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flower - Online English Department Dictionary

greater pasque flower: leánykökörcsin / lókökörcsin / kikirics / kükörics / tikdöglesztő / alamuszvirág / kokasharang / varjúkikerics

flower - kétnyelvű szótár

flower: virágdísz; levéldísz; rózsa; rozetta; csiga; virágzás; krém; elit; színe-java vminek; dísze-virága vminek; virág;

-------------- kifejezésekben: --------------
a flower: egy szál virág; artificial flower: művirág; be in the flower of one`s age: élete virágjában van; élete teljében van; burst into flower: kivirágzik; virágba fakad; virágba borul; cut flower: vágott virág; field flower: mezei virág; flower bowl: virágtál; flower of sulphur: kénvirág; flower show: virágkiállítás; flower stand: virágállvány; in full flower: teljes virágjában; inconspicuous flower: szerény kis virág; meadow enamelled with flower: virágokkal ékes mező; paschal flower: kökörcsin; anemóna; passion flower: golgotavirág; pin a flower on one`s dress: virágot tűz a ruhájába; single flower: egyszerű virág; wild flower: vadvirág; mezei virág;

flower - értelmező szótár

flower1 (n) a plant cultivated for its blooms or blossoms
flower2 (n) reproductive organ of angiosperm plants especially one having showy or colorful parts
   Hasonló: bloom | blossom |

flower3 (n) the period of greatest prosperity or productivity
   Hasonló: bloom | blossom | efflorescence | flush | heyday | peak | prime |

flower1 (v) produce or yield flowers
   Hasonló: bloom | blossom |

  Lásd még: | flowering | flowery | flower |

------ "flower" kifejezésekben --------
apetalous flower (n) flower having no petals
artificial flower (n) a handmade imitation of a blossom
balloon flower (n) fragrant puffed-up white to reddish-pink flowers in long narrow clusters on erect stems; Arizona to New Mexico and Utah
basket flower (n) annual of southwestern United States cultivated for its purple flower heads and its bracts that resemble small baskets
blanket flower (n) annual of central United States having showy long-stalked yellow flower heads marked with scarlet or purple in the center
blood flower (n) tropical herb having orange-red flowers followed by pods suggesting a swallow with outspread wings; a weed throughout the tropics
blue cardinal flower (n) tall erect and very leafy perennial herb of eastern North America having dense spikes of blue flowers
butterfly flower (n) any plant of the genus Schizanthus having finely divided leaves and showy variegated flowers
canarybird flower (n) a climber having flowers that are the color of canaries
cardinal flower (n) North American lobelia having brilliant red flowers
carrion flower (n) any of various plants of the genus Stapelia having succulent leafless toothed stems resembling cacti and large foul-smelling (often star-shaped) flowers
chigger flower (n) erect perennial of eastern and southern United States having showy orange flowers
Christmas flower (n) tropical American plant having poisonous milk and showy tapering usually scarlet petallike leaves surrounding small yellow flowers
compass flower (n) any of several plants having leaves so arranged on the axis as to indicate the cardinal points of the compass
corkscrew flower (n) perennial tropical American vine cultivated for its racemes of showy yellow and purple flowers having the corolla keel coiled like a snail shell; sometimes placed in genus Phaseolus
crepe flower (n) ornamental shrub from eastern India commonly planted in the southern United States
cuckoo flower (n) a bitter cress of Europe and America
cushion flower (n) tall straggling shrub with large globose crimson-yellow flowers; western Australia
Eastern pasque flower (n) short hairy perennial with early spring blue-violet or lilac flowers; North America and Siberia
evening trumpet flower (n) poisonous woody evergreen vine of southeastern United States having fragrant yellow funnel-shaped flowers
everlasting flower (n) any of various plants of various genera of the family Compositae having flowers that can be dried without loss of form or color
fennel flower (n) nigella of Spain and southern France
fiesta flower (n) straggling California annual herb with deep purple or violet flowers; sometimes placed in genus Nemophila
flame flower (n) a plant of the genus Kniphofia having long grasslike leaves and tall scapes of red or yellow drooping flowers
flamingo flower (n) commonly cultivated anthurium having bright scarlet spathe and spadix
flower arrangement (n) a decorative arrangement of flowers
flower bed (n) a bed in which flowers are growing
flower bud (n) a bud from which only a flower or flowers develop
flower chain (n) flowers strung together in a chain
flower child (n) someone who rejects the established culture; advocates extreme liberalism in politics and lifestyle
flower cluster (n) an inflorescence consisting of a cluster of flowers
flower garden (n) a garden featuring flowering plants
flower gardening (n) the cultivation of flowering plants
flower girl (n) a woman who sells flowers in the street
flower head (n) a shortened compact cluster of flowers so arranged that the whole gives the effect of a single flower as in clover or members of the family Compositae
flower people (n) a youth subculture (mostly from the middle class) originating in San Francisco in the 1960s; advocated universal love and peace and communes and long hair and soft drugs; favored acid rock and progressive rock music
flower petal (n) part of the perianth that is usually brightly colored
flower power (n) a counterculture of young people in the US during the 1960s and 70s
flower stalk (n) erect leafless flower stalk growing directly from the ground as in a tulip
flower store (n) a shop where flowers and ornamental plants are sold
gand flower (n) small European perennial with numerous branches having racemes of blue, pink or white flowers; formerly reputed to promote human lactation
garland flower (n) widely cultivated low evergreen shrub with dense clusters of fragrant pink to deep rose flowers
globe flower (n) any of several plants of the genus Trollius having globose yellow flowers
guinea flower (n) any of several Australasian evergreen vines widely cultivated in warm regions for their large bright yellow single flowers
guinea-hen flower (n) Eurasian checkered lily with pendant flowers usually veined and checkered with purple or maroon on a pale ground and shaped like the bells carried by lepers in medieval times; widely grown as an ornamental
helmet flower (n) a poisonous herb native to northern Europe having hooded blue-purple flowers; the dried leaves and roots yield aconite
leather flower (n) scandent subshrub of southeastern United States having large red-purple bell-shaped flowers with leathery recurved sepals
moccasin flower (n) once common rose pink woodland orchid of eastern North America
narrow-leaved flame flower (n) similar to Talinum aurantiacum but with narrower leaves and yellow-orange flowers; southwestern United States
Nepal trumpet flower (n) evergreen woody twiner with large glossy leaves and showy corymbs of fragrant white trumpet-shaped flowers
New Flower (n) the capital of Ethiopia and the country's largest city; located in central Ethiopia
nutmeg flower (n) herb of the Mediterranean region having pungent seeds used like those of caraway
old maid flower (n) any of various plants of the genus Zinnia cultivated for their variously and brightly colored flower heads
paper flower (n) Brazilian vine that tends to flower continuously
paradise flower (n) tropical shrub or small tree having showy yellow to orange-red flowers; sometimes placed in genus Poinciana
pasque flower (n) any plant of the genus Pulsatilla; sometimes included in genus Anemone
peacock flower (n) showy tropical tree or shrub native to Madagascar; widely planted in tropical regions for its immense racemes of scarlet and orange flowers; sometimes placed in genus Poinciana
peacock flower fence (n) East Indian tree with racemes of yellow-white flowers; cultivated as an ornamental
pincushion flower (n) Old World annual having fragrant purple to deep crimson flower heads; naturalized in United States
pinwheel flower (n) tropical shrub having glossy foliage and fragrant nocturnal flowers with crimped or wavy corollas; northern India to Thailand
proboscis flower (n) annual of southern United States to Mexico having large whitish or yellowish flowers mottled with purple and a long curving beak
ray flower (n) small flower with a flat strap-shaped corolla usually occupying the peripheral rings of a composite flower
redbird flower (n) low tropical American shrub having powerful emetic properties
satin flower (n) southeastern European plant cultivated for its fragrant purplish flowers and round flat papery silver-white seedpods that are used for indoor decoration
scarlet musk flower (n) viscid branched perennial of the southwestern United States and northern Mexico having tuberous roots and deep red flowers
Siberian wall flower (n) showy erect biennial or short-lived perennial cultivated for its terminal racemes of orange-yellow flowers; sometimes placed in genus Cheiranthus
snail flower (n) perennial tropical American vine cultivated for its racemes of showy yellow and purple flowers having the corolla keel coiled like a snail shell; sometimes placed in genus Phaseolus
spathe flower (n) any of various plants of the genus Spathiphyllum having a white or green spathe and a spike of fragrant flowers and often cultivated as an ornamental
spider flower (n) native to South America but naturalized in warm parts of United States; grown for its long-lasting spider-shaped white to pink-purple flowers
starfish flower (n) any of various plants of the genus Stapelia having succulent leafless toothed stems resembling cacti and large foul-smelling (often star-shaped) flowers
tassel flower (n) tropical Asiatic annual cultivated for its small tassel-shaped heads of scarlet flowers
treasure flower (n) decumbent South African perennial with short densely leafy stems and orange flower rays with black eyespots at base
trumpet flower (n) Mexican evergreen climbing plant having large solitary funnel-shaped fragrant yellow flowers with purple-brown ridges in the throat
velvet flower (n) young leaves widely used as leaf vegetables; seeds used as cereal
Venus's flower basket (n) a deep-water marine sponge having a cylindrical skeleton of intricate glassy latticework; found in the waters of the East Indies and the eastern coast of Asia
western wall flower (n) biennial or short-lived perennial prairie rocket having orange-yellow flowers; western North America to Minnesota and Kansas; sometimes placed in genus Cheiranthus
wild flower (n) wild or uncultivated flowering plant
wonder flower (n) South African perennial with long-lasting spikes of white blossoms that are shipped in to Europe and America for use as winter cut flowers
butterfly flower (n) shrub or small tree of Dutch Guiana having clusters of pink flowers streaked with purple
cuckoo flower (n) common perennial native to Europe and western Asia having usually pink flowers with ragged petals
flame flower (n) plant with fleshy roots and erect stems with narrow succulent leaves and one reddish-orange flower in each upper leaf axil; southwestern United States; Indians once cooked the fleshy roots
flower girl (n) a young girl who carries flowers in a (wedding) procession
leather flower (n) woody vine of the southern United States having purple or blue flowers with leathery recurved sepals
tassel flower (n) tropical African annual having scarlet tassel-shaped flower heads; sometimes placed in genus Cacalia
trumpet flower (n) woody flowering vine of southern United States; stems show a cross in transverse section
tassel flower (n) young leaves widely used as leaf vegetables; seeds used as cereal
trumpet flower (n) evergreen North American honeysuckle vine having coral-red or orange flowers

A(z) flower szóhoz valahogyan kapcsolódó szavak - fedezd fel őket is!

angiosperm | flowering plant | floret | floweret | apetalous flower | inflorescence | ray floret | ray flower | bud | stamen | reproductive structure | pistil | carpel | ovary | floral leaf | chlamys | floral envelope | perianth | perigone | perigonium | chrysanthemum | angiosperm | flowering plant | bloomer | paeony | peony | lesser celandine | pilewort | ranunculus ficaria | adonis annua | pheasant's-eye | anemone | windflower | anemonella thalictroides | rue anemone | aquilege | aquilegia | columbine | consolida ambigua | delphinium ajacis | rocket larkspur | delphinium | nigella | peace lily | spathe flower | spathiphyllum | arum lily | calla | calla lily | zantedeschia aethiopica | sandwort | garden pink | pink | babies'-breath | baby's breath | gypsophila paniculata | catchfly | lychnis | moehringia lateriflora | sandwort | moehringia mucosa | sandwort | bouncing bess | bouncing bet | hedge pink | saponaria officinalis | soapwort | campion | catchfly | silene | cow cockle | cowherb | saponaria vaccaria | vaccaria hispanica | vaccaria pyramidata | fig marigold | pebble plant | bachelor's button | globe amaranth | gomphrena globosa | nyctaginia capitata | scarlet musk flower | umbrellawort | four o'clock | portulaca | carolina spring beauty | claytonia caroliniana | clatonia lanceolata | spring beauty | claytonia virginica | virginia spring beauty | cheiranthus cheiri | erysimum cheiri | wallflower | prairie rocket | wallflower | prairie rocket | cheiranthus asperus | erysimum arkansanum | erysimum asperum | western wall flower | heliophila | damask violet | dame's violet | hesperis matronalis | sweet rocket | candytuft | lobularia maritima | sweet alison | sweet alyssum | malcolm stock | stock | malcolmia maritima | virginia stock | virginian stock | gillyflower | stock | schizopetalon | schizopetalon walkeri | poppy | corydalis | glaucium flavum | horn poppy | horned poppy | sea poppy | yellow horned poppy | composite | composite plant | ageratum | amberboa moschata | centaurea moschata | sweet sultan | ammobium | african daisy | arctotis stoechadifolia | arctotis venusta | blue-eyed african daisy | aster | daisy | brachycome iberidifolia | swan river daisy | calendula | callistephus chinensis | china aster | catananche | bachelor's button | bluebottle | centaurea cyanus | cornflower | centaurea imperialis | sweet sultan | chrysanthemum | ageratum | conoclinium coelestinum | eupatorium coelestinum | mist-flower | mistflower | cosmea | cosmos | brass buttons | cotula coronopifolia | billy buttons | dahlia | dahlia pinnata | cape marigold | star of the veldt | sun marigold | coneflower | blue daisy | blue marguerite | felicia amelloides | felicia bergeriana | kingfisher daisy | cotton rose | cudweed | filago | gazania | african daisy | helianthus | sunflower | layia platyglossa | tidy tips | tidytips | chrysanthemum leucanthemum | leucanthemum vulgare | marguerite | moon daisy | ox-eyed daisy | oxeye daisy | white daisy | lindheimera texana | texas star | african daisy | lonas annua | lonas inodora | yellow ageratum | cineraria | pericallis cruenta | senecio cruentus | florest's cineraria | pericallis hybrida | coneflower | white-topped aster | cornflower aster | stokes' aster | stokesia laevis | marigold | chrysanthemum coccineum | painted daisy | pyrethrum | tanacetum coccineum | mexican sunflower | tithonia | easter daisy | stemless daisy | townsendia exscapa | ursinia | xeranthemum | old maid | old maid flower | zinnia | blazing star | mentzelia laevicaulis | mentzelia livicaulis | bartonia | mentzelia lindleyi | orchid | orchidaceous plant | cyclamen | cyclamen purpurascens | cyclamen hederifolium | cyclamen neopolitanum | sowbread | shortia | centaury | gentian | begonia | sparaxis tricolor | wandflower | bessera elegans | coral drops | christmas bells | bellwort | merry bells | wild oats | polianthes tuberosa | tuberose | commelina | scabiosa | scabious | lithophragma affine | lithophragma affinis | tellima affinis | woodland star | achimenes | hot water plant | alsobia dianthiflora | episcia dianthiflora | lace-flower vine | african violet | saintpaulia ionantha | streptocarpus | phacelia | scorpion weed | scorpionweed | snapdragon | calceolaria | slipperwort | gerardia | butter-and-eggs | devil's flax | linaria vulgaris | toadflax | wild snapdragon | speedwell | veronica | browallia | bush violet | petunia | butterfly flower | poor man's orchid | schizanthus | verbena | vervain | valerian | centranthus ruber | french honeysuckle | red valerian | period | period of time | time period | golden age | develop | burst forth | effloresce |

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