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capital - Online English Department Dictionary

equity capital: részvénytőke
capital investment: tőkebefektetés
subscribed capital: jegyzett tőke
working capital loan: forgóeszközhitel
return on capital / ROC: tőkemegtérülés [Estimated by dividing the after-tax operating income by the book value of invested capital. ]
equity / registered capital: törzstőke

capital - kétnyelvű szótár

capital: tőke; főváros; lényeges; fő-; kapitális; fontos; alaptőke; legfőbb; törzsvagyon; főbenjáró; kéménytoldat; oszlopfő; kéménysisak; desztilláló sisak; remek; kitűnő; nagybetű;

-------------- kifejezésekben: --------------
accumulated capital: felhalmozott tőke; accumulation of capital: tőkefelhalmozás; active capital: forgótőke; authorized capital: alaptőke; auxiliary capital: befektetett tőke; elhelyezett tőke; alaptőke; basic capital: állótőke; basket of a capital: oszlopfej levélkoszorúja; bowl capital: serlegalakú oszlopfő; csészealakú oszlopfő; called-upon capital: befizetett alaptőke; capital account: tőkeszámla; capital advanced: előlegezett tőke; capital and labour: tőkések és munkásság; capital bonus: osztalékon kívüli juttatás; osztalékon kívüli különtérítés; capital city: főváros; capital consumed: elfogyasztott tőke; capital crime: főbenjáró bűn; főbenjáró vétség; capital equipment: munkaeszközök; capital error: végzetes tévedés; szörnyű tévedés; capital expenditure: tőkeberuházás; capital goods: tőkejavak; termelési eszközök; beruházási javak; capital invested: befektetett tőke; állótőke; capital issue: részvénykibocsátás; capital letter: nagybetű; capital levy: vagyondézsma; vagyonváltság; capital offence: főbenjáró bűn; főbenjáró vétség; capital operation: súlyos műtét; capital punishment: halálbüntetés; capital return tax: osztalékadó; capital sentence: halálos ítélet; capital ship: csatahajó; capital stock: alaptőke; részvénytőke; capital surplus: tőketartalék; capital town: főváros; capital treason: hazaárulás; capital value: tőkeérték; chimney capital: kéményfej; circulating capital: forgótőke; composition of capital: tőke összetétele; concentration of capital: tőkekoncentráció; double capital: oszlopok közös oszlopfeje; kettős oszlopfő; közös oszlopfő; exodus of capital: tőkekivitel; tőkekivándorlás; fixed capital: állótőke; floating capital: üzemi tőke; forgótőke; functioning capital: működő tőke; have large capital at sy`s disposal: nagy tőkék felett rendelkezik; sok tőke felett rendelkezik; idle capital: nem kamatozó tőke; interest-bearing capital: kamatozó tőke; kamatot hozó tőke; invested capital: befektetett tőke; elhelyezett tőke; alaptőke; joint capital: társasági tőke; társasági alaptőke; liberate capital: tőkét felszabadít; tőkét mozgósít; make capital of sg: tőkét kovácsol vmiből; make holes in one`s capital: készből él; tőkéjéhez nyúl; feléli tartalékai egy részét; matured capital: esedékessé vált tőke; lejárt tartozás; money capital: pénztőke; moneylender`s capital: uzsoratőke; objective factor of capital: tőke tárgyi tényezője; of capital importance: nagy fontosságú; döntő fontosságú; organic composition of capital: tőke szerves összetétele; original capital: eredeti tőke; paid-in capital: befizetett alaptőke; paid-up capital: befizetett alaptőke; personified capital: megszemélyesített tőke; ready capital: forgótőke; registered capital: alaptőke; jegyzett alaptőke; rolling capital: forgótőke; share capital: részvénytőke; alaptőke; social capital: társadalmi tőke; standard form of capital: tőke alapformája; stock capital: élőfakészlet; subjective factor of capital: tőke személyi tényezője; superfluity of capital: tőkefelesleg; total capital: össztőke; trading capital: üzemi tőke; forgótőke; turnover capital: forgótőke; uncalled capital: le nem hívott részvénytőke; nem befizetett részvénytőke; variable part of capital: változó tőkerész; working capital: üzemi tőke; forgótőke; működő tőke;

capital - EU-szótár

capital cost: állóeszköz-beruházási költségek
capital gain: tőkenyereség
capital note: adóslevél / vagyonjegy
seed capital: magvető tőke
capital gain: tőkenyereség
capital goods: beruházási javak / reáljavak / termelő eszközök
share capital: részvénytőke
capital works: mezőgazdasági eszközteremtő munkák
human capital: humán tőke / humántőke
social capital: társadalmi tőke
capital add-on: többlettőke / többlettőke-követelmény
capital charge: tőkekövetelmény
capital market: tőkepiac
issued capital: jegyzett tőke
active capital: működő tőke
equity capital: saját tőke
hybrid capital: hibrid tőke
paid in capital: befizetett tőke
capital account: tőkemérleg / tőkeszámla
capital horizon: tőkehorizont
capital reserve: tőketartalék
working capital: működő tőke
internal capital: belső tőke
economic capital: gazdasági tőke
capital adequacy: tőkemegfelelés
physical capital: fizikai tőke
callable capital: lehívható tőke
capital position: tőkehelyzet / tőkepozíció
start-up capital: indulótőke
mezzanine capital: mezzanine tőke
called-up capital: jegyzett tőke lehívott része
capital treatment: tőkekövetelmény
expansion capital: növekedési tőke / terjeszkedéshez szükséges tőke
capital guarantee: tőkegarancia
financial capital: pénzügyi tőke
capital management: tőkekezelés
contingent capital: feltételes tőke
capital instrument: tőkeinstrumentum
capital redemption: tőketörlesztés
productive capital: termelőtőke
capital protection: tőkevédelem
total capital ratio: teljestőke-megfelelési mutató
capital expenditure: tőkebefektetési kiadás
capital maintenance: tőke megőrzése
capital requirement: tőkekövetelmény
capital raising plan: tőkebevonási terv
Tier 1 capital ratio: alapvetőtőke-megfelelési mutató
capital appreciation: tőkefelértékelődés
capital contribution: tőke-hozzájárulás
high quality capital: kiváló minőségű tőke
Internal capital Target: belső tőkecél
private pool of capital: magán befektetési alap
Brussels Capital Region: Brüsszel fővárosi régió / brüsszeli régió
capital protected UCITS: tőkevédelmet élvező ÁÉKBV / tőkevédett ÁÉKBV
highest quality capital: legjobb minőségű tőke
capital reserve account: tőketartalék-számla
venture capital passport: kockázatitőke-befektetési útlevél
long-lived capital goods: hosszú élettartamú beruházási javak
thin capital requirements: alacsony tőkekövetelmény
hybrid capital instrument: hibrid tőkeeszköz / hibrid tőkeinstrumentum
subordinated loan capital: alárendelt kölcsöntőke
regulatory capital charge: szabályozási tőkedíj
subordinated loan capital: alárendelt kölcsöntőke
short-lived capital goods: rövid élettartamú beruházási javak
VCF / venture capital fund: kockázati tőkealap
taxation of capital income: tőkejövedelem adóztatása
CMU / capital markets union: tőkepiaci unió
CAPEX / capital expenditure: tőkekiadások
European Capital of Culture: Európa Kulturális Fővárosa
maximum capital requirement: maximális tőkekövetelmény
internal capital allocation: belső tőkeallokáció
capital asset pricing model: tőkeeszköz-árazási modell
tangible productive capital: materiális termelőtőke
notional life capital add-on: elvi életági többlettőke-követelmény
European Green Capital Award: Európa Zöld Fővárosa díj
county capital / county seat: megyeszékhely
capital redemption operations: tőketörlesztési műveletek / tőkésítési műveletek
intangible productive capital: immateriális termelőtőke
debt-to-adjusted capital ratio: adósság és korrigált tőke aránya / korrigált tőkearányos adósság
risk capital / venture capital: kockázati tőke
paid-in ordinary share capital: befizetett törzsrészvénytőke
regulatory capital requirement: szabályozói tőkekövetelmény
debt capital market instrument: kötvénypiaci eszköz
capital maintenance adjustment: a tőke megőrzésével kapcsolatos kiigazítás
initial capital / initial fund: induló tőke
restrictions on capital inflows: a tőkebeáramlás korlátozása
buffer capital / capital buffer: tőkepuffer
notional non-life capital add-on: elvi nem-életági többlettőke-követelmény
paid-in capital / paid-up capital: befizetett tőke
grey capital market / grey market: szürke tőkepiac
natural capital / natural capital: természeti tőke
risk weighted capital requirement: kockázati súlyozás szerinti tőkekövetelmény
ICA / internal capital assessment: belső tőkeértékelés
MCR / minimum capital requirement: minimális tőkeszükséglet
SCR / solvency capital requirement: szavatolótőke-szükséglet
capital punishment / death penalty: halálbüntetés
mezzanine capital / mezzanine debt: mezzanine hitel / mezzanine tőke
risk-sensitive capital requirement: kockázatvezérelt tőkekövetelmény
Natural Capital Financing Facility: Természetitőke-finanszírozási Eszköz
restrictions on outflows of capital: a tőkekiáramlás korlátozása
CRD / Capital Requirements Directive: a tőkekövetelményekről szóló irányelvek
CRD / Capital Requirements Directive: a tőkekövetelményekről szóló irányelv / tőkekövetelmény-irányelv
CRR / Capital Requirements Regulation: a tőkekövetelményekről szóló rendelet / tőkekövetelmény-rendelet
EuVECA / European venture capital fund: EuVECA / európai kockázatitőke-alap
RAROC / risk-adjusted return on capital: RAROC / kockázattal kiigazított tőkemegtérülés
capital account / owner's equity account: tőkeszámla
capital injection / injection of capital: tőkeinjekció
European Capital of Innovation / iCapital: az innováció európai fővárosa / európai innovációs főváros / i-főváros
gross capital formation / gross investment: bruttó felhalmozás
capital relief / regulatory capital relief: tőketartalék felszabadítása
fully paid-up capital / fully paid-up shares: teljes egészében befizetett tőke
capital company / company with share capital: tőkeegyesítő társaság
capital exercise / recapitalisation exercise: tőkekövetelményi vizsgálat
Basel I / Basle Accord / Basle Capital Accord: Bázel I. / Bázeli Tőkeegyezmény
EPCGS / Export Promotion Capital Goods Scheme: EPCGS / beruházási javak exportösztönzési rendszere
capital base / own funds / regulatory capital: szabályozói tőke / szavatoló tőke
equity / equity capital / shareholders' equity: saját tőke
State Financial and Capital Markets Supervision: ÁPTF / Állami Pénz- és Tőkepiaci Felügyelet
ICMA / International Capital Market Association: ICMA / Nemzetközi Tőkepiaci Szövetség
capital at risk / capital at risk in a contract: kockáztatott tőke / szerződés kockáztatott tőkéje
free capital movement / free movement of capital: a tőke szabad mozgása
capital conservation buffer / conservation buffer: tőkemegőrzési puffer
capital aid / financial aid / financial assistance: pénzügyi támogatás
quasi-capital / quasi-equity / quasi-equity capital: kvázi-sajáttőke
notional SCR / notional solvency capital requirement: elvi szavatolótőke-szükséglet
core capital / going-concern capital / tier 1 capital: alapvető tőke
BSCR / Basic SCR / Basic Solvency Capital Requirement: alapvető szavatolótőke-szükséglet
Basel II / Basel II Accord / New Basel Capital Accord: Bázel II. / Új Bázeli Tőkeegyezmény
CET 1 capital ratio / Common Equity Tier 1 capital ratio: elsődleges alapvető tőkemegfelelési mutató
issued capital / issued share capital / obligated capital: jegyzett tőke
RBC / Risk-Based Capital / Risk-Based Capital Requirements: kockázatalapú tőke / kockázatalapú tőkekövetelmény
Basel II / Basel II Capital Framework / Basel II Framework: Bázel II. keretrendszer / Bázel II. tőkekövetelmény-keret
capital subscription / subscription to the capital of the ECB: az EKB jegyzett tőkéjében való részesedés
EVCA / European Private Equity and Venture Capital Association: EVCA / Európai Kockázati és Magántőke Egyesület
liquid asset / liquid capital / quick asset / realizable asset: likvid eszköz
abolition of capital punishment / abolition of the death penalty: halálbüntetés eltörlése
overnight capital cost / overnight construction cost / overnight cost: egynapos építési költség
equity investment / equity-type financing / investment in equity capital: részesedésszerzés
capital export / capital outflow / export of capital / outflow of capital: tőkekiáramlás
AT1 / AT1 capital / Additional Tier 1 capital / Additional Tier One Capital: egyéb alapvető tőke
CAR / SAR / capital adequacy ratio / capital ratio / solvency adequacy ratio: tőkemegfelelési mutató
dynamic capital reserving / dynamic provisioning / forward looking provisioning: dinamikus céltartalékképzés / dinamikus céltartalékolás / dinamikus tartalékolás / előretekintő céltartalékolás
Commissioner for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union: a pénzügyi stabilitásért, a pénzügyi szolgáltatásokért és a tőkepiaci unióért felelős biztos
counter-cyclical buffer / counter-cyclical capital buffer / counter-cyclical reserve: anticiklikus tőkepuffer
capital increase / increase of capital / increase of capital stock / new issue of capital: tőkeemelés
capital charges / capital cost / capital expenditure / capital investment / capital outlay: beruházási kiadás
APIC / additional paid-in capital / issue premium / premium on capital stock / share premium: ázsió
authorised capital / authorized capital / authorized capital stock / authorized stock / registered capital: a jegyzett tőke legnagyobb engedélyezett összege
borrowed capital / debt capital / deposits and borrowed funds / liabilities / loan capital / outside capital: források / idegen tőke / kölcsöntőke / kötelezettségek
capital equipment / circulating capital / circulating capital fund / current assets / floating capital / working capital: forgótőke
GFCF / gross domestic fixed investment / gross fixed asset formation / gross fixed capital formation / gross fixed investment: bruttó állóeszköz-felhalmozás
Model Convention with respect to taxes on income and on capital / Model Tax Convention on Income and on Capital / OECD Model Tax Convention / OECD Model Treaty: Modellegyezmény a jövedelem és a vagyon adóztatásáról / OECD-modellegyezmény
DG Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union / Directorate-General for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union: A Pénzügyi Stabilitás, a Pénzügyi Szolgáltatások és a Tőkepiaci Unió Főigazgatósága
CAD / Capital Adequacy Directive / Directive 2006/49/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the capital adequacy of investment firms and credit institutions (recast): Az Európai Parlament és a Tanács 2006/49/EK irányelve a befektetési vállalkozások és hitelintézetek tőkemegfeleléséről (átdolgozás) / tőkemegfelelési irányelv
key for capital subscription / key for subscription of the ECB's capital / key for subscription to the European Central Bank’s capital / key for subscription to the capital of the European Central Bank / subscription key to the ECB's capital: az EKB tőkéjének jegyzésére vonatkozó kulcs / tőkejegyzési kulcs

capital - értelmező szótár

capital1 (n) assets available for use in the production of further assets
   Hasonló: working capital |

capital2 (n) wealth in the form of money or property owned by a person or business and human resources of economic value
capital3 (n) a seat of government
capital4 (n) one of the large alphabetic characters used as the first letter in writing or printing proper names and sometimes for emphasis
   Hasonló: capital letter | majuscule | upper-case letter | uppercase |

capital5 (n) a center that is associated more than any other with some activity or product the drug capital of Columbia
Capital6 (n) the federal government of the United States
   Hasonló: capital | washington |

Capital7 (n) a book written by Karl Marx (1867) describing his economic theories
   Hasonló: capital | das kapital |

capital8 (n) the upper part of a column that supports the entablature
   Hasonló: cap | chapiter |

capital1 (s) first-rate a capital idea
capital2 (s) of primary importance
capital3 (s) uppercase great A | many medieval manuscripts are in majuscule script
   Hasonló: great | majuscule |

  Lásd még: | capitalist | capitalize | capitalise | capital |

------ "capital" kifejezésekben --------
Albanian capital (n) the capital and largest city of Albania in the center of the country
Algerian capital (n) an ancient port on the Mediterranean; the capital and largest city of Algeria
American capital (n) the capital of the United States in the District of Columbia and a tourist mecca; George Washington commissioned Charles L'Enfant to lay out the city in 1791
Angolan capital (n) port city on Atlantic coast; the capital and largest city of Angola
Australian capital (n) the capital of Australia; located in southeastern Australia
Austrian capital (n) the capital and largest city of Austria; located on the Danube in northeastern Austria; was the home of Beethoven and Brahms and Haydn and Mozart and Schubert and Strauss
Belgian capital (n) the capital and largest city of Belgium; seat of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
block capital (n) a plain hand-drawn letter
Brazilian capital (n) the capital of Brazil; a city built on the central plateau and inaugurated in 1960
British capital (n) the capital and largest city of England; located on the Thames in southeastern England; financial and industrial and cultural center
Bulgarian capital (n) capital and largest city of Bulgaria located in western Bulgaria
Cambodian capital (n) the capital and largest city of Kampuchea
Canadian capital (n) the capital of Canada (located in southeastern Ontario across the Ottawa river from Quebec)
capital account (n) (economics) that part of the balance of payments recording a nation's outflow and inflow of financial securities
capital cost (n) the opportunity cost of the funds employed as the result of an investment decision; the rate of return that a business could earn if it chose another investment with equivalent risk
capital expenditure (n) the cost of long-term improvements
capital gain (n) the amount by which the selling price of an asset exceeds the purchase price; the gain is realized when the asset is sold
capital gains tax (n) a tax on capital gains
capital letter (n) one of the large alphabetic characters used as the first letter in writing or printing proper names and sometimes for emphasis
capital levy (n) a tax on capital or property
capital loss (n) the amount by which the purchase price of an asset exceeds the selling price; the loss is realized when the asset is sold
capital of Afghanistan (n) the capital and largest city of Afghanistan; located in eastern Afghanistan
capital of Alabama (n) the state capital of Alabama on the Mobile River
capital of Alaska (n) the state capital of Alaska
capital of Antigua and Barbuda (n) the capital and largest city of Antigua and Barbuda; located on the island of Antigua
capital of Argentina (n) capital and largest city of Argentina; located in eastern Argentina near Uruguay; Argentina's chief port and industrial and cultural center
capital of Arizona (n) the state capital and largest city located in south central Arizona; situated in a former desert that has become a prosperous agricultural area thanks to irrigation
capital of Arkansas (n) the state capital and largest city of Arkansas in the central part of Arkansas on the Arkansas River
capital of Armenia (n) capital of Armenia
capital of Australia (n) the capital of Australia; located in southeastern Australia
capital of Austria (n) the capital and largest city of Austria; located on the Danube in northeastern Austria; was the home of Beethoven and Brahms and Haydn and Mozart and Schubert and Strauss
capital of Azerbaijan (n) a port city on the Caspian Sea that is the capital of Azerbaijan and an important center for oil production
capital of Bahrain (n) the capital of Bahrain; located at the northern end of Bahrain Island
capital of Bangladesh (n) the capital and largest city of Bangladesh
capital of Barbados (n) capital of Barbados; a port city on the southwestern coast of Barbados
capital of Belarus (n) the capital of Belarus and of the Commonwealth of Independent States
capital of Belgium (n) the capital and largest city of Belgium; seat of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
capital of Benin (n) the capital of Benin in southwestern part of country on a coastal lagoon
capital of Bolivia (n) capital city in western Bolivia and the administrative seat of Bolivia's government; largest city in Bolivia
capital of Botswana (n) capital and largest city of Botswana in the extreme southeast
capital of Brazil (n) the capital of Brazil; a city built on the central plateau and inaugurated in 1960
capital of Burundi (n) the capital and largest city of Burundi
capital of California (n) a city in north central California 75 miles to the northeast of San Francisco on the Sacramento River; capital of California
capital of Cameroon (n) the capital of Cameroon
capital of Canada (n) the capital of Canada (located in southeastern Ontario across the Ottawa river from Quebec)
capital of Cape Verde (n) the capital of Cape Verde on Sao Tiago Island
capital of Central Africa (n) the capital and largest city of the Central African Republic
capital of Chad (n) the capital and largest city of Chad; located in the southwestern on the Shari river
capital of Chile (n) the capital and largest city of Chile; located in central Chile; one of the largest cities in South America
capital of Colombia (n) capital and largest city of Colombia; located in central Colombia on a high fertile plain
capital of Colorado (n) the state capital and largest city of Colorado; located in central Colorado on the South Platte river
capital of Connecticut (n) the state capital of Connecticut; located in central Connecticut on the Connecticut river; a center of the insurance business
capital of Costa Rica (n) the capital and largest city of Costa Rica
capital of Cuba (n) the capital and largest city of Cuba; located in western Cuba; one of the oldest cities in the Americas
capital of Cyprus (n) the capital and largest city of Cyprus
capital of Delaware (n) the capital of the state of Delaware
capital of Djibouti (n) port city on the Gulf of Aden; the capital and largest city of Djibouti
capital of Ecuador (n) the capital of Ecuador
capital of Egypt (n) the capital of Egypt and the largest city in Africa; a major port just to the south of the Nile delta; formerly the home of the Pharaohs
capital of Estonia (n) a port city on the Gulf of Finland that is the capital and largest city of Estonia
capital of Ethiopia (n) the capital of Ethiopia and the country's largest city; located in central Ethiopia
capital of Finland (n) the capital and largest city of Finland; located in southern Finland; a major port and commercial and cultural center
capital of Florida (n) capital of the state of Florida; located in northern Florida
capital of France (n) the capital and largest city of France; and international center of culture and commerce
capital of Gabon (n) the capital of Gabon
capital of Gambia (n) a port city and capital of Gambia
capital of Georgia (n) state capital and largest city of Georgia; chief commercial center of the southeastern United States; was plundered and burned by Sherman's army during the American Civil War
capital of Ghana (n) the capital and largest city of Ghana with a deep-water port
capital of Greece (n) the capital and largest city of Greece; named after Athena (its patron goddess)
capital of Grenada (n) the capital and largest city of Grenada
capital of Guatemala (n) the capital and largest city of Guatemala
capital of Guinea (n) a port and the capital of Guinea
capital of Guinea-Bissau (n) the capital of Guinea-Bissau
capital of Hawaii (n) the capital and largest city of Hawaii; located on a large bay on the island of Oahu
capital of Hungary (n) capital and largest city of Hungary; located on the Danube River in north-central Hungary
capital of Iceland (n) the capital and chief port of Iceland on the southwestern coast of Iceland; buildings are heated by natural hot water
capital of Idaho (n) the capital and largest city of Idaho
capital of Illinois (n) capital of the state of Illinois
capital of India (n) the capital of India is a division of the old city of Delhi
capital of Indiana (n) the capital and largest city of Indiana; a major commercial center in the country's heartland; site of an annual 500-mile automobile race
capital of Indonesia (n) capital and largest city of Indonesia; located on the island of Java; founded by the Dutch in 17th century
capital of Iowa (n) the capital and largest city in Iowa
capital of Iran (n) the capital and largest city of Iran; located in northern Iran
capital of Iraq (n) capital and largest city of Iraq; located on the Tigris River
capital of Ireland (n) capital and largest city and major port of the Irish Republic
capital of Israel (n) capital and largest city of the modern state of Israel (although its status as capital is disputed); it was captured from Jordan in 1967 in the Six Day War; a holy city for Jews and Christians and Muslims; was the capital of an ancient kingdom
capital of Italy (n) capital and largest city of Italy; on the Tiber; seat of the Roman Catholic Church; formerly the capital of the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire
capital of Jamaica (n) capital and largest city of Jamaica
capital of Japan (n) the capital and largest city of Japan; the economic and cultural center of Japan
capital of Jordan (n) the capital and largest city of Jordan
capital of Kansas (n) the capital of the state of Kansas; located in eastern Kansas on the Kansas river
capital of Kazakhstan (n) remote city of Kazakhstan that (ostensibly for security reasons) was made the capital in 1998
capital of Kentucky (n) the capital of Kentucky; located in northern Kentucky
capital of Kenya (n) the capital and largest city of Kenya; a center for tourist safaris
capital of Kuwait (n) a seaport on the Persian Gulf and capital of Kuwait
capital of Kyrgyzstan (n) the capital of Kyrgyzstan (known as Frunze 1926-1991)
capital of Laos (n) the capital and largest city of Laos
capital of Latvia (n) a port city on the Gulf of Riga that is the capital and largest city of Latvia; formerly a member of the Hanseatic League
capital of Lebanon (n) capital and largest city of Lebanon; located in western Lebanon on the Mediterranean
capital of Lesotho (n) the capital of Lesotho; located in northwestern Lesotho
capital of Liberia (n) the capital and chief port and largest city of Liberia
capital of Libya (n) the capital and chief port and largest city of Libya; in northwestern Libya on the Mediterranean Sea; founded by the Phoenicians in the 7th century BC
capital of Liechtenstein (n) the capital and largest city of Liechtenstein
capital of Lithuania (n) the capital and largest city of Lithuania; located in southeastern Lithuania
capital of Louisiana (n) capital of Louisiana
capital of Luxembourg (n) the capital and largest city of Luxembourg
capital of Madagascar (n) the capital and largest city of Madagascar
capital of Maine (n) the capital of the state of Maine
capital of Malawi (n) the capital of Malawi; located in south central Malawi
capital of Malaysia (n) Malaysia's sparkling new capital
capital of Malta (n) the capital of Malta; located on the northeastern coast of the island
capital of Maryland (n) state capital of Maryland; site of the United States Naval Academy
capital of Massachusetts (n) state capital and largest city of Massachusetts; a major center for banking and financial services
capital of Mexico (n) the capital and largest city of Mexico is a political and cultural and commercial and industrial center; one of the world's largest cities
capital of Michigan (n) capital of the state of Michigan; located in southern Michigan on the Grand River
capital of Minnesota (n) capital of the state of Minnesota; located in southeastern Minnesota on the Mississippi river adjacent to Minneapolis; one of the Twin Cities
capital of Mississippi (n) capital of the state of Mississippi on the Pearl River
capital of Missouri (n) capital of the state of Missouri; located in central Missouri on the Missouri river
capital of Moldova (n) the capital of Moldova
capital of Mongolia (n) the capital and largest city of Mongolia
capital of Montana (n) capital of the state of Montana; located in western Montana
capital of Morocco (n) the capital of Morocco; located in the northwestern on the Atlantic coast
capital of Mozambique (n) the capital and largest city of Mozambique
capital of Nebraska (n) capital of the state of Nebraska; located in southeastern Nebraska; site of the University of Nebraska
capital of Nepal (n) the capital and largest city of Nepal
capital of Nevada (n) capital of the state of Nevada; located in western Nevada
capital of New Hampshire (n) capital of the state of New Hampshire; located in south central New Hampshire on the Merrimack river
capital of New Jersey (n) capital of the state of New Jersey; located in western New Jersey on the Delaware river
capital of New Mexico (n) capital of the state of New Mexico; located in north central New Mexico
capital of New York (n) state capital of New York; located in eastern New York State on the west bank of the Hudson river
capital of New Zealand (n) the capital of New Zealand
capital of Nicaragua (n) the capital and largest city of Nicaragua
capital of Niger (n) the capital and largest city of Niger
capital of Nigeria (n) capital of Nigeria in the center of the country
capital of North Carolina (n) capital of the state of North Carolina; located in the east central part of the North Carolina
capital of North Dakota (n) capital of the state of North Dakota; located in south central North Dakota overlooking the Missouri river
capital of North Korea (n) capital of North Korea and an industrial center
capital of Northern Ireland (n) capital and largest city of Northern Ireland; the center of Protestantism in Northern Ireland
capital of Norway (n) the capital and largest city of Norway; the country's main port; located at the head of a fjord on Norway's southern coast
capital of Ohio (n) the state capital of Ohio; located in the center of the state; site of Ohio State University
capital of Oklahoma (n) capital and largest city of Oklahoma; the economy is based on oil and livestock
capital of Oman (n) a port on the Gulf of Oman and capital of the sultanate of Oman
capital of Oregon (n) capital of the state of Oregon in the northwestern part of the state on the Willamette River
capital of Pakistan (n) the capital of Pakistan in the north on a plateau; the site was chosen in 1959
capital of Panama (n) the capital and largest city of Panama
capital of Papua New Guinea (n) the administrative capital and largest city of Papua New Guinea
capital of Paraguay (n) the capital and chief port of Paraguay
capital of Pennsylvania (n) capital of Pennsylvania; located in southern part of state
capital of Peru (n) capital and largest city and economic center of Peru; located in western Peru; was capital of the Spanish empire in the New World until the 19th century
capital of Poland (n) the capital and largest city of Poland; located in central Poland
capital of Portugal (n) capital and largest city and economic and cultural center of Portugal; a major port in western Portugal on Tagus River where it broadens and empties into the Atlantic
capital of Qatar (n) the capital and chief port of Qatar
capital of Red China (n) capital of the People's Republic of China in the Hebei province in northeastern China; 2nd largest Chinese city
capital of Rhode Island (n) the capital and largest city of Rhode Island; located in northeastern Rhode Island on Narragansett Bay; site of Brown University
capital of Romania (n) national capital and largest city of Romania in southeastern Romania
capital of Rwanda (n) the national capital and largest city of Rwanda; located in central Rwanda
capital of San Marino (n) the capital and only city of San Marino
capital of Saudi Arabia (n) joint capital (with Mecca) of Saudi Arabia located in the central oasis; largest city in Saudi Arabia
capital of Senegal (n) the capital and chief port and largest city of Senegal
capital of Serbia and Montenegro (n) capital and largest city of Serbia and Montenegro; situated on the Danube
capital of Seychelles (n) port city and the capital of Seychelles
capital of Sierra Leone (n) port city and the capital and largest city of Sierra Leone
capital of Singapore (n) the capital of Singapore; one of the world's biggest ports
capital of Slovakia (n) capital and largest city of Slovakia
capital of Somalia (n) the capital and largest city of Somalia; a port on the Indian Ocean
capital of South Africa (n) city in the Transvaal; the seat of the executive branch of the government of South Africa
capital of South Carolina (n) capital and largest city in South Carolina; located in central South Carolina
capital of South Dakota (n) capital of the state of South Dakota; located in central South Dakota on the Missouri river
capital of South Korea (n) the capital of South Korea and the largest city of Asia; located in northwestern South Korea
capital of Spain (n) the capital and largest city situated centrally in Spain; home of an outstanding art museum
capital of Sri Lanka (n) the capital and largest city of Sri Lanka; has one of the largest harbors in the world; is located on the western coast of the island of Ceylon
capital of Sudan (n) the capital of Sudan located at the confluence of the Blue Nile and White Nile
capital of Suriname (n) the capital and largest city and major port of Surinam
capital of Swaziland (n) capital of Swaziland; located in northwestern Swaziland
capital of Sweden (n) the capital and largest city of Sweden; located in southern Sweden on the Baltic
capital of Switzerland (n) the capital of Switzerland; located in western Switzerland
capital of Syria (n) an ancient city (widely regarded as the world's oldest) and present capital and largest city of Syria; according to the New Testament, the Apostle Paul (then known as Saul) underwent a dramatic conversion on the road to Damascus
capital of Taiwan (n) the capital of Nationalist China; located in northern Taiwan
capital of Tajikistan (n) the capital of Tajikistan; formerly Stalinabad 1926-1991
capital of Tanzania (n) the capital and largest port city of Tanzania on the Indian Ocean
capital of Tennessee (n) capital of the state of Tennessee; located in the north central part of the state on the Cumberland River; known for country music
capital of Texas (n) state capital of Texas on the Colorado River; site of the University of Texas
capital of Thailand (n) the capital and largest city and chief port of Thailand; a leading city in southeastern Asia; noted for Buddhist architecture
capital of the Bahamas (n) the capital of the Bahamas
capital of the Dominican Republic (n) the capital and largest city of the Dominican Republic
capital of The Netherlands (n) an industrial center and the nominal capital of the Netherlands; center of the diamond-cutting industry; seat of an important stock exchange; known for its canals and art museum
capital of the Philippines (n) the capital and largest city of the Philippines; located on southern Luzon
capital of the Russian Federation (n) a city of central European Russia; formerly capital of both the Soviet Union and Soviet Russia; since 1991 the capital of the Russian Federation
capital of the Ukraine (n) capital and largest city of the Ukraine; a major manufacturing and transportation center
capital of the United Kingdom (n) the capital and largest city of England; located on the Thames in southeastern England; financial and industrial and cultural center
capital of the United States (n) the capital of the United States in the District of Columbia and a tourist mecca; George Washington commissioned Charles L'Enfant to lay out the city in 1791
capital of Tibet (n) the sacred city of Lamaism; known as the Forbidden City for its former inaccessibility and hostility to strangers
capital of Togo (n) capital and largest city of Togo; located in the south on the Gulf of Guinea
capital of Trinidad and Tobago (n) the capital and largest city of Trinidad and Tobago on the west coast of the island of Trinidad
capital of Tunisia (n) the capital and principal port of Tunisia
capital of Turkey (n) the capital of Turkey; located in west-central Turkey; it was formerly known as Angora and is the home of Angora goats
capital of Turkmenistan (n) the capital and largest city of Turkmenistan
capital of Uganda (n) the capital and largest city of Uganda on the north shore of Lake Victoria
capital of Uruguay (n) the capital and largest city of Uruguay; a cosmopolitan city and one of the busiest ports in South America
capital of Utah (n) the capital and largest city of Utah; located near the Great Salt Lake in north central Utah; world capital of the Mormon Church
capital of Uzbek (n) the capital of Uzbekistan
capital of Vanuatu (n) capital of Vanuatu
capital of Venezuela (n) the capital and largest city of Venezuela
capital of Vermont (n) capital of the state of Vermont; located in north central Vermont
capital of Vietnam (n) the capital city of Vietnam; located in North Vietnam
capital of Virginia (n) capital of the state of Virginia located in the east central part of the state; was capital of the Confederacy during the American Civil War
capital of Washington (n) capital of the state of Washington; located in western Washington on Puget Sound
capital of West Virginia (n) state capital of West Virginia in the central part of the state on the Kanawha river
capital of Western Samoa (n) the capital of Western Samoa
capital of Wisconsin (n) capital of the state of Wisconsin; located in the southern part of state; site of the main branch of the University of Wisconsin
capital of Wyoming (n) the capital and largest city of Wyoming; located in the southeastern corner of the state
capital of Zambia (n) the capital and largest city of Zambia
capital of Zimbabwe (n) the capital and largest city of Zimbabwe
capital offense (n) a crime so serious that capital punishment is considered appropriate
capital punishment (n) putting a condemned person to death
capital ship (n) a warship of the first rank in size and armament
capital stock (n) the maximum number of shares authorized under the terms of a corporation's articles of incorporation
cost of capital (n) the opportunity cost of the funds employed as the result of an investment decision; the rate of return that a business could earn if it chose another investment with equivalent risk
Cuban capital (n) the capital and largest city of Cuba; located in western Cuba; one of the oldest cities in the Americas
Czech capital (n) the capital and largest city of the Czech Republic in the western part of the country; a cultural and commercial center since the 14th century
Danish capital (n) the capital and largest city of Denmark; located on the island of Zealand
Dutch capital (n) an industrial center and the nominal capital of the Netherlands; center of the diamond-cutting industry; seat of an important stock exchange; known for its canals and art museum
Egyptian capital (n) the capital of Egypt and the largest city in Africa; a major port just to the south of the Nile delta; formerly the home of the Pharaohs
Finnish capital (n) the capital and largest city of Finland; located in southern Finland; a major port and commercial and cultural center
French capital (n) the capital and largest city of France; and international center of culture and commerce
German capital (n) capital of Germany located in eastern Germany
Greek capital (n) the capital and largest city of Greece; named after Athena (its patron goddess)
Haitian capital (n) the capital and largest city of Haiti
Hawaiian capital (n) the capital and largest city of Hawaii; located on a large bay on the island of Oahu
Honduran capital (n) the capital and largest city of Honduras
Hungarian capital (n) capital and largest city of Hungary; located on the Danube River in north-central Hungary
Indian capital (n) the capital of India is a division of the old city of Delhi
Iranian capital (n) the capital and largest city of Iran; located in northern Iran
Irish capital (n) capital and largest city and major port of the Irish Republic
Italian capital (n) capital and largest city of Italy; on the Tiber; seat of the Roman Catholic Church; formerly the capital of the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire
Jamaican capital (n) capital and largest city of Jamaica
Japanese capital (n) the capital and largest city of Japan; the economic and cultural center of Japan
Laotian capital (n) the capital and largest city of Laos
Liberian capital (n) the capital and chief port and largest city of Liberia
Mexican capital (n) the capital and largest city of Mexico is a political and cultural and commercial and industrial center; one of the world's largest cities
national capital (n) the capital city of a nation
Nicaraguan capital (n) the capital and largest city of Nicaragua
Nigerian capital (n) capital of Nigeria in the center of the country
operating capital (n) capital available for the operations of a firm (e.g. manufacturing or transportation) as distinct from financial transactions and long-term improvements
Panamanian capital (n) the capital and largest city of Panama
provincial capital (n) the capital city of a province
return on invested capital (n) (corporate finance) the amount, expressed as a percentage, that is earned on a company's total capital calculated by dividing the total capital into earnings before interest, taxes, or dividends are paid
risk capital (n) wealth available for investment in new or speculative enterprises
Russian capital (n) a city of central European Russia; formerly capital of both the Soviet Union and Soviet Russia; since 1991 the capital of the Russian Federation
Salvadoran capital (n) the capital and largest city of El Salvador; has suffered from recurrent earthquakes
small capital (n) a character having the form of an upper-case letter but the same height as lower-case letters
Spanish capital (n) the capital and largest city situated centrally in Spain; home of an outstanding art museum
state capital (n) the capital city of a political subdivision of a country
Turkish capital (n) the capital of Turkey; located in west-central Turkey; it was formerly known as Angora and is the home of Angora goats
United Arab Emirates's capital (n) a sheikhdom of eastern Arabia and capital of the United Arab Emirates
venture capital (n) wealth available for investment in new or speculative enterprises
working capital (n) assets available for use in the production of further assets
capital account (n) (finance) an account of the net value of a business at a specified date
capital of Georgia (n) the capital and largest city of Georgia on the Kura river
capital stock (n) the book value of the outstanding shares of a corporation

"capital" - Business English értelmező szakszótár

Capital the financial investment required to initiate and/or operate an enterprise.
Working Capital the cash available to an enterprise for day-to-day operations.

A "capital" szó a Jogi Értelmező szakszótárban:

Capital crime A crime punishable by death.; A crime punishable by death.


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