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jointed - kétnyelvű szótár

joint: összekapcsol; egymásba ereszt; egymásba illeszt; felbont; ízel; hézagol; simító gyaluval meggyalul; közös; együttes; csukló; ereszték; ízület; összeköt; összeilleszt; felvág; ízekre bont; egyesített; kapcsolt; társas; társ-; illesztett; illeszkedő; kapcsolódó; csuklós csatlakozás; illesztés; összeillesztés; illesztési hely; összeillesztési hely; kapcsolás; kapcsolódás; ácsolatkötés; hegesztés; hegesztési varrat; eresztés; kötés; becsapolás; hézag; könyvgerinc széle; falcnyílás; két ízület közötti rész; ujjíz; ujjperc; egybesült vesepecsenye; egybesült bélszín; csomó; görcs; bütyök; ízköz; internódium; tag; repedés; hasadék; kétes hírű ház; lebuj; helyiség;

-------------- kifejezésekben: --------------
ball and socket joint: gömbcsukló; bonded joint: áthidalt sínütközés; carpal joint: kézcsukló; case the joint: helyszíni szemlét tart; előzetes szemlét tart; terepszemlét tart; felméri a helyzetet; come out of joint: kificamodik; cut from the joint: szelet sült hús; sült szelet; cut off the joint: szelet sült hús; sült szelet; dovetail joint: fecskefark-illesztés; fecskefark-csapolás; fecskefarkú illesztés; fecskefarkú kötés; fecskefarkkötés; elbow joint: könyökízület; fetlock joint: bokaízület; csüdízület; flush joint: sima illesztés; bütüs illesztés; gambling joint: játékbarlang; joint author: társszerző; joint bolt: csuklócsap; ágyúcsapszeg; joint business: társas cég; társas vállalat; közös üzlet; részes üzlet; meta-ügylet; joint capital: társasági tőke; társasági alaptőke; joint committee: egyesített bizottság; vegyes bizottság; közös bizottság; interparlamentáris bizottság; joint deposit: közös letét; közös követelés; joint efforts: közös erőfeszítés; közös erőfeszítések; joint end: csuklós vég; joint estate: vagyonközösség; joint fastening: sínheveder; ütközési és sínillesztés; joint gap: illesztési hézag; joint gout: ízületi fájdalom; szaggatás; csúz; köszvény; joint heir: örököstárs; joint heiress: örököstárs; joint labourer: munkatárs; joint manager: aligazgató; joint operations: közös hadműveletek; joint owner: társtulajdonos; tulajdonostárs; résztulajdonos; hajórészvényes; joint ownership: közös tulajdon; osztatlan jószág; joint promissory note: egyetemleges kötelezvény; egyetemleges adóslevél; joint proprietor: tulajdonostárs; résztulajdonos; hajórészvényes; társtulajdonos; joint regent: társrégens; régenstárs; joint responsibility: egyetemleges felelősség; joint ring: kapcsoló gyűrű; tömítőgyűrű; joint rule: társuralkodás; többes fejedelemség; szinarchia; joint shares: közösen birtokolt részvény; joint stock: alaptőke; társasági vagyon; joint tenant: társbérlő; bérlőtárs; joint tongue: ereszték; joint traffic: csatlakozó forgalom; kombinált forgalom; joint undertaking: közös vállalkozás; jook-juke joint: csehó; lebuj; juice joint: csapszék; pálinkamérés; mandibular joint: állkapocsízület; notched joint: hornyolt kötés; on joint account: közös számlára; out of joint: kificamodott; kizökkentett; megzavart; pickup joint: szórakozóhely könnyű ismerkedési lehetőséggel; húsvásár; pull out of joint: kificamít; put sy`s nose out of joint: rossz tréfát űz vkivel; kitol vkivel; kiüt a nyeregből vkit; roast joint: egybesült hús; pecsenye; screw joint: csavaros kötés; stiff joint: megmerevedett ízület; nehezen hajló ízület; swivel joint: forgócsukló; csuklós kötés; csuklópántos kötés; kilengő kötés; tapeworm joint: galandféreg ízülete; tongue joint: eresztékillesztés; upright joint: függőleges ereszték;

jointed - értelmező szótár

joint1 (n) (anatomy) the point of connection between two bones or elements of a skeleton (especially if it allows motion)
   Hasonló: articulatio | articulation |

joint2 (n) a disreputable place of entertainment
joint3 (n) the shape or manner in which things come together and a connection is made
   Hasonló: articulation | join | junction | juncture |

joint4 (n) a piece of meat roasted or for roasting and of a size for slicing into more than one portion
   Hasonló: roast |

joint5 (n) junction by which parts or objects are joined together
joint6 (n) marijuana leaves rolled into a cigarette for smoking
   Hasonló: marijuana cigarette | reefer | spliff | stick |

joint1 (v) fit as if by joints
joint2 (v) provide with a joint
   Hasonló: articulate |

joint3 (v) fasten with a joint
joint4 (v) separate (meat) at the joint
joint1 (a) united or combined joint owners
jointed1 (s) having joints or jointed segments
joint2 (s) affecting or involving two or more joint ownership
joint3 (s) involving both houses of a legislature
Ellentétes értelmű: | separate | jointer | joint |
  Lásd még: | separate | jointer | joint |

------ "jointed" kifejezésekben --------
ankle joint (n) a gliding joint between the distal ends of the tibia and fibula and the proximal end of the talus
artificial joint (n) a metal or plastic part that is surgically implanted to replace a natural joint (possibly elbow or wrist but usually hip or knee)
ball-and-socket joint (n) a freely moving joint in which a sphere on the head of one bone fits into a rounded cavity in the other bone
butt joint (n) a joint made by fastening ends together without overlapping
clip joint (n) a place of entertainment where high prices are charged for poor entertainment
cotyloid joint (n) a freely moving joint in which a sphere on the head of one bone fits into a rounded cavity in the other bone
cubital joint (n) hinge joint between the forearm and upper arm and the corresponding joint in the forelimb of a quadruped
degenerative joint disease (n) chronic breakdown of cartilage in the joints; the most common form of arthritis occurring usually after middle age
dovetail joint (n) a mortise joint formed by interlocking tenons and mortises
elbow joint (n) hinge joint between the forearm and upper arm and the corresponding joint in the forelimb of a quadruped
enarthrodial joint (n) a freely moving joint in which a sphere on the head of one bone fits into a rounded cavity in the other bone
fetlock joint (n) the joint between the cannon bone and the pastern
fibrous joint (n) an immovable joint (especially between the bones of the skull)
fish joint (n) a butt joint formed by bolting fish plates to the sides of two rails or beams
flexible joint (n) a joint that holds two parts together so that one can swing relative to the other
ginglymoid joint (n) a freely moving joint in which the bones are so articulated as to allow extensive movement in one plane
gliding joint (n) a freely moving joint in which the articulations allow only gliding motions
hinge joint (n) a freely moving joint in which the bones are so articulated as to allow extensive movement in one plane
hip joint (n) the ball-and-socket joint between the head of the femur and the acetabulum
interphalangeal joint (n) any of the joints between the phalanges of the fingers or toes
joint author (n) a writer who collaborates with others in writing something
Joint Chiefs (n) the executive agency that advises the President on military questions; composed of the chiefs of the United States Army and the United States Navy and the United States Air Force and the commandant of the United States Marine Corps
Joint Chiefs of Staff (n) the executive agency that advises the President on military questions; composed of the chiefs of the United States Army and the United States Navy and the United States Air Force and the commandant of the United States Marine Corps
Joint Direct Attack Munition (n) a pinpoint bomb guidance device that can be strapped to a gravity bomb thus converting dumb bombs into smart bombs
joint fir (n) jointed and nearly leafless desert shrub having reduced scalelike leaves and reddish fleshy seeds
joint hinge (n) a hinge with two long straps; one strap is fastened to the surface of a moving part (e.g., a door or lid) and the other is fastened to the adjacent stationary frame
joint probability (n) the probability of two events occurring together
joint resolution (n) a resolution passed by both houses of Congress which becomes legally binding when signed by the Chief Executive (or passed over the Chief Executive's veto)
joint return (n) a return filed by a husband and wife
joint snake (n) snakelike lizard of Europe and Asia and North America with vestigial hind limbs and the ability to regenerate its long fragile tail
joint venture (n) a venture by a partnership or conglomerate designed to share risk or expertise
jointed charlock (n) Eurasian weed having yellow or mauve or white flowers and podlike fruits
jointed rush (n) rush of Australia
jook joint (n) a small roadside establishment in the southeastern United States where you can eat and drink and dance to music provided by a jukebox
juke joint (n) a small roadside establishment in the southeastern United States where you can eat and drink and dance to music provided by a jukebox
knee joint (n) hinge joint in the human leg connecting the tibia and fibula with the femur and protected in front by the patella
knuckle joint (n) a joint of a finger when the fist is closed
lap joint (n) joint made by overlapping two ends and joining them together
mandibular joint (n) the joint between the head of the lower jawbone and the temporal bone
metacarpophalangeal joint (n) a joint of a finger when the fist is closed
miter joint (n) joint that forms a corner; usually both sides are bevelled at a 45-degree angle to form a 90-degree corner
mitre joint (n) joint that forms a corner; usually both sides are bevelled at a 45-degree angle to form a 90-degree corner
mortise joint (n) a gliding joint between the distal ends of the tibia and fibula and the proximal end of the talus
mortise-and-tenon joint (n) a joint made by inserting tenon on one piece into mortise holes in the other
pivot joint (n) a freely moving joint in which movement is limited to rotation
rabbet joint (n) a joint formed by fitting together two rabbeted boards
radiocarpal joint (n) a joint between the distal end of the radius and the proximal row of carpal bones
rib joint pliers (n) a type of pliers
rotary joint (n) a freely moving joint in which movement is limited to rotation
rotatory joint (n) a freely moving joint in which movement is limited to rotation
scarf joint (n) a joint made by notching the ends of two pieces of timber or metal so that they will lock together end-to-end
second joint (n) the upper joint of the leg of a fowl
shoulder joint (n) a ball-and-socket joint between the head of the humerus and a cavity of the scapula
spheroid joint (n) a freely moving joint in which a sphere on the head of one bone fits into a rounded cavity in the other bone
synovial joint (n) a joint so articulated as to move freely
temporomandibular joint (n) the joint between the head of the lower jawbone and the temporal bone
toggle joint (n) a joint made by two arms attached by a pivot; used to apply pressure at the two ends by straightening the joint
tongue and groove joint (n) a mortise joint made by fitting a projection on the edge of one board into a matching groove on another board
universal joint (n) coupling that connects two rotating shafts allowing freedom of movement in all directions
wrist joint (n) a joint between the distal end of the radius and the proximal row of carpal bones
ball-and-socket joint (n) a joint that can rotate within a socket
hinge joint (n) a joint allowing movement in one plane only
knuckle joint (n) a joint allowing movement in one plane only
mortise joint (n) a joint made by inserting tenon on one piece into mortise holes in the other

A(z) jointed szóhoz valahogyan kapcsolódó szavak - fedezd fel őket is!

cannabis | ganja | marihuana | marijuana | butt | cigaret | cigarette | coffin nail | fag | ball-and-socket joint | butt | butt joint | flexible joint | hinge | conjunction | junction | hinge joint | knuckle joint | lap joint | splice | miter | miter joint | mitre | mitre joint | mortise joint | mortise-and-tenon joint | rabbet joint | scarf | scarf joint | seam | toggle joint | weld | jook | jook house | jook joint | juke | juke house | juke joint | spot | fetlock | fetlock joint | hock | hock-joint | knee | stifle | elbow | body part | hip socket | articular muscle | articulatory system | fibrous joint | sutura | suture | articulatio synovialis | diarthrosis | synovial joint | endoskeleton | anatomy | general anatomy | cut | cut of meat | blade roast | pot roast | rib roast | standing rib roast | top round | rump roast | beef roast | roast beef | roast veal | veal roast | lamb roast | roast lamb | pork roast | roast pork | esophagogastric junction | oesophagogastric junction | connection | connexion | link | disunite | divide | part | separate | fasten | fix | secure | carpentry | woodwork | woodworking | furnish | provide | render | supply | fit | go | many-sided | multilateral | collective | common | integrated | clannish | concerted | conjunct | conjunctive | cooperative | conjoined | conjoint | collective | corporate | cosignatory | shared | united | shared | zoological science | zoology | articulate | articulated |

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