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great - Online English Department Dictionary

Great Vowel Shift: nagy magánhangzó-eltolódás nyelvészet
admired / held in great respect: nagyra értékelt
hold in high esteem / hold in great respect / admire: nagyra értékel hold someone/something in great respect

great - kétnyelvű szótár

great: nagy;

-------------- kifejezésekben: --------------
a great deal: nagyon sok; nagyon sokat; jó sok; jó sokat; sokkal; jóval; a great deal of sg: jó sok vmi; nagyon sok; a great extent: nagymértékben; a great many: sok; sokan; a great number of wares: sok áru; nagy mennyiségű áru; at a great lick: teljes gőzzel; teljes sebességgel; teljes gyorsasággal; at a great pace: gyorsan; sebesen; nagy sebességgel; gyors iramban; be a great chatterbox: sokat karattyol; nagy szófosó; be a great expense to sy: nagy megterhelést jelent vki számára; be a great hand at doing sg: kitűnő érzéke van vmihez; kitűnő tehetsége van vmihez; remekül csinál vmit; be a great hand at sg: kitűnő érzéke van vmihez; kitűnő tehetsége van vmihez; remekül csinál vmit; be a great hands at sg: igen ügyes vmiben; be a great strain on one`s attention: túlságosan igénybeveszi vki figyelmét; be a great talker: nagy fecsegő; jól forog a nyelve; nagy dumájú ember; be in a great way: fel van izgatva; be in great pain: nagyon szenved; nagy fájdalmai vannak; be of great eminence in the field of surgery: kiemelkedő egyéniség a sebészet területén; become great: naggyá lesz; blow great guns: tombol (vihar); carry great weight with sy: nagy befolyása van vkire; sokat nyom a latban vkinél; endowed with great beauty: rendkívüli szépséggel megáldott; endowed with great talents: nagy képességekkel felruházott; nagy tehetséggel felruházott; event of great significance: nagy jelentőségű esemény; fight against great odds: hátrányos helyzetben küzd; egyenlőtlen fegyverekkel küzd; erős ellenféllel szemben küzd; get about a great deal: sokfelé jár; sokfelé megfordul; sokat utazik; good health is a great asset: a jó egészség nagy kincs; great and small: kicsinyek és nagyok; előkelők és egyszerű emberek; előkelők és kisemberek; great assize: utolsó ítélet; great bell: nagyharang; great belt: nagy-belt; great britain: nagy-britannia; great britain or england for short: nagy-britannia, vagy röviden anglia; great calorie: nagykalória; great card: jópofa ember; érdekes ember; eredeti ember; nagyszerű alak; great cat-fish: harcsa; great dane: dán dog; great day: szép nap; remek nap; nagy nap; great doings: nagy események; nagy fejlemények; nagy történések; great field for sg: jó piac vminek; great go: záróvizsga; great gross: tizenkét nagytucat; tizenkét grossz; 1728 darab; great gun: nagyágyú; tekintélyes személy; great inquest: utolsó ítélet; végítélet; great lavender: közönséges levendula; great loss of life: sok áldozat; sok halott; great mass: fő rész; zöm; többség; great masses of people: széles néprétegek; széles néptömegek; emberek zöme; great minds think alike: a nagy szellemek találkoznak; great nettle: nagy csalán; great powers: nagyhatalmak; great primer: tercia; 16 pontos betűnagyság; great reservoir of facts: tények hatalmas tárháza; great scot!: úristen!; szent isten!; great setout: nagy parádé; nagy hűhó; great talkers are little doers: aki sokat beszél, keveset cselekszik; great white way: new york színháznegyede; broadway; have a great bereavement: nagy gyász érte; have a great mind to: kedve volna vmihez; nagy kedve volna vmihez; have a great stroke: sokra képes; have great confidence of success: teljesen bizonyos a sikerben; teljesen biztos a sikerben; meg van győződve a sikerről; have great regard for sy: nagy elismeréssel van vki iránt; nagy tisztelettel van vki iránt; have great sway in the house: nagy befolyása van a képviselőházban; nagy súlya van a képviselőházban; have great weights with sy: nagy befolyása van vkire; sokat nyom a latban vkinél; he entertains a great deal: sokszor fogad vendégeket; he had been a great seafaring: sokat utazott a tengeren; sokat járta a tengereket; nagy hajós volt; he is a great loss: távozása nagy veszteség számunkra; halála nagy veszteség számunkra; he is no great adept in chemistry: nem valami nagy vegyész; his knowledge of english is a great asset to him: angol tudása nagy előnyt jelent számára; angol nyelvtudása nagy előnyt jelent számára; angol tudása nagy kincs számára; hold sy in great esteem: nagyra becsül vkit; hold sy in great honour: nagy megbecsülésben tart vkit; nagy tiszteletben tart vkit; nagy tisztességben tart vkit; hold sy in great regard: nagy becsben tart vkit; how great soever it may be: bármilyen nagy is; akármilyen nagy is; bármilyen nagy legyen is; how great was his surprise when: mennyire meglepődött, mikor; i am no great clerk: nem vagyok valami nagy tudós; i think a great deal of you: sokat gondolok rád; igen nagyra értékellek; igen nagyra becsüllek; i told him how there had been a great festival: elmondtam neki, hogy milyen nagy ünnepély volt; in a great part due to sg: nagymértékben vminek köszönhető; nagymértékben vminek tulajdonítható; nagyrészt vminek köszönhető; főleg vminek köszönhető; in great part due to sg: nagymértékben vminek köszönhető; nagymértékben vminek tulajdonítható; nagyrészt vminek köszönhető; főleg vminek köszönhető; it blows great guns: dühöng a szél; vihar tombol; it will stand him in great stead: sok haszna van belőle; nagyot segít rajta; nagyot lendít rajta; jewel of great worth: sokat érő ékszer; nagyon értékes ékszer; lay great stores upon sg: nagyra értékel vmit; little streams make great rivers: sok kicsi sokra megy; little strokes fell great oaks: sok kicsi sokra megy; live in great splendour: nagy pompában él; lord great chamberlain of england: anglia főkamarása; make a great spread: lakmározik; nagy lakomát csap; nagy kanállal eszik; make a great to-do about sg: nagy hűhót csap vmi körül; make great demands on sg: erősen igénybe vesz vmit; make great strides: nagyokat lép; nagy léptekkel halad előre; nagy előrehaladást ér el; man of great learning: nagy tudományú ember; nagy tudású ember; man of great talent: nagytehetségű ember; my great surprise: legnagyobb ámulatomra; nagy meglepetésemre; no great shakes: nem vmi nagy ügy; of great antiquity: ősrégi; of great consequence: nagy horderejű; lényeges; fontos; of great mark: nagyfontosságú; jelentős; of great promise: ígéretes; of great urgency: igen sürgős; of great value: értékes; nagy értékű; on great occasions: nagy események alkalmával; see a great deal of sy: gyakran van együtt vkivel; set great store by sg: nagy súlyt helyez vmire; nagyra tart vmit; becsben tart vmit; set great store on sg: nagy súlyt helyez vmire; nagyra tart vmit; becsben tart vmit; set great value by sg: nagyra értékel vmit; nagyon értékesnek tart vmit; set no great store by sg: kevésre tart vmit; nem becsül vmit; nem sokra becsül vmit; shit on sy from a great height: elbánik vkivel; kibaszik vkivel; small rain lays great dust: kicsi a bors, de erős; that is a great satisfaction: ez igazán megnyugtató; ez fölöttébb megnyugtató; ez nagyon megnyugtató; the great chagrin of sy: nagy mérgére vkinek; nagy bosszúságára vkinek; nagy fájdalmára vkinek; the great ones of the earth: a föld nagyjai; a föld hatalmasai; there is a great deal at stake: nem babra megy a játék; there`s a great deal of truth in that: ebben jó adag igazság van; this is a great convenience: ez nagyon megfelel; ez nagyon kényelmes; with great ease of manners: könnyedén; fesztelenül; mesterkéletlenül; könnyed modorban; fesztelen modorban;

great - EU-szótár

great cormorant: kárókatona
Great Horned Owl: amerikai uhu
North Great Plain: Észak-Alföld
South Great Plain: Dél-Alföld
great white shark: fehér cápa
great crested grebe: búbos vöcsök
Great Plain and North: Alföld és Észak
great Atlantic scallop: nagy fésűkagyló
great lanternshark / greater lanternshark: nagy lámpáscápa
Senior Coordinator for the Great Lakes region: a Nagy-tavak régiójáért felelős főkoordinátor
African Great Lakes Region / GLR / Great Lakes Region: Nagy-tavak régió / az afrikai Nagy-tavak régiója
LC / Lord Chancellor / Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain: lordkancellár
UK / United Kingdom / United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: Egyesült Királyság / Nagy-Britannia és Észak-Írország Egyesült Királysága
Great Lakes conference / ICGLR / International Conference on the Great Lakes Region: Nagy-tavak Régió Nemzetközi Értekezlete
Protocol on certain provisions relating to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: Jegyzőkönyv egyes Nagy Britannia és Észak-Írország Egyesült Királyságára vonatkozó rendelkezésekről
SBAs / the Sovereign Base Areas of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Cyprus: Nagy-Britannia és Észak-Írország Egyesült Királyságának ciprusi felségterületei
EU Special Representative for the African Great Lakes Region / EUSR for the African Great Lakes Region / European Union Special Representative for the African Great Lakes Region: az Európai Uniónak az afrikai Nagy-tavak régiójáért felelős különleges képviselője / az afrikai Nagy-tavak régiójáért felelős EUKK
Protocol on the Treaties and Acts of Accession of the Kingdom of Denmark, Ireland and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, of the Hellenic Republic, of the Kingdom of Spain and the Portuguese Republic, and of the Republic of Austria,: Jegyzőkönyv a Dán Királyság, Írország, valamint Nagy-Britannia és Észak-Írország Egyesült Királysága, a Görög Köztársaság, a Spanyol Királyság és a Portugál Köztársaság, az Osztrák Köztársaság, a Finn Köztársaság és a Svéd Királyság csatlakozási szerződés
This [INSTRUMENT] constitutes a development of the provisions of the Schengen acquis in which the United Kingdom does not take part, in accordance with Council Decision 2000/365/EC of 29 May 2000 concerning the request of the United Kingdom of Great Brita: Ez a [jogi aktus] a schengeni vívmányok azon rendelkezéseinek továbbfejlesztését képezi, amelyek alkalmazásában az Egyesült Királyság a Nagy-Britannia és Észak-Írország Egyesült Királyságának a schengeni vívmányok egyes rendelkezéseinek alkalmazásában val
Treaty between the Kingdom of Belgium, the Kingdom of Denmark, the Federal Republic of Germany, the French Republic, Ireland, the Italian Republic, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Nort: 1979-es csatlakozási szerződés / Görögország csatlakozási szerződése / Szerződés a Belga Királyság, a Dán Királyság, a Németországi Szövetségi Köztársaság, a Francia Köztársaság, Írország, az Olasz Köztársaság, a Luxemburgi Nagyhercegség, a Holland Király

great - értelmező szótár

great1 (n) a person who has achieved distinction and honor in some field
great1 (s) relatively large in size or number or extent; larger than others of its kind a great multitude | the great auk | a great old oak | a great ocean liner | a great delay
great2 (s) of major significance or importance Einstein was one of the outstanding figures of the 20th centurey
   Hasonló: outstanding |

great3 (s) remarkable or out of the ordinary in degree or magnitude or effect had a great stake in the outcome
great4 (s) very good a neat sports car | had a great time at the party | you look simply smashing
   Hasonló: bang-up | bully | corking | cracking | dandy | groovy | keen | neat | nifty | not bad | peachy | slap-up | smashing | swell |

great5 (s) uppercase great A | many medieval manuscripts are in majuscule script
   Hasonló: capital | majuscule |

great6 (s) in an advanced stage of pregnancy was great with child
   Hasonló: big | enceinte | expectant | gravid | heavy | large | with child |

  Lásd még: | greatness |

------ "great" kifejezésekben --------
Alexander the Great (n) king of Macedon; conqueror of Greece and Egypt and Persia; founder of Alexandria (356-323 BC)
Alfred the Great (n) king of Wessex; defeated the Vikings and encouraged writing in English (849-899)
Athanasius the Great (n) (Roman Catholic Church) Greek patriarch of Alexandria who championed Christian orthodoxy against Arianism; a church father, saint, and Doctor of the Church (293-373)
Basil the Great (n) (Roman Catholic Church) the bishop of Caesarea who defended the Roman Catholic Church against the heresies of the 4th century; a saint and Doctor of the Church (329-379)
Canute the Great (n) king of Denmark and Norway who forced Edmund II to divide England with him; on the death of Edmund II, Canute became king of all England (994-1035)
Catherine the Great (n) empress of Russia who greatly increased the territory of the empire (1729-1796)
Charles the Great (n) king of the Franks and Holy Roman Emperor; conqueror of the Lombards and Saxons (742-814)
Constantine the Great (n) Emperor of Rome who stopped the persecution of Christians and in 324 made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire; in 330 he moved his capital from Rome to Byzantium and renamed it Constantinople (280-337)
Cyrus the Great (n) king of Persia and founder of the Persian Empire (circa 600-529 BC)
Darius the Great (n) king of Persia who expanded the Persian Empire and invaded Greece but was defeated at the battle of Marathon (550-486 BC)
Ferdinand the Great (n) king of Castile and Leon who achieved control of the Moorish kings of Saragossa and Seville and Toledo (1016-1065)
Frederick the Great (n) king of Prussia from 1740 to 1786; brought Prussia military prestige by winning the War of the Austrian Succession and the Seven Years' War (1712-1786)
great adductor muscle (n) the muscle that adducts and extends the thigh
great anteater (n) large shaggy-haired toothless anteater with long tongue and powerful claws; of South America
great ape (n) any of the large anthropoid apes of the family Pongidae
Great Arabian Desert (n) a desert on the Arabian Peninsula in southwestern Asia
Great Attractor (n) a massive grouping of galaxies in the direction of Centaurus and Hydra whose gravitational attraction is believed to cause deviations in the paths of other galaxies
great auk (n) large flightless auk of rocky islands off northern Atlantic coasts; extinct
Great Australian Bight (n) a wide bay of the Indian Ocean in southern Australia; notorious for storms
Great Australian Desert (n) general name given to all desert areas in Australia
great barracuda (n) large (up to 6 ft) greyish-brown barracuda highly regarded as a food and sport fish; may be dangerous to swimmers
Great Barrier Reef (n) the largest coral reef in the world; in the Coral Sea off the northeastern coast of Australia
Great Bear (n) a constellation outside the zodiac that rotates around the North Star
great black-backed gull (n) white gull having a black back and wings
great blue heron (n) large American heron having bluish-grey plumage
great blue shark (n) slender cosmopolitan, pelagic shark; blue body shades to white belly; dangerous especially during maritime disasters
great bowerbird (n) large bowerbird of northern Australia
Great Britain (n) a monarchy in northwestern Europe occupying most of the British Isles; divided into England and Scotland and Wales and Northern Ireland; `Great Britain' is often used loosely to refer to the United Kingdom
great burdock (n) burdock having heart-shaped leaves found in open woodland, hedgerows and rough grassland of Europe (except extreme N) and Asia Minor; sometimes cultivated for medicinal and culinary use
great bustard (n) largest European land bird
great care (n) more attention and consideration than is normally bestowed by prudent persons
great cerebral vein (n) a cerebral vein formed by the two internal cerebral veins and continuing into the sinus rectus
great circle (n) a circular line on the surface of a sphere formed by intersecting it with a plane passing through the center
Great Commoner (n) United States lawyer and politician who advocated free silver and prosecuted John Scopes (1925) for teaching evolution in a Tennessee high school (1860-1925)
great crested grebe (n) large Old World grebe with black ear tufts
Great Dane (n) very large powerful smooth-coated breed of dog
great deal (n) (often followed by `of') a large number or amount or extent
Great Depression (n) the economic crisis beginning with the stock market crash in 1929 and continuing through the 1930s
Great Divide (n) that part of the continental divide formed by the Rocky Mountains in the United States
Great Dividing Range (n) a mountain range running along the eastern coast of Australia
Great Dog (n) a constellation to the southeast of Orion; contains Sirius
great duckweed (n) cosmopolitan except South America and New Zealand and some oceanic islands
Great Elector (n) the Elector of Brandenburg who rebuilt his domain after its destruction during the Thirty Years' War (1620-1688)
Great Falls (n) a town in central Montana on the Missouri river; a center of extensive hydroelectric power
great grandchild (n) a child of your grandson or granddaughter
great granddaughter (n) a daughter of your grandson or granddaughter
great grandfather (n) a father of your grandparent
great grandmother (n) a mother of your grandparent
great grandparent (n) a parent of your grandparent
great grandson (n) a son of your grandson or granddaughter
great gray owl (n) large dish-faced owl of northern North America and western Eurasia
great grey kangaroo (n) very large greyish-brown Australian kangaroo formerly abundant in open wooded areas
great grey owl (n) large dish-faced owl of northern North America and western Eurasia
great gross (n) a cardinal number equal to one dozen gross
great hall (n) the principal hall in a castle or mansion; can be used for dining or entertainment
great horned owl (n) brown North American horned owl
great hundred (n) the cardinal number that is the product of ten and twelve
Great Indian Desert (n) a desert to the east of the Indus River in northwestern India and southeastern Pakistan
great knapweed (n) tall European perennial having purple flower heads
Great Lakes (n) a group of five large, interconnected lakes in central North America
Great Lakes State (n) a midwestern state in north central United States in the Great Lakes region
great lobelia (n) tall erect and very leafy perennial herb of eastern North America having dense spikes of blue flowers
great maple (n) Eurasian maple tree with pale grey bark that peels in flakes like that of a sycamore tree; leaves with five ovate lobes yellow in autumn
Great Mendenhall Glacier (n) a glacier of the Piedmont type near Juneau in Alaska
great millet (n) important for human and animal food; growth habit and stem form similar to Indian corn but having sawtooth-edged leaves
Great Mother (n) great nature goddess of ancient Phrygia in Asia Minor; counterpart of Greek Rhea and Roman Ops
great mullein (n) tall-stalked very woolly mullein with densely packed yellow flowers; ancient Greeks and Romans dipped the stalks in tallow for funeral torches
Great Plains (n) a vast prairie region extending from Alberta and Saskatchewan and Manitoba in Canada south through the west central United States into Texas; formerly inhabited by Native Americans
Great Plains of North America (n) a vast prairie region extending from Alberta and Saskatchewan and Manitoba in Canada south through the west central United States into Texas; formerly inhabited by Native Americans
great plains paintbrush (n) hairy plant with pinkish flowers; Great Plains to northern Mexico
great power (n) a state powerful enough to influence events throughout the world
Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution (n) a radical reform in China initiated by Mao Zedong in 1965 and carried out largely by the Red Guard; intended to eliminate counterrevolutionary elements in the government it resulted in purges of the intellectuals and socioeconomic chaos
Great Pyramid (n) a massive monument with a square base and four triangular sides; begun by Cheops around 2700 BC as royal tombs in ancient Egypt
Great Pyrenees (n) bred of large heavy-coated white dogs resembling the Newfoundland
great ragweed (n) a coarse annual with some leaves deeply and palmately three-cleft or five-cleft
Great Revolt (n) a widespread rebellion in 1381 against poll taxes and other inequities that oppressed the poorer people of England; suppressed by Richard II
Great Rift Valley (n) ( geology) a depression in southwestern Asia and eastern Africa; extends from the valley of the Jordan River to Mozambique; marked by geological faults
Great Russian (n) a member of the chief stock of Russian people living in European Russia; used to distinguish ethnic Russians from other peoples incorporated into Russia
Great Salt Desert (n) a salt desert in north central Iran
Great Salt Lake (n) a shallow body of salt water in northwestern Utah
Great Sandy Desert (n) a desert in southern Saudi Arabia
great saphenous vein (n) the longest vein in the body; runs from foot to the groin where it joins the femoral vein
Great Schism (n) the period from 1378 to 1417 during which there were two papacies in the Roman Catholic Church, one in Rome and one in Avignon
great seal (n) the principal seal of a government, symbolizing authority or sovereignty
Great Seal of the United States (n) the seal of the United States government
great skua (n) large brown skua of the northern Atlantic
Great Slave Lake (n) a lake in the Northwest Territories in northwestern Canada; drained by the Mackenzie River
Great Smoky Mountains (n) part of the Appalachians between North Carolina and Tennessee
Great Smoky Mountains National Park (n) a national park in Tennessee and North Carolina that includes the highest mountain in the eastern United States
great snipe (n) Old World snipe larger and darker than the whole snipe
great Solomon's-seal (n) North American perennial herb with smooth foliage and drooping tubular greenish flowers
great St John's wort (n) perennial shrub having large star-shaped yellow flowers in narrowly pyramidal cymes
great toe (n) the first largest innermost toe
Great Victoria Desert (n) a desert region in south central Australia to the north of the Nullarbor Plain
Great Wall (n) a fortification 1,500 miles long built across northern China in the 3rd century BC; it averages 6 meters in width
Great Wall of China (n) a fortification 1,500 miles long built across northern China in the 3rd century BC; it averages 6 meters in width
Great War (n) a war between the allies (Russia, France, British Empire, Italy, United States, Japan, Rumania, Serbia, Belgium, Greece, Portugal, Montenegro) and the Central Powers (Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey, Bulgaria) from 1914 to 1918
great white heron (n) a common egret of the genus Egretta found in America; it is a variety of the Old World white egret Casmerodius albus
great white hope (n) someone (or something) expected to achieve great success in a given field
great white shark (n) large aggressive shark widespread in warm seas; known to attack humans
Great White Way (n) a street in Manhattan that passes through Times Square; famous for its theaters
great year (n) time required for one complete cycle of the precession of the equinoxes, about 25,800 years
great yellow gentian (n) robust European perennial having clusters of yellow flowers
great yellowcress (n) perennial herb found on streams and riversides throughout Europe except extreme north and Mediterranean; sometimes placed in genus Nasturtium
Gregory the Great (n) (Roman Catholic Church) an Italian pope distinguished for his spiritual and temporal leadership; a saint and Doctor of the Church (540?-604)
Henry the Great (n) king of France from 1589 to 1610; although he was leader of the Huguenot armies, when he succeeded the Catholic Henry III and founded the Bourbon dynasty in 1589 he established religious freedom in France
Herod the Great (n) king of Judea who (according to the New Testament) tried to kill Jesus by ordering the death of all children under age two in Bethlehem (73-4 BC)
Islamic Great Eastern Raiders-Front (n) a Turkish terrorist organization that claimed responsibility for bombing a British consulate and bank in Istanbul; a violent opponent of Turkey's secular government and its ties to the European Union and NATO
Ivan the Great (n) grand duke of Muscovy whose victories against the Tartars laid the basis for Russian unity (1440-1505)
Justinian the Great (n) Byzantine emperor who held the eastern frontier of his empire against the Persians; codified Roman law in 529; his general Belisarius regained North Africa and Spain (483-565)
Kamehameha the Great (n) Hawaiian king who united the islands under his rule (1758-1819)
King of Great Britain (n) the sovereign ruler of England
Leo the Great (n) Italian pope from 440 to 461 who extended the authority of the papacy to the west and persuaded Attila not to attack Rome (440-461)
Louis the Great (n) king of France from 1643 to 1715; his long reign was marked by the expansion of French influence in Europe and by the magnificence of his court and the Palace of Versailles (1638-1715)
Mithridates the Great (n) ancient king of Pontus who expanded his kingdom by defeating the Romans but was later driven out by Pompey (132-63 BC)
Otto the Great (n) King of the Germans and Holy Roman Emperor (912-973)
Peter the Great (n) czar of Russia who introduced ideas from western Europe to reform the government; he extended his territories in the Baltic and founded St. Petersburg (1682-1725)
Pompey the Great (n) Roman general and statesman who quarrelled with Caesar and fled to Egypt where he was murdered (106-48 BC)
Rameses the Great (n) king of Egypt between 1304 and 1237 BC who built many monuments
Ramesses the Great (n) king of Egypt between 1304 and 1237 BC who built many monuments
Ramses the Great (n) king of Egypt between 1304 and 1237 BC who built many monuments
St. Basil the Great (n) (Roman Catholic Church) the bishop of Caesarea who defended the Roman Catholic Church against the heresies of the 4th century; a saint and Doctor of the Church (329-379)
the Great Calamity (n) a famine in Ireland resulting from a potato blight; between 1846 and 1851 a million people starved to death and 1.6 million emigrated (most to America)
The Great Charter (n) the royal charter of political rights given to rebellious English barons by King John in 1215
the Great Compromiser (n) United States politician responsible for the Missouri Compromise between free and slave states (1777-1852)
the Great Hunger (n) a famine in Ireland resulting from a potato blight; between 1846 and 1851 a million people starved to death and 1.6 million emigrated (most to America)
the Great Starvation (n) a famine in Ireland resulting from a potato blight; between 1846 and 1851 a million people starved to death and 1.6 million emigrated (most to America)
the great unwashed (n) the common people generally
Theodosius the Great (n) the last emperor of a united Roman Empire, he took control of the eastern empire and ended the war with the Visigoths; he became a Christian and in 391 banned all forms of pagan worship (346-395)
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (n) a monarchy in northwestern Europe occupying most of the British Isles; divided into England and Scotland and Wales and Northern Ireland; `Great Britain' is often used loosely to refer to the United Kingdom
Xerxes the Great (n) king of Persia who led a vast army against Greece and won the battle of Thermopylae but was eventually defeated (519-465 BC)
Great Britain (n) an island comprising England and Scotland and Wales
Great Depression (n) a period during the 1930s when there was a worldwide economic depression and mass unemployment
Great Sandy Desert (n) a desert region in northwestern Australia to the north of the Gibson Desert
great white heron (n) widely distributed Old World white egret
great white heron (n) large white heron of Florida and the Florida Keys
a great deal (r) to a very great degree or extent
in great confusion (r) in disorderly haste
to a great extent (r) to a considerable degree
a great deal (r) frequently or in great quantities
great bellied (s) having a prominent belly

A "great" betűsor a kollokációs adatbázisunkban:

the great white hope
üdvöske, a nagy reménység

  • Since he entered the NBA, Bird has always been seen as the Great White Hope.
    Mióta belépett az NBA-ba, Bird-öt mindig is a jövõ nagy reménységének tekintették.

A(z) great szóhoz valahogyan kapcsolódó szavak - fedezd fel őket is!

achiever | succeeder | success | winner | pregnant | colloquialism | good | important | of import | big | large | uppercase | extraordinary |

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