sun
thyrotropin-releasing factor (n) hormone released by the hypothalamus that controls the release of thyroid-stimulating hormone from the anterior pituitary
time-scale factor (n) the ratio of the simulation time to the time of the real process
tumor necrosis factor (n) a proinflammatory cytokine that is produced by white blood cells (monocytes and macrophages); has an antineoplastic effect but causes inflammation (as in rheumatoid arthritis)
tumour necrosis factor (n) a proinflammatory cytokine that is produced by white blood cells (monocytes and macrophages); has an antineoplastic effect but causes inflammation (as in rheumatoid arthritis)
determining factor (n) an argument that is conclusive
releasing factor (n) any of several hormones produced in the hypothalamus and carried by a vein to the anterior pituitary gland where they stimulate the release of anterior pituitary hormones; each of these hormones causes the anterior pituitary to secrete a specific hormone
factor analyse (v) to perform a factor analysis of correlational data
factor analyze (v) to perform a factor analysis of correlational data
factor in (v) consider as relevant when making a decision
factor out (v) consider as relevant when making a decision
factor in (v) resolve into factors
factor out (v) resolve into factors
factor analytic (a) of or relating to or the product of factor analysis
factor analytical (a) of or relating to or the product of factor analysis

A(z) factor szóhoz valahogyan kapcsolódó szavak - fedezd fel őket is!

dominant gene | allele | allelomorph | genetic marker | homeotic gene | lethal gene | linkage group | linked genes | modifier | modifier gene | mutant gene | nonallele | operator gene | oncogene | transforming gene | polygene | proto-oncogene | recessive gene | regulator gene | regulatory gene | repressor gene | structural gene | suppresser | suppresser gene | suppressor | suppressor gene | transgene | x-linked gene | holandric gene | y-linked gene | chromosome | genetic science | genetics | molecular biology | sequence | deoxyribonucleic acid | desoxyribonucleic acid | dna | experimental variable | independent variable | be all and end all | be-all and end-all | plot element | point | division | part | section | cause | fundamental | parameter | unknown quantity | wild card | releasing factor | releasing hormone | rf | intrinsic factor | brokerage | brokerage firm | securities firm | auctioneer | bourgeois | businessperson | general agent | insurance agent | insurance broker | underwriter | investment banker | underwriter | estate agent | house agent | land agent | real estate agent | real estate broker | ship broker | stockbroker | syndic | travel agent | deflator | number | conversion factor | constant of proportionality | factor of proportionality | prime factor | integer | whole number | equivalent-binary-digit factor | common divisor | common factor | common measure | arithmetic | calculate | cipher | compute | cypher | figure | reckon | work out | consider | study | add | bestow | bring | contribute | impart | lend |

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