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change - Online English Department Dictionary

phase change: fáziseltolódás
change tyres: kereket cserél
change hands: gazdát cserél
change of heart: véleményváltozás [If you have a change of heart, you change your opinion or the way you feel about something ]
analogical change: analógiás változás nyelvészet
conditioned change: függő változás / környezet által kiváltott változás nyelvészet
barter / swap / change: cserél

change - kétnyelvű szótár

change: csere; változás; változtatás; változatosság; váltás; pénzváltás; tőzsde; változat; változtat; megváltoztat; módosít; átváltoztat; vált; kicserél; felvált; változik; megváltozik; módosul; átöltözik; aprópénz; átszáll; cserél; átszállás;

-------------- kifejezésekben: --------------
automatic shift change: automata sebességváltás; change about: hátraarcot csinál; change colour: elpirul; elsápad; change countenance: elváltozik az arckifejezése; megváltozik a magatartása; change down: visszakapcsol; change ends: kapucsere; change for the better: javulás; jórafordulás; jobbrafordulás; jobbra fordul; javul; change gear: sebességet vált; change guard: leváltja az őrséget; change hands: kezet cserél; kezet vált; fogást cserél; fogást vált; egyik kezéből a másikba tesz vmit; gazdát cserél; change into second: kettesbe kapcsol; change lanes: sávot vált; change machine: pénzváltó automata; change of clothes: váltás ruha; change of life: klimax; change of voice: mutálás; change one`s cast: kicseréli a csalétket; megváltoztatja a horgászás helyét; change one`s clothes: átöltözik; change one`s course: letér az útjáról; irányt változtat; change one`s mind: megváltaztatja szándékát; meggondolja magát; másként dönt; change one`s quarters: máshova költözik; change purse: pénztárca; change sg into sg: változtat vmit vmivé; vmit vmivé változtat; change sides: álláspontot változtat; más álláspontot foglal el; más álláspontra helyezkedik; átáll a másik párthoz; átpártol; köpönyeget forgat; change the baby: pelenkáz; change the bill: megváltoztatja a műsort; új falragaszt tesz ki; új plakátot tesz ki; change to sg: átalakul vmivé; átváltozik vmivé; átvált vmibe; átvált vmire; change trains for swhere: átszáll vmi felé; change up: nagyobb sebességre kapcsol; chop and change: forog mint a szélkakas; véleményét változtatja; for a change: változatosság kedvéért; get no change out of sy: nem megy vele semmire; give sy short change: kevesebbet ad vissza; he cannot change his skin: nem tud kivetkőzni a bőréből; nem bújhat ki a bőréből; sose fog megváltozni; lightning change: villámgyors átöltözés; loose change: aprópénz; small change: aprópénz; váltópénz; suffer change: megváltozik; átalakul;

change - EU-szótár

major change: nagymértékű változás
minor change: kismértékű változás
climate change: éghajlatváltozás
change of surname: névváltoztatás
AMA change policy: AMA változásokra irányuló szakpolitika
population change: népességváltozás
change of forename: utónév megváltozatása
pathological change: patológiás elváltozás
gerontological change: öregkori elváltozás
climate change regime: éghajlat-változási rendszer
LUC / land-use change: földhasználat megváltoztatása
climate change mandate: éghajlat-változási mandátum / éghajlatváltozási megbízatás / éghajlatváltozással kapcsolatos megbízás
change control process: változás-ellenőrzési eljárás
Climate Change Committee: Éghajlatváltozási Bizottság / éghajlatváltozással foglalkozó bizottság
natural population change: természetes szaporodás (fogyás)
ILUC / indirect land use change: a földhasználat közvetett megváltozása / közvetett földhasználat-változás
Bali Conference on Climate Change: bali éghajlat-változási konferencia
SCCF / Special Climate Change Fund: Különleges Éghajlat-változási Alap / SCCF
change of residence of the official: a tisztviselő költözése
GCCA / Global Climate Change Alliance: GCCA / éghajlatváltozás elleni globális szövetség
post-Kyoto agreement on climate change: Kiotó-utáni megállapodás az éghajlatváltozásról
ECCP / European Climate Change Programme: európai éghajlat-változási program
ECCP / European Climate Change Programme: európai éghajlat-változási program
climate change diplomacy / climate diplomacy: klímadiplomácia
LULUCF / land-use, land-use change and forestry: LULUCF / földhasználati ágazat
IPCC / Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change: Éghajlat-változási Kormányközi Testület
COP/CMP / United Nations Climate Change Conference: az ENSZ éghajlat-változási konferenciája
High-level Advisory Group on Climate Change Financing: az éghajlat-politika finanszírozásával foglalkozó magas szintű tanácsadó csoport
adaptation to climate change / climate change adaptation: az éghajlatváltozáshoz való alkalmazkodás
CCIC / CCMI / Consultative Commission on Industrial Change: Ipari Változások Tanácsadó Testülete
change management / management for change / management of change: változáskezelés / változásmenedzsment
change of ownership / conveyance of property / transfer of property: tulajdon átruházása / tulajdonjog átruházása
Greenland Dialogue / Greenland Ministerial Dialogue on Climate Change: grönlandi miniszteri párbeszéd az éghajlatváltozásról / grönlandi párbeszéd
climate change mitigation / mitigation / mitigation of climate change: az éghajlatváltozás mérséklése
Commission for the Environment, Climate Change and Energy / ENVE Commission: ENVE szakbizottság / „Környezetvédelem, éghajlatváltozás és energiaügy” szakbizottság
climate change policy / climate policy / policy for responding to climate change: klímapolitika / éghajlat-politika / éghajlat-változási politika
Mediterranean Climate Change Initiative / Mediterranean Initiative on Climate Change: az éghajlatváltozással kapcsolatos mediterrán kezdeményezés
climate change finance / climate change financing / climate finance / climate financing: az éghajlatváltozás elleni küzdelem finanszírozása
Agenda for Change / Increasing the Impact of EU Development Policy: an Agenda for Change: Változtatási program
AR / Assessment Report / Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change: az Éghajlat-változási Kormányközi Testület értékelő jelentése
Kyoto Protocol / Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change: Kiotói Jegyzőkönyv / Kiotói Jegyzőkönyv az Egyesült Nemzetek Éghajlat-változási Keretegyezményéhez
balance of migration / migration balance / migratory balance / net migration / net migration change: migrációs mérleg / nettó migráció / vándorlási mérleg
Convention on Climate Change / FCCC / UNFCCC / United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change: UNFCCC / az ENSZ Éghajlat-változási Keretegyezménye / Éghajlat-változási Keretegyezmény
Strategic report on the renewed Lisbon strategy for growth and jobs: launching the new cycle (2008-2010) Keeping up the pace of change: Stratégiai jelentés a növekedést és foglalkoztatást célzó megújult lisszaboni stratégiáról: új ciklus indítása (2008-2010) - A reformok ütemének fenntartása
MEF / Major Economies Forum / Major Economies Forum on Energy Security and Climate Change / Major Economies Forum on Energy and Climate: legnagyobb gazdaságok fóruma / meghatározó gazdaságok energiabiztonsági és éghajlat-változási fóruma / meghatározó gazdaságok fóruma
EaSI / European Union Programme for Employment and Social Innovation / European Union Programme for Social Change and Innovation / PSCI: az EU társadalmi változás és innováció programja
Barroso package / Climate Action and Renewable Energy Package / Climate and Energy Package / integrated energy and climate change package: Barroso-csomag / az éghajlatváltozásra és a megújuló energiaforrásokra vonatkozó csomag / integrált energiaügyi és éghajlat-változási csomag
COP / Conference of the Parties / Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC / Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change: Felek Konferenciája / az Egyesült Nemzetek Éghajlat-változási Keretegyezménye Feleinek Konferenciája
A New Start for Europe: My Agenda for Jobs, Growth, Fairness and Democratic Change / Political Guidelines for the next European Commission / Political Guidelines of Jean-Claude Juncker: Jean-Claude Juncker politikai iránymutatása / Politikai iránymutatás a hivatalba lépő következő Európai Bizottság számára / Új kezdet Európa számára: a munkahelyteremtés, a növekedés, a méltányosság és a demokratikus változás programja
15th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change / COP 15 / Copenhagen Conference on climate change / The COP15 Climate Conference / United Nations Climate Conference: Koppenhágai Éghajlat-változási Konferencia / az Egyesült Nemzetek Éghajlat-változási Keretegyezménye Feleinek 15. Konferenciája
17th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change / COP 17/CMP 7 / Durban Climate Change Conference / United Nations Conference on Climate Change in Durban, South Africa, COP 17/CMP 7: COP 17 / ENSZ Éghajlat-változási Keretegyezménye részes feleinek 17. konferenciája / durbani konferencia

change - értelmező szótár

change1 (n) an event that occurs when something passes from one state or phase to another this storm is certainly a change for the worse | the neighborhood had undergone few modifications since his last visit years ago
   Hasonló: alteration | modification |

change2 (n) a relational difference between states; especially between states before and after some event
change3 (n) the action of changing something his change on abortion cost him the election
change4 (n) the result of alteration or modification there had been no change in the mountains
change5 (n) the balance of money received when the amount you tender is greater than the amount due
change6 (n) a thing that is different
change7 (n) a different or fresh set of clothes
change8 (n) coins of small denomination regarded collectively
change9 (n) money received in return for its equivalent in a larger denomination or a different currency
change10 (n) a difference that is usually pleasant it is a refreshing change to meet a woman mechanic
   Hasonló: variety |

change1 (v) cause to change; make different; cause a transformation The discussion has changed my thinking about the issue
   Hasonló: alter | modify |

change2 (v) undergo a change; become different in essence; losing one's or its original nature The weather changed last night
change3 (v) become different in some particular way, without permanently losing one's or its former characteristics or essence The supermarket's selection of vegetables varies according to the season
   Hasonló: alter | vary |

change4 (v) lay aside, abandon, or leave for another She switched psychiatrists | The car changed lanes
   Hasonló: shift | switch |

change5 (v) change clothes; put on different clothes
change6 (v) exchange or replace with another, usually of the same kind or category He changed his name | convert centimeters into inches | convert holdings into shares
   Hasonló: commute | convert | exchange |

change7 (v) give to, and receive from, one another We have been exchanging letters for a year
   Hasonló: exchange | interchange |

change8 (v) change from one vehicle or transportation line to another
   Hasonló: transfer |

change9 (v) become deeper in tone Her voice deepened when she whispered the password
   Hasonló: deepen |

change10 (v) remove or replace the coverings of After each guest we changed the bed linens
Ellentétes értelmű: | stay |
  Lásd még: | stay | changer | change |

------ "change" kifejezésekben --------
bureau de change (n) (French) an establishment where you can exchange foreign money
change of color (n) an act that changes the light that something reflects
change of course (n) a change in the direction that you are moving
change of direction (n) the act of changing the direction in which something is oriented
change of integrity (n) the act of changing the unity or wholeness of something
change of life (n) the time in a woman's life in which the menstrual cycle ends
change of location (n) a movement through space that changes the location of something
change of magnitude (n) the act of changing the amount or size of something
change of mind (n) a decision to reverse an earlier decision
change of shape (n) an action that changes the shape of something
change of state (n) the act of changing something into something different in essential characteristics
change ringing (n) ringing tuned bells in a fixed order that is continually changing
chemical change (n) (chemistry) any process determined by the atomic and molecular composition and structure of the substances involved
chump change (n) a trifling sum of money
climate change (n) a change in the world's climate
global climate change (n) a change in the world's climate
oil change (n) replacing dirty oil with clean
phase change (n) a change from one state (solid or liquid or gas) to another without a change in chemical composition
physical change (n) a change from one state (solid or liquid or gas) to another without a change in chemical composition
pitching change (n) replacing a pitcher in baseball
policy change (n) a major change in attitude or principle or point of view
sea change (n) a profound transformation
sex change (n) a change in a person's physical sexual characteristics (as by surgery and hormone treatments)
small change (n) a trifling sum of money
state change (n) a change from one state (solid or liquid or gas) to another without a change in chemical composition
temperature change (n) a process whereby the degree of hotness of a body (or medium) changes
change by reversal (v) change to the contrary
change course (v) shift from one side of the ship to the other
change form (v) assume a different shape or form
change hands (v) be transferred to another owner
change integrity (v) change in physical make-up
change intensity (v) increase or decrease in intensity
change magnitude (v) change in size or magnitude
change over (v) make a shift in or exchange of
change owners (v) be transferred to another owner
change posture (v) undergo a change in bodily posture
change shape (v) assume a different shape or form
change state (v) undergo a transformation or a change of position or action
change surface (v) undergo or cause to undergo a change in the surface
change taste (v) alter the flavor of
change over (v) change from one system to another or to a new plan or policy

"change" - Business English értelmező szakszótár

Change This shows the change in price of a security from the previous day's closing price. For instance, -1 1/8 means the security has fallen $1.12.
Net Change This is the difference between a day's last trade and the previous day's last trade.
Percent Change This calculates the percentage change in the price of a security from the previous trading day's closing price.

A "change" szó a Jogi Értelmező szakszótárban:

Change of venue Moving a lawsuit or criminal trial to another place for trial. (See venue.); Moving a lawsuit or criminal trial to another place for trial.

A "change" betűsor a kollokációs adatbázisunkban:

change the baby
tisztába teszi a gyereket

  • The restaurant was nice and clean, though they lacked a changing table so we had to change the baby in the car.
    Az étterem szép és tiszta volt, bár nem volt pelenkázó hely, így a gyereket a kocsinkban kellett tisztába tenni.

A(z) change szóhoz valahogyan kapcsolódó szavak - fedezd fel őket is!

action | entail | about-face | policy change | reversal | volte-face | adulteration | move | relocation | downshift | downshift | filtration | reduction | simplification | decimalisation | decimalization | metrication | metrification | variation | turning | diversification | variegation | flux | shift | switch | switching | commutation | exchange | substitution | promotion | demotion | change of state | adjustment | alteration | modification | motion | move | movement | movement | motility | motion | move | movement | change of direction | reorientation | change of magnitude | change of integrity | conversion | updating | change of shape | satisfaction | nationalisation | nationalization | communisation | communization | secularisation | secularization | rollover | article of clothing | clothing | habiliment | vesture | wear | wearable | thing | difference | acceleration | deceleration | retardation | slowing | happening | natural event | occurrence | occurrent | avulsion | break | mutation | sublimation | surprise | birth | nascence | nascency | nativity | breakup | detachment | separation | vagary | fluctuation | variation | conversion | death | decease | expiry | decrease | drop-off | lessening | destabilization | increase | easing | moderation | relief | deformation | transition | shift | transformation | transmutation | scintillation | sparkling | twinkle | play | shimmer | transmutation | damage | harm | impairment | development | revolution | chromosomal mutation | genetic mutation | mutation | sex change | loss of consciousness | consequence | effect | event | issue | outcome | result | upshot | depolarisation | depolarization | cash | hard cash | hard currency | cash | hard cash | hard currency | coin | relation | difference | gradient | freshen | freshen up | refresh | refreshen | dress | get dressed | acquire | develop | get | grow | produce | regenerate | shade | gel | animalise | animalize | brutalise | brutalize | convert | creolize | mutate | experience | have | decrepitate | suburbanise | suburbanize | roll | roll up | glass | glass over | glaze | glaze over | grow | turn | barbarise | barbarize | alkalinise | alkalinize | change by reversal | reverse | turn | change integrity | change form | change shape | deform | form | change state | turn | adapt | adjust | conform | climb up | jump | rise | assimilate | dissimilate | dissimilate | change magnitude | modify | deaden | break | crumble | decay | dilapidate | mildew | mold | hydrate | dry | dry out | strengthen | distil | distill | deoxidise | deoxidize | reduce | crack | oxidate | oxidise | oxidize | oxidate | oxidise | oxidize | grow | mellow | mellow out | melt | soften | ionise | ionize | stabilise | stabilize | destabilise | destabilize | lighten | lighten up | color | colour | discolor | discolour | discolor | contract | narrow | darken | dim | boil | break | check | crack | transpire | resume | take up | change surface | sublimate | sublime | cool | cool down | cool off | warm up | warm | warm up | metamorphose | transform | transmute | convert | dull | complexify | ramify | americanise | americanize | develop | modernise | modernize | stiffen | tighten | break | break down | conk out | die | fail | give out | give way | go | go bad | give way | yield | harden | indurate | harden | indurate | suffuse | hush | normalise | normalize | reorient | purify | digest | regress | foul | decalcify | industrialise | industrialize | decarboxylate | spot | find | get | incur | obtain | receive | acetylate | acetylise | acetylize | acquire | adopt | assume | take | take on | prim | capacitate | caseate | caseate | clinker | cure | dawn | salinate | desalinate | desalinise | desalinize | desalt | shallow | shoal | steepen | superannuate | ulcerate | vitrify | vulcanise | vulcanize | dull | pall | become flat | die | pall | saponify | go | move | run | come | catch | catch on | develop | grow | fly | acquire | develop | evolve | assibilate | smoothen | turn on | drop | break into | change | deepen | concretise | concretize | decay | commute | transpose | introject | shift | swing | fall | fall | reflate | hydrolyse | hydrolyze | fold | fold up | gelatinise | gelatinize | felt | felt up | mat | mat up | matt-up | matte | matte up | recombine | feminise | feminize | obsolesce | plasticise | plasticize | recede | defervesce | incandesce | calcify | drift | play out | conjugate | isomerise | isomerize | evaporate | vaporise | indurate | gradate | keratinise | keratinize | opacify | mature | rejuvenate | sequester | transaminate | vesiculate | undulate | vascularise | vascularize | crash | professionalise | professionalize | shift | flip | flip out | gum | repress | shear | damage | synthesize | come around | come round | promote | divide | part | separate | arrange | format | fall for | ascend | move up | rise | change posture | settle | break | cave in | collapse | fall in | founder | give | give way | undergo | solarise | solarize | occult | pass | depart | leave | pull up stakes | liberalise | liberalize | stratify | democratise | democratize | loosen | relax | reticulate | flocculate | carbonate | come in | go out | stagnate | make | frost over | ice over | ice up | alternate | jump | crackle | modulate | avianise | avianize | move | accommodate | adapt | let out | widen | take in | branch out | broaden | diversify | diversify | radiate | narrow | narrow down | specialise | specialize | honeycomb | break | arouse | awaken | rouse | wake | wake up | waken | cause to sleep | affect | freshen | refresh | refreshen | fecundate | fertilise | fertilize | inseminate | indispose | cry | etiolate | change | shade | animalise | animalize | brutalise | brutalize | convert | opalise | opalize | arterialise | arterialize | get | make | counterchange | interchange | transpose | vascularise | vascularize | decrepitate | suburbanise | suburbanize | overturn | revolutionise | revolutionize | etiolate | barbarise | barbarize | alkalinise | alkalinize | mythicise | mythicize | mythologise | mythologize | allegorise | allegorize | demythologise | demythologize | bring | land | coarsen | affect | bear on | bear upon | impact | touch | touch on | alchemise | alchemize | alcoholise | alcoholize | form | shape | round | round down | round off | round out | suspend | sober | reconstruct | increase | ease off | ease up | let up | assimilate | dissimilate | commute | convert | exchange | vitalise | vitalize | clear | unclutter | activate | activate | activate | aerate | activate | deactivate | inactivate | blunt | deaden | reconstruct | redo | remodel | edit | redact | cut | edit | edit out | chasten | subdue | tame | chasten | moderate | temper | ameliorate | amend | better | improve | meliorate | aggravate | exacerbate | exasperate | worsen | wet | dry | dry out | lubricate | beef up | fortify | strengthen | fortify | lace | spike | weaken | blunt | oxidate | oxidise | oxidize | merge | unify | unite | age | mature | ripen | antiquate | antique | antiquate | develop | make grow | soften | damage | ossify | acerbate | stabilise | stabilize | destabilise | destabilize | sensibilise | sensibilize | sensify | sensitise | sensitize | desensitise | desensitize | accustom | habituate | disarray | disorder | discolor | color | color in | colorise | colorize | colour | colour in | colourise | colourize | stain | hue | uglify | untune | adjust | correct | set | set | disqualify | indispose | unfit | domesticate | domesticise | domesticize | reclaim | tame | widen | dehydrogenate | hydrogenate | oxygenise | oxygenize | darken | brighten | lighten | lighten up | blear | blur | bedim | obscure | overcloud | blot out | hide | obliterate | obscure | veil | cook | slenderise | slenderize | crack | dismiss | dissolve | end | terminate | defog | demist | concentrate | condense | contract | chill | cool | cool down | heat | heat up | warm | boil | freeze | blister | change over | shift | switch | transpose | change over | convert | transform | transform | transform | transmute | transform | transmute | transubstantiate | ash | transform | translate | reclaim | rectify | reform | regenerate | convert | islamise | islamize | invert | reverse | turn back | invert | customise | customize | individualise | individualize | personalise | personalize | depersonalise | depersonalize | objectify | sharpen | drop | flatten | disintegrate | magnetise | magnetize | degauss | demagnetise | demagnetize | simplify | complicate | elaborate | rarify | refine | refine | complicate | perplex | pressurise | pressurize | supercharge | centralise | centralize | concentrate | decentralise | decentralize | deconcentrate | socialise | socialize | fix | gear up | prepare | ready | set | set up | internationalise | internationalize | bolshevise | bolshevize | communise | communize | europeanise | europeanize | europeanise | europeanize | bestialise | bestialize | americanise | americanize | frenchify | civilise | civilize | nationalise | nationalize | denationalise | denationalize | naturalise | naturalize | denaturalise | denaturalize | naturalise | naturalize | denaturalise | denaturalize | even | even out | equal | equalise | equalize | equate | match | stiffen | loose | loosen | fasten | tighten | transitivise | transitivize | detransitivise | detransitivize | intransitivise | intransitivize | inspissate | thicken | full | diversify | decelerate | slow down | deaden | accelerate | speed | speed up | check | delay | retard | decrease | lessen | minify | liquefy | liquidise | liquidize | liquify | solvate | dissolve | validate | invalidate | vitiate | void | empty | fill | fill up | make full | saturate | clot | coagulate | louden | normalise | normalize | renormalise | renormalize | morph | neutralise | neutralize | commercialise | commercialize | market | purge | purify | sanctify | mechanise | mechanize | automate | automatise | automatize | automatise | automatize | mechanise | mechanize | chord | harmonise | harmonize | polarise | polarize | glorify | contaminate | devalue | insulate | calcify | urbanise | urbanize | urbanise | urbanize | emulsify | demulsify | decarboxylate | nazify | fecundate | fertilise | fertilize | clarify | embrittle | mark | nick | disable | disenable | incapacitate | enable | de-emphasise | de-emphasize | destress | tender | tenderise | tenderize | charge | bubble | sweeten | iodinate | ionate | archaise | archaize | inform | officialise | officialize | occidentalise | occidentalize | westernise | westernize | orientalise | orientalize | acetylate | acetylise | acetylize | achromatise | achromatize | collimate | parallel | camp | classicise | classicize | conventionalise | conventionalize | decimalise | decimalize | dizzy | envenom | poison | exteriorise | exteriorize | externalise | externalize | objectify | glamorise | glamorize | glamourise | glamourize | introvert | laicise | laicize | politicise | politicize | radicalize | proof | romanticise | romanticize | rusticate | sauce | shallow | shoal | tense | steepen | scramble | unscramble | unsex | vitrify | pall | saponify | expand | extend | set aside | suspend | muddy | transform | elevate | lift | raise | harshen | dinge | demonise | demonize | devilise | devilize | diabolise | diabolize | etherealize | etherialise | immaterialise | immaterialize | unsubstantialise | unsubstantialize | animate | animise | animize | clear | dynamise | dynamize | dynamise | dynamize | rarefy | sublimate | subtilize | volatilise | volatilize | uniformise | uniformize | symmetrise | symmetrize | eternalise | eternalize | eternise | eternize | immortalise | immortalize | denature | denature | denature | sanitise | sanitize | verbify | shift | sputter | draw | make | dope | prostrate | excite | energise | energize | excite | shake | outmode | spice | spice up | shorten | think | make | deflate | inflate | reflate | digitalise | digitalize | digitise | digitize | gelatinise | gelatinize | recombine | effeminise | effeminize | feminise | feminize | womanize | masculinise | masculinize | virilise | virilize | masculinize | disharmonize | dissonate | sexualise | sexualize | schematise | schematize | patent | constitutionalise | constitutionalize | rationalise | rationalize | plasticise | plasticize | rarefy | paganise | paganize | incandesce | deaminate | deaminize | angulate | circularize | sensitise | sensitize | sensitise | sensitize | depolarise | depolarize | intensify | isomerise | isomerize | legitimate | evaporate | vaporise | industrialise | industrialize | opacify | opsonize | militarise | militarize | nationalise | nationalize | recommend | sentimentalise | sentimentalize | solemnise | solemnize | territorialise | territorialize | transaminate | glorify | spiritualize | transfigure | unsanctify | vesiculate | visualise | visualize | variegate | ventilate | vivify | vulgarise | vulgarize | supple | professionalise | professionalize | smut | still | weaponize | eroticize | sex up | piggyback | port | lifehack | cloud | blur | confuse | obnubilate | obscure | moderate | tame | tone down | obfuscate | synchronise | synchronize | mince | moderate | soften | militarise | militarize | break down | crush | fat | fatten | fatten out | fatten up | fill out | flesh out | plump | plump out | disturb | touch | dull | blunt | dull | sharpen | coarsen | loosen | loosen | undo | untie | barb | string | straighten | straighten out | bring | amalgamate | commix | mingle | mix | unify | charge | put | clean | make clean | begrime | bemire | colly | dirty | grime | soil | depress | lower | deform | break | break up | alter | adorn | beautify | decorate | embellish | grace | ornament | humanise | humanize | humble | alien | alienate | disaffect | estrange | right | desensitise | desensitize | deodorise | deodorize | deodourise | develop | blur | blind | change intensity | change taste | exchange | interchange | replace | substitute | capture | add | bestow | bring | contribute | impart | lend | reestablish | reinstate | restore | liberalise | liberalize | compensate | correct | redress | right | democratise | democratize | neutralize | corrupt | debase | debauch | demoralise | demoralize | deprave | misdirect | pervert | profane | subvert | vitiate | loosen | relax | unify | unite | flocculate | turn | cohere | rectify | utilize | capitalise | capitalize | replace | launder | change | shift | switch | break | replace | dress | get dressed | change | shift | switch | change | commute | convert | exchange | change | transition | shift | break | channel-surf | surf | jump | leap | diphthongise | diphthongize | cut | break | change | go | locomote | move | travel | transfer | sell | cash | cash in | ransom | redeem | redeem | fill in | stand in | sub | substitute | swap | switch | swop | trade | barter | trade | trade in |

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