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fold - Online English Department Dictionary

fold: plica / redő |

fold - kétnyelvű szótár

-fold: -szeresen; fold: karám; akol; nyáj; ránc; gyűrődés; redő; talajegyenetlenség; karámba zár; karámba terel; hajt; összehajt; hajtogat; behajt; behajlik; meghajlik; összehajlik; összecsukódik; -szeres; korcol; érdeklődés híján abbahagy; érdeklődés híján megszüntet; érdeklődés híján felszámol; összegörbül; meggörbül; összecsavarodik; bezár; megszűnik; felszámol; nem sikerül; balul üt ki; csütörtököt mond; passzol;

-------------- kifejezésekben: --------------
fold back: behajt; visszahajt; visszahajlik; fold down: lehajlik; fold in: becsomagol; begöngyöl; belekever; fold one`s arms: karját összefonja; fold one`s hands: kezét összekulcsolja; fold sg in half: kétrét hajt vmit; kettőbe hajt vmit; fold sg in halves: kétrét hajt vmit; kettőbe hajt vmit; fold up: összecsuk; összehajtogat; összeomlik; véget ér; tönkremegy; bezár; felszámol; mongolian fold: mongolredő; recumbent fold: fekvő redő;

fold - EU-szótár

fold test: hajtogatási vizsgálat

fold - értelmező szótár

fold1 (n) an angular or rounded shape made by folding a crease in his trousers | a plication on her blouse | a flexure of the colon | a bend of his elbow
   Hasonló: bend | crease | crimp | flexure | plication |

fold2 (n) a group of people who adhere to a common faith and habitually attend a given church
   Hasonló: congregation | faithful |

fold3 (n) a geological process that causes a bend in a stratum of rock
   Hasonló: folding |

fold4 (n) a group of sheep or goats
   Hasonló: flock |

fold5 (n) a folded part (as in skin or muscle)
   Hasonló: plica |

fold6 (n) a pen for sheep
   Hasonló: sheep pen | sheepcote | sheepfold |

fold7 (n) the act of folding
   Hasonló: folding |

fold1 (v) bend or lay so that one part covers the other turn up your collar
   Hasonló: fold up | turn up |

fold2 (v) incorporate a food ingredient into a mixture by repeatedly turning it over without stirring or beating
fold3 (v) cease to operate or cause to cease operating My business closes every night at 8 P.M. | close up the shop
   Hasonló: close | close down | close up | shut down |

fold4 (v) confine in a fold, like sheep
   Hasonló: pen up |

fold5 (v) become folded or folded up
   Hasonló: fold up |

Ellentétes értelmű: | unfold |
  Lásd még: | unfold | folding | folder | fold |

------ "fold" kifejezésekben --------
epicanthic fold (n) a vertical fold of skin over the nasal canthus; normal for Mongolian peoples; sometimes occurs in Down's syndrome
false vocal fold (n) either of the upper two vocal cords that are not involved in vocalization
inferior vocal fold (n) either of the two lower vocal folds that come together to form the glottis; produce a vocal tone when they are approximated and air from the lungs passes between them
protective fold (n) a flap of tissue that protects what it covers
true vocal fold (n) either of the two lower vocal folds that come together to form the glottis; produce a vocal tone when they are approximated and air from the lungs passes between them
ventricular fold (n) either of the upper two vocal cords that are not involved in vocalization
vestibular fold (n) either of the upper two vocal cords that are not involved in vocalization
vocal fold (n) either of two pairs of folds of mucous membrane projecting into the larynx
fold up (v) bend or lay so that one part covers the other
fold up (v) become folded or folded up


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