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wood - Online English Department Dictionary

ramsons / wild garlic / bear's garlic / buckrams / wood garlic / bear leek / Allium ursinum: medvehagyma

wood - kétnyelvű szótár

wood: erdő; liget; fa;

-------------- kifejezésekben: --------------
a bit of wood: fadarab; egy darab fa; a chip of wood: egy faszilánk; a piece of wood: fadarab; egy darab fa; a wood chip: egy faszilánk; be made part of wood and part of iron: részben fából, részben vasból készült; részben fából, részben vasból van; chemical wood pulp: cellulóz; coniferous wood: tűlevelű erdő; fenyves; cut a statue out of wood: faszobrot farag; szobrot fából kifarag; fir wood: fenyőfa; light a wood fire: fából tüzet rak; make a wood fire: fából tüzet rak; pile of wood: famáglya; farakás; plain wood: nyers fa; fényezetlen fa; punk wood: gyújtósként használt korhadt fa; put some wood on the fire: fát tesz a tűzre; raft wood: úsztatott fa; rising wood: belső tőke; saw up wood: fát felfűrészel; saw wood: dolga után lát; végzi a dolgát; hortyog; horkol; scour a wood: erdőt átfésül; erdőt átkutat; small wood: aprófa; alágyújtós; the wood is shot out: az erdőben nincs vad; three-ply wood: háromrétegű furnérlemez; waste wood: hulladék fa; faforgács; wood char: faszén; wood coal: lignit; wood hyacinth: közönséges jácint; wood mouse: erdei egér; wood screw: facsavar; wood that saws well: könnyen fűrészelhető fa;

wood - EU-szótár

Brazil wood: ibolyás pillangófa
yellow wood: Podocarpus costalis
wood preservation: favédelem
dead wood / deadwood: száradék
harvested wood product: faipari termék / fakitermelésből származó termék
upstream wood processing: előzetes fafeldolgozás
downstream wood processing: utólagos fafeldolgozás
Honduras rosewood / nagaed wood: Stevenson-rózsafa
red sanders wood / red santal wood: vörös szantálfa
dissolving pulp / dissolving wood pulp: oldódó cellulóz / regenerált cellulóz gyártására alkalmas cellulóz / viszkózcellulóz
PWN / pine wilt nematode / pine wood nematode / pinewood nematode: a fenyőfa fonalférge / fenyőrontó fonálféreg
Federation of Building, Wood and Building Industry Workers' Unions: Építő-, Fa-és Építőanyagipari Dolgozók Szakszervezeteinek Szövetsége
Pernambucco wood / Saint Martha wood / St.Martha wood / brasiletto / braziletto / brazilwood: brazil pillangófa
carbinol / methanol / methyl alcohol / wood alcohol / wood naphtha / wood spirit / wood spirits: faszesz / metanol / metil-alkohol

wood - értelmező szótár

wood1 (n) the hard fibrous lignified substance under the bark of trees
wood2 (n) the trees and other plants in a large densely wooded area
   Hasonló: forest | woods |

Wood3 (n) United States film actress (1938-1981)
   Hasonló: natalie wood | wood |

Wood4 (n) English conductor (1869-1944)
   Hasonló: sir henry joseph wood | sir henry wood | wood |

Wood5 (n) English writer of novels about murders and thefts and forgeries (1814-1887)
   Hasonló: ellen price wood | mrs. henry wood | wood |

Wood6 (n) United States painter noted for works based on life in the Midwest (1892-1942)
   Hasonló: grant wood | wood |

wood7 (n) any wind instrument other than the brass instruments
   Hasonló: woodwind | woodwind instrument |

wood8 (n) a golf club with a long shaft used to hit long shots; originally made with a wooden head

  Lásd még: | woody |

------ "wood" kifejezésekben --------
arrow wood (n) closely related to southern arrow wood; grows in the eastern United States from Maine to Ohio and Georgia
balsa wood (n) strong lightweight wood of the balsa tree used especially for floats
Belleau Wood (n) a World War I battle in northwestern France where the Allies defeated the Germans in 1918
bow wood (n) small shrubby deciduous yellowwood tree of south central United States having spines, glossy dark green leaves and an inedible fruit that resembles an orange; its hard orange-colored wood used for bows by Native Americans; frequently planted as boundary hedge
bracelet wood (n) small West Indian shrub or tree with hard glossy seeds patterned yellow and brown that are used to make bracelets
cabinet wood (n) moderately dense wood used for cabinetwork
carib wood (n) small Dominican tree bearing masses of large crimson flowers before the fine pinnate foliage emerges
caviuna wood (n) an important Brazilian timber tree yielding a heavy hard dark-colored wood streaked with black
Chinese wood oil (n) a yellow oil obtained from the seeds of the tung tree
common wood sorrel (n) Eurasian plant with heart-shaped trifoliate leaves and white purple-veined flowers
creeping wood sorrel (n) creeping much-branched mat-forming weed; cosmopolitan
downy wood mint (n) a variety of wood mint
dusky-footed wood rat (n) a wood rat with dusky feet
Ellen Price Wood (n) English writer of novels about murders and thefts and forgeries (1814-1887)
European wood mouse (n) nocturnal yellowish-brown mouse inhabiting woods and fields and gardens
evergreen wood fern (n) North American evergreen fern having pinnate leaves and dense clusters of lance-shaped fronds
fragrant wood fern (n) fern or northern Eurasia and North America having fragrant fronds
goldie's wood fern (n) North American fern with a blackish lustrous stipe
granadilla wood (n) dark red hardwood derived from the cocobolo and used in making musical instruments e.g. clarinets
Grant Wood (n) United States painter noted for works based on life in the Midwest (1892-1942)
guaiac wood (n) heartwood of a palo santo; yields an aromatic oil used in perfumes
guaiacum wood (n) heartwood of a palo santo; yields an aromatic oil used in perfumes
hairy wood mint (n) a variety of wood mint
horse of the wood (n) large black Old World grouse
incense wood (n) fragrant wood of two incense trees of the genus Protium
leatherleaf wood fern (n) North American fern with evergreen fronds
marginal wood fern (n) North American fern with evergreen fronds
metal wood (n) golf wood with a metal head instead of the traditional wooden head
Mrs. Henry Wood (n) English writer of novels about murders and thefts and forgeries (1814-1887)
Natalie Wood (n) United States film actress (1938-1981)
needle wood (n) large bushy shrub with pungent pointed leaves and creamy white flowers; central and eastern Australia
number one wood (n) a golf club (a wood) with a near vertical face that is used for hitting long shots from the tee
opossum wood (n) medium-sized tree of West Virginia to Florida and Texas
pernambuco wood (n) tropical tree with prickly trunk; its heavy red wood yields a red dye and is used for cabinetry
raw wood (n) wood that is not finished or painted
ruby wood (n) hard durable wood of red sandalwood trees (Pterocarpus santalinus); prized for cabinetwork
sabicu wood (n) the wood of the sabicu which resembles mahogany
silk wood (n) a fast-growing tropical American evergreen having white flowers and white fleshy edible fruit; bark yields a silky fiber used in cordage and wood is valuable for staves
Sir Henry Joseph Wood (n) English conductor (1869-1944)
Sir Henry Wood (n) English conductor (1869-1944)
snake wood (n) tropical American tree with large peltate leaves and hollow stems
southern arrow wood (n) deciduous shrub of eastern North America having blue-black berries and tough pliant wood formerly used to make arrows
stave wood (n) large tree of Australasia
twist wood (n) vigorous deciduous European treelike shrub common along waysides; red berries turn black
violet wood sorrel (n) perennial herb of eastern North America with palmately compound leaves and usually rose-purple flowers
western wood pewee (n) small flycatcher of western North America
white wood aster (n) rhizomatous perennial wood aster of eastern North America with white flowers
wood alcohol (n) a light volatile flammable poisonous liquid alcohol; used as an antifreeze and solvent and fuel and as a denaturant for ethyl alcohol
wood anemone (n) common anemone of eastern North America with solitary pink-tinged white flowers
wood ant (n) reddish-brown European ant typically living in anthills in woodlands
wood aster (n) any of several asters of eastern North America usually growing in woods
wood avens (n) hairy Eurasian plant with small yellow flowers and an astringent root formerly used medicinally
wood block (n) engraving consisting of a block of wood with a design cut into it; used to make prints
wood chisel (n) a chisel for working wood; it is either struck with a mallet or pushed by hand
wood coal (n) intermediate between peat and bituminous coal
wood cudweed (n) weedy perennial of north temperate regions having woolly foliage and dirty white flowers in a leafy spike
wood drake (n) male wood duck
wood duck (n) showy North American duck that nests in hollow trees
wood engraving (n) a print made from a woodcut
wood fern (n) any of various ferns of the genus Dryopteris
wood file (n) a coarse file with sharp pointed projections
wood frog (n) wide-ranging light-brown frog of moist North American woodlands especially spruce
wood garlic (n) pungent Old World weedy plant
wood grain (n) texture produced by the fibers in wood
wood hen (n) flightless New Zealand rail of thievish disposition having short wings each with a spur used in fighting
wood hoopoe (n) tropical African bird having metallic blackish plumage but no crest
wood horsetail (n) Eurasia except southern Russia; northern North America
wood hyacinth (n) sometimes placed in genus Scilla
wood ibis (n) any of several Old World birds of the genus Ibis
wood laurel (n) bushy Eurasian shrub with glossy leathery oblong leaves and yellow-green flowers
wood lily (n) any liliaceous plant of the genus Trillium having a whorl of three leaves at the top of the stem with a single three-petaled flower
wood meadowgrass (n) slender European grass of shady places; grown also in northeastern America and temperate Asia
wood mint (n) American herb of genus Blephilia with more or less hairy leaves and clusters of purplish or bluish flowers
wood mouse (n) any of various New World woodland mice
wood nettle (n) American perennial herb found in rich woods and provided with stinging hairs; provides fibers used for textiles
wood nymph (n) a deity or nymph of the woods
wood pewee (n) small olive-colored woodland flycatchers of eastern North America
wood pigeon (n) Eurasian pigeon with white patches on wings and neck
wood poppy (n) perennial herb native to woodland of the eastern United States having yellow flowers
wood pulp (n) wood that has been ground to a pulp; used in making cellulose products (as rayon or paper)
wood pussy (n) American musteline mammal typically ejecting an intensely malodorous fluid when startled; in some classifications put in a separate subfamily Mephitinae
wood rabbit (n) common small rabbit of North America having greyish or brownish fur and a tail with a white underside; a host for Ixodes pacificus and Ixodes scapularis (Lyme disease ticks)
wood rat (n) any of various small short-tailed rodents of the northern hemisphere having soft fur grey above and white below with furred tails and large ears; some are hosts for Ixodes pacificus and Ixodes scapularis (Lyme disease ticks)
wood sage (n) European germander with one-sided racemes of yellow flowers; naturalized in North America
wood shavings (n) thin curly wood shavings used for packing or stuffing
wood sorrel (n) any plant or flower of the genus Oxalis
wood spirit (n) a light volatile flammable poisonous liquid alcohol; used as an antifreeze and solvent and fuel and as a denaturant for ethyl alcohol
wood spurge (n) European perennial herb with greenish yellow terminal flower clusters
wood stork (n) any of several Old World birds of the genus Ibis
wood strawberry (n) Europe
wood sugar (n) a sugar extracted from wood or straw; used in foods for diabetics
wood swallow (n) Australasian and Asiatic bird related to the shrikes and resembling a swallow
wood tar (n) any tar obtained by the destructive distillation of wood
wood thrush (n) large thrush common in eastern American woodlands; noted for its melodious song
wood tick (n) common tick that can transmit Rocky Mountain spotted fever and tularemia
wood vinegar (n) a red-brown liquid formed in distillation of wood which contains acetic acid, methanol, acetone, wood oils, and tars
wood violet (n) common European violet that grows in woods and hedgerows
wood vise (n) a vise with jaws that are padded in order to hold lumber without denting it
wood warbler (n) small bright-colored American songbird with a weak unmusical song
wood widgeon (n) showy North American duck that nests in hollow trees
arrow wood (n) deciduous shrub of eastern North America having blue-black berries and tough pliant wood formerly used to make arrows
evergreen wood fern (n) North American fern with evergreen fronds
granadilla wood (n) wood of the granadilla tree used for making musical instruments especially clarinets
wood anemone (n) European anemone with solitary white flowers common in deciduous woodlands
wood coal (n) a carbonaceous material obtained by heating wood or other organic matter in the absence of air
wood engraving (n) engraving consisting of a block of wood with a design cut into it; used to make prints
wood ibis (n) an American stork that resembles the true ibises in having a downward-curved bill; inhabits wooded swamps of New World tropics
wood laurel (n) a North American evergreen shrub having glossy leaves and white or rose-colored flowers
wood lily (n) lily of eastern North America having orange to orange-red purple-spotted flowers
wood sage (n) subshrub with serrate leaves and cream-colored to pink or purple flowers in spikelike racemes; North America
wood stork (n) an American stork that resembles the true ibises in having a downward-curved bill; inhabits wooded swamps of New World tropics
wood violet (n) common violet of the eastern United States with large pale blue or purple flowers resembling pansies
wood warbler (n) European woodland warbler with dull yellow plumage
saw wood (v) breathe noisily during one's sleep

A(z) wood szóhoz valahogyan kapcsolódó szavak - fedezd fel őket is!

brassie | driver | number one wood | club | golf club | golf-club | metal wood | spoon | beating-reed instrument | reed | reed instrument | finger hole | flute | transverse flute | thumbhole | wind | wind instrument | botany | flora | vegetation | bosk | grove | jungle | rain forest | rainforest | underbrush | undergrowth | underwood | tree | old growth | virgin forest | second growth | painter | author | writer | conductor | director | music director | actress | beam | bentwood | chopping block | spindle | pine | larch | fir | cedar | cedarwood | spruce | hemlock | cypress | redwood | citronwood | sandarac | kauri | yellowwood | yew | lancewood | true tulipwood | tulipwood | white poplar | whitewood | yellow poplar | zebrawood | cocoswood | cocuswood | granadilla wood | shittimwood | sabicu | sabicu wood | bamboo | tulipwood | balsa | balsa wood | silver quandong | obeche | basswood | linden | beefwood | briarwood | brier-wood | brierwood | beech | beechwood | chestnut | oak | birch | alder | hazel | olive | ash | ironwood | walnut | hickory | pecan | pyinma | gum | gumwood | eucalyptus | tupelo | poon | red lauan | elm | elmwood | brazilwood | locust | logwood | rosewood | kingwood | granadilla wood | blackwood | panama redwood | quira | red sandalwood | ruby wood | black locust | cherry | fruitwood | lemonwood | incense wood | mahogany | satinwood | orangewood | citronwood | guaiac wood | guaiacum wood | guaiac | guaiacum | lignum vitae | poplar | sandalwood | boxwood | turkish boxwood | maple | sumac | ebony | lacewood | sycamore | teak | teakwood | dogwood | sapwood | duramen | heartwood | burl | brushwood | cabinet wood | driftwood | lignin | log | lumber | timber | matchwood | matchwood | splinters | plant material | plant substance | sawdust | wicker | dyewood | hardwood | deal | softwood | raw wood | knot |

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