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banding - Online English Department Dictionary

band: szíj [pl. óraszíj]

banding - kétnyelvű szótár

band: kötés; csík; pánt; vaspánt; köteg; sáv; hullámsáv; zenekar; összeköt; összeverődik; csoportosul; szalag; banda; csapat; szegély; nyaláb; vékony érccsík; szelet; pad; réteg; mérőszalag; vékony rétegben lerakódott agyag; heveder; zóna; gyűrű; aknamerevítő abroncs; pamutzsinór; egykomponens-sáv; hajszalag; gézpólya; vászonpólya; vaskarika; abroncs; vasalás; szállítószalag; futószalag; hajtószíj; összekötő heveder; összekötő pánt; földrajzi övezet; beágyazódás; közbetelepülés; közbetelepült vékony réteg; zárvány; vékony érczsinór; csoport; társaság; egyesület; érdekcsoport; klikk; katonazenekar; tánczenekar;

-------------- kifejezésekben: --------------
amateur band: amatőr hullámsáv; band aid: gyorstapasz; band of fire: megsemmisítő tűz; band of hope: alkoholellenes egyesület; band spread: sávnyújtás; band together: összeverődik; csoportosul; bias band: ferdén szabott szalag; brass and reed band: fúvószenekar; fúvósok; brass band: rézfúvós zenekar; conduction band: vezetőképességi sáv; vezetési sáv; crape band: gyászszalag; gyászkarszalag; crepe band: karszalag; gyászkarszalag; elastic band: gumipólya; gumiszalag; endless band: futószalag; german band: vándorzenész társulat; vándorzenész csapat; leader of a gipsy band: cigányprímás; lease band: csépszalag; one-man band: egyszerre több hangszeren játszó zenész; paper band: papírgyűrű; papírszalag; regimental band: ezredzenekar; rock band: rockzenekar; rubber band: gumiheveder; hajtószíj; gumiszalag; skip band: rövidhullámú néma zóna; smoke band: füstcsík; sweat band: izzasztó; the band struck up: a zenekar rázendített; trained band: városi polgárőrség osztaga; upper band: puskakarika; watch band: óraszíj; when the band begins to play: amikor a dolgok komolyra fordulnak; wrist band: óraszíj;

banding - EU-szótár

band: sáv
banding analysis / chromosomal banding / chromosome banding: sávos elemzés / sávtechnika

banding - értelmező szótár

band1 (n) an unofficial association of people or groups they were an angry lot
   Hasonló: circle | lot | set |

banding1 (n) a stripe or stripes of contrasting color the black and yellow banding of bees and wasps
   Hasonló: band | stria | striation |

band2 (n) instrumentalists not including string players
banding2 (n) an adornment consisting of a strip of a contrasting color or material
   Hasonló: band | stripe |

band3 (n) a stripe or stripes of contrasting color the black and yellow banding of bees and wasps
   Hasonló: banding | stria | striation |

band4 (n) an adornment consisting of a strip of a contrasting color or material
   Hasonló: banding | stripe |

band5 (n) a group of musicians playing popular music for dancing
   Hasonló: dance band | dance orchestra |

band6 (n) a range of frequencies between two limits
band7 (n) a thin flat strip of flexible material that is worn around the body or one of the limbs (especially to decorate the body)
band8 (n) a cord-like tissue connecting two larger parts of an anatomical structure
   Hasonló: isthmus |

band9 (n) jewelry consisting of a circlet of precious metal (often set with jewels) worn on the finger he noted that she wore a wedding band
   Hasonló: ring |

band10 (n) a driving belt in machinery
band11 (n) a thin flat strip or loop of flexible material that goes around or over something else, typically to hold it together or as a decoration
band12 (n) a strip of material attached to the leg of a bird to identify it (as in studies of bird migration)
   Hasonló: ring |

band13 (n) a restraint put around something to hold it together
band1 (v) bind or tie together, as with a band
band2 (v) attach a ring to the foot of, in order to identify band the geese to observe their migratory patterns
   Hasonló: ring |

Ellentétes értelmű: | band |
  Lásd még: | band |

------ "banding" kifejezésekben --------
absorption band (n) a dark band in the spectrum of white light that has been transmitted through a substance that exhibits absorption at selective wavelengths
arm band (n) a band worn around the arm for decoration
Band Aid (n) trade name for an adhesive bandage to cover small cuts or blisters
Band of Partisans (n) an extremist Palestinian Sunni group active in Lebanon in the early 1990s that advocates Salafism; responsible for murders and bombings; seeks to overthrow the Lebanese government and control Palestinian refugee camps; funded by al-Qaeda
band saw (n) an endless saw consisting of a toothed metal band that is driven around two wheels
big band (n) a large dance or jazz band usually featuring improvised solos by lead musicians
brake band (n) a band that can be tightened around a shaft to stop its rotation
brass band (n) a group of musicians playing only brass and percussion instruments
cigar band (n) a narrow paper band around a cigar
concert band (n) a group of musicians playing brass and woodwind and percussion instruments
dance band (n) a group of musicians playing popular music for dancing
elastic band (n) a narrow band of elastic rubber used to hold things (such as papers) together
frequency band (n) a band of adjacent radio frequencies (e.g., assigned for transmitting radio or television signals)
jazz band (n) a small band of jazz musicians
jug band (n) a musical group that uses jugs and washboards and kazoos and other improvised instruments
marching band (n) a band that marches (as in a parade) and plays music at the same time
military band (n) a group of musicians playing brass and woodwind and percussion instruments
mourning band (n) a black band worn by a man (on the arm or hat) as a sign of mourning
rock band (n) a band of musicians who play rock'n'roll music
rubber band (n) a narrow band of elastic rubber used to hold things (such as papers) together
steel band (n) a band that plays instruments made from the heads of oil drums (Caribbean Islands)
vocal band (n) either of two pairs of folds of mucous membrane projecting into the larynx
wedding band (n) a ring (usually plain gold) given to the bride (and sometimes one is also given to the groom) at the wedding
wrist band (n) a band or bracelet worn around the wrist
band aid (n) hurried repair
band oneself (v) attach oneself to a group
band together (v) form a group or unite

A(z) banding szóhoz valahogyan kapcsolódó szavak - fedezd fel őket is!

armband | arm band | armlet | backband | bellyband | collar | neckband | collar | garter | supporter | cincture | girdle | sash | waistband | waistcloth | headband | headpiece | headstall | hoop | ring | elastic | elastic band | rubber band | shoulder strap | strap | slip | strip | sweatband | sweatband | bracelet | watch bracelet | watchband | watchstrap | wristband | mourning band | weed | wristband | wrist band | wristlet | adornment | cigar band | garment | hatband | neckband | pinstripe | brake band | collet | ligature | constraint | restraint | withe | slip | strip | slip | strip | loop | belt | annulet | engagement ring | jewellery | jewelry | mourning ring | ringlet | seal ring | signet ring | wedding band | wedding ring | collar | stretch mark | bar | streak | stripe | tissue | frequency band | waveband | range | social group | car pool | camp | clique | coterie | ingroup | inner circle | pack | cohort | confederacy | conspiracy | four hundred | horsey set | horsy set | jet set | company | party | section | musical group | musical organisation | musical organization | marching band | brass band | concert band | military band | musical group | musical organisation | musical organization | big band | combo | jazz band | jazz group | rock band | rock group | steel band | attach | bind | tie | adornment | cigar band | garment | hatband | neckband | pinstripe | collar | stretch mark | bar | streak | stripe |

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