Angol-magyar, magyar-angol online szótáraink

white - Online English Department Dictionary

white trash: műveletlen fehér proli poor white people, especially those living in the southern US sértő (szándékú) kifejezés: olyan fehér emberekre, akik főleg az USA déli államaiból származnak.
white pudding: májashurka [A meat dish, made from liver and oats cooked in a sausage skin ]
show the white flag: megadja magát [fehér zászlót mutat fel]
popinac / white poinac: árvamimóza [Leucaena leucocephala ]
white board / whiteboard: interaktív tábla / fehér tábla / digitális tábla / okostábla

white - kétnyelvű szótár

white: fehérít; kifehérít; fehérré tesz; meszel; kimeszel; tisztára mos; üresen hagy sort; fehérré válik; megfehéredik; megőszül; fehér; fehér színű; fehér hajú; ősz; világos; színtelen; áttetsző; sápadt; halvány; fehérbe öltözött; fehérruhás; fehér ruhájú; fehér fajú; fehér emberre jellemző; üresen maradt; becsületes; tisztességes; korrekt; tiszta; szeplőtlen; ártatlan; feddhetetlen; ártalmatlan; kommunistaellenes; nem kommunista; fehérizzó; fehér izzásig hevített; polírozatlan; fehér szín; fehérség; fehérítőszer; fehér festék; fehéráru; fehér öltözet; fehér ruha; fehér fajú ember; fehér ember; céltábla szélső köre; mellétalálat; fehérizzó hő; mázatlan porcelán; világos sakkfigura; tiszta fehér állatfajta; konzervatív; fehér-;

-------------- kifejezésekben: --------------
as white as a ghost: holtsápadt; halottsápadt; halotthalovány; kísértetiesen sápadt; as white as a sheet: holtsápadt; halottsápadt; halotthalovány; kísértetiesen sápadt; as white as snow: fehér mint a hó; black and white: ceruzarajz; tusrajz; bleed white: kiszipolyoz; broken white line: terelővonal; continuous white line: terelővonal; záróvonal; creole white: kreol; dashed white line: terelővonal; dead white: fakó fehér; matt fehér; fénytelen fehér; double white line: záróvonal; fair white linen cloth: hófehér gyolcs; hófehér vászon; go white: sápadozik; elsápad; fehér lesz az arca; fakó lesz az arca; great white way: new york színháznegyede; broadway; he is going white: őszül; őszülni kezd; fehéredik a haja; őszbe csavarodik; in a white rage: dühtől fakóra válva; dühtől falfehéren; in black and white: írásba; írásban; nyomtatásban; it is damned white of him to: igen szép tőle hogy; igen kedves tőle hogy; london white: ólomfehér; ólomfehér festék; middle white: yorkshiri sertés; off white: piszkosfehér; paris white: párizsi fehér; poor white: mezőgazdasági proletár; pure white: tiszta fehér; river of white running down the page: fehér csík; set sg down in black and white: írásba foglal vmit; show the white feather: gyávának mutatkozik; gyávának bizonyul; gyáván viselkedik; meghátrál; megadja magát; leteszi a fegyvert; solid white line: záróvonal; talk black into white: el akarja hitetni, hogy a fehér fekete; turn white: sápadozik; elsápad; fehér lesz az arca; fakó lesz az arca; white admiral: kis lonclepke; white alder: fehér égerfa; hamvas égerfa; white alloy: fehérfém; csapágyfém; fehérötvözet; kínaezüst; újezüst; white american ash-tree: amerikai fehér kőris; white ant: termesz; white as driven snow: hófehér; patyolatfehér; white basswood: fehér hárs; white bay: kaliforniai babérfa; white bear: jegesmedve; white bent: nárdusfű; hajszálfű; white birch: nyírfa; white book: fehér könyv; hivatalos iratok gyűjteménye; white bread: fehér kenyér; white butter pear: császárkörte; white campion: fehér mécsvirág; white clergy: világi papság; white clover: fehérhere; kúszóhere; fehér lóhere; white coal: vízi energia; villamos energia vízerőműből; white cobalt: smaltin; white coffee: tejeskávé; white collar worker: szellemi munkás; tisztviselő; értelmiségi; értelmiségi dolgozó; white cookies: cukormázzal bevont sütemény; mignon; white coral: fehérkorall; white corpuscle: fehérvérsejt; white crow: fehér holló; ritka vendég; white cypress: mocsári ciprus; white deal: fehérfenyő; szürkefenyő; white elephant: haszontalan és drága ajándék; fehér elefánt; white ensign: hadi lobogó; white feather: gyávaság; gyávaság jele; white fir: kolorádófenyő; óriásfenyő; gyenge minőségű fenyőfa; white flag: parlamenterzászló; békezászló; fehér zászló; megadást jelentő fehér zászló; white fox: fehér róka; white friar: karmelita szerzetes; white friars: karmeliták; white frost: dér; white glass: színtelen üveg; átlátszó üveg; opálüveg; white goods: fehéráru; fehérnemű; white heat: fehér izzás; mész; white hope: halvány remény; végső remény; white hornblende: kalamit; white horse: fehér ló; fehér tarajú hullám; white house: fehér ház; white iron: fehér nyersvas; markazit; white iron ore: vaspát; white lead: ólomfehér; fehér ólomérc; cerusszit; white leather: kicserzett bőr; white level: fehérszint; fehérjelszint; white lie: ártatlan hazugság; füllentés; white lily: fehér liliom; white lime: ezüstlevelű hárs; fehérlevelű hárs; mésztej; oltott mész; white linden: ezüstlevelű hárs; fehérlevelű hárs; white line: fehér sáv; üres sor; térző; linea alba; white lupine: csillagfürt; white man: fehér ember; fehér fajú ember; derék ember; hűséges ember; lojális ember; white man`s burden: gyarmatosítás; elmaradt népek civilizálásának kötelezettsége; fehér ember kötelessége a színesekkel szemben; white maple: fehérjuhar; nagylevelű juhar; ezüst juhar; white meat: fehérhús; szárnyashús; borjúhús; nyúlhús; white menstruation: vértelen menstruáció; white metal: fehérfém; csapágyfém; fehérötvözet; kínaezüst; újezüst; white mulberry: fehéreperfa; white mustard: fehér mustár; sárga mustár; angol mustár; kerti mustár; white oak: fehértölgy; white of egg: tojásfehérje; white of the eye: szemfehérje; szaruhártya; white out: szedést ritkít; sorokat ritkít; sorokat ritkítva szed; white paper: fehér papír; hivatalos kormánykiadvány; white pickle: mozaikos fehérgyümölcsűség; white pine: simafenyő; white poplar: fehérnyárfa; white potato: burgonya; krumpli; white resin: lucfenyőszurok; white rope: nem kátrányos vékony kötél; white russian: fehérorosz; white rust: fehérsömör; white sauce: fehér mártás; white slave: prostituáltnak eladott nő; white slave traffic: leánykereskedelem; white sleeper: telítetlen talpfa; white soaproot: fátyolvirág; magyar szappangyökér; white spirit: lakkbenzin; nehézbenzin; white spruce: fehér lucfenyő; kanadai lucfenyő; white squall: szélroham derült időben; szélroham; white staff: fehér pálca; white tar: naftalin; white tie: fehér nyakkendő; frakk; white trash: fehér proletár; white vine: iszalag; white walnut: szürkediófa; white war: gazdasági háború; white ware: finom fajansz; white water: sekély víz; white wave: magas képhullám; magas erős képhullám; white whale: fehér fogú bálna; white willow: fehérfűz; white wine: fehér bor; white with fear: halálra vált a félelemtől; halálra váltan a félelemtől; félelemtől falfehér; félelemtől falfehéren; white zinc: cinkfehér; horganyfehér; with a spread of white sails: kifeszített fehér vitorlákkal; feszülő fehér vitorlákkal; work in black and white: tusrajzot készít; ceruzarajzot készít; zinc white: cinkfehér;

white - EU-szótár

white job: fehérköpenyes munkahely / "fehérköpenyes" állás
white hake: fehér villás tőkehal
white sugar: fehér cukor
white water: fehér víz / körvíz / szitavíz
white skate: fehér rája
White Paper: fehér könyv
white clause: fehér klauzula
Ladies in White: Nők fehérben
great white shark: fehér cápa
Large White / Yorkshire: nagyfehér hússertés
large white helleborine: fehér madársisak
albacore / white meat tuna: germon
WMVS / white mid ventral spots: WMVS / fehér hasközepi foltok
Penaeus' shrimps / white shrimps: ostoros garnélák
giant fir / grand fir / white fir: nagy jegenyefenyő / tengerparti jegenyefenyő
greater yam / water yam / white yam: fehér jamszgyökér
Atlantic white marlin / white marlin: fehér marlin
CI Pigment White 6 / titanium dioxide: CI Pigment White 6 / titán-dioxid
ichthyophthiriasis / white spot disease: darakór
bleached shellac / shellac / white shellac: fehér sellak / fehérített sellak / sellak
false trevally / white fish / white fishes: fehér húsú halak
Pacific silver fir / cascade fir / white fir: vöröstobozú jegenyefenyő
CI pigment white 18 / calcium carbonate / chalk: CI Pigment White 18 / kalcium-karbonát / kréta
Convention concerning the Use of White Lead in Painting: Egyezmény az ólomfehérnek a festőiparban való alkalmazásáról / Egyezmény az ólomfehérről (festőipar), 1921
trafficking in women / white slave trade / white slavery: nőkereskedelem
beeswax / beeswax, white and yellow / white wax / yellow wax: fehér viasz / fehér és sárga méhviasz / méhviasz / sárga viasz
silver fir / white Colorado fir / white balsam fir / white fir: Colorado-fenyő / coloradói jegenyefenyő / szürke jegenyefenyő
White Paper "European transport policy for 2010: time to decide": Fehér könyv – Európai közlekedéspolitika 2010-ig: ideje dönteni
White Paper - Together for Health : A Strategic Approach for the EU 2008-2013: Fehér könyv - Együtt az egészségért: Stratégiai megközelítés az EU számára 2008-2013
WBC / total leucocyte count / total white blood cells / white blood cell count: FVS / fehérvérsejtszám / összfehérvérsejtszám
WSD / WSS / white spot disease / white spot disease in crustaceans / white spot syndrome: WSD / White spot-betegség
differential blood count / differential leucocyte count / differential leukocyte count / white blood cell differential count: differenciált fehérvérsejtszám / differenciált vérképvizsgálat
Pacific albacore / albacore / albacore tunna / long-finned albacore / long-finned tuna / long-finned tunny / warman / white tuna: germon
Communication from the Commission - Energy for the future: Renewable sources of energy - White Paper for a Community strategy and action plan: A Bizottság közleménye – A jövő energiája: megújuló energiaforrások – Fehér könyv a közösségi stratégiáról és cselekvési tervről

white - értelmező szótár

White1 (n) a member of the Caucasoid race
   Hasonló: caucasian | white | white person |

white2 (n) the quality or state of the achromatic color of greatest lightness (bearing the least resemblance to black)
   Hasonló: whiteness |

White3 (n) United States jurist appointed chief justice of the United States Supreme Court in 1910 by President Taft; noted for his work on antitrust legislation (1845-1921)
   Hasonló: edward d. white | edward douglas white jr. | edward white | white |

White4 (n) Australian writer (1912-1990)
   Hasonló: patrick victor martindale white | patrick white | white |

White5 (n) United States political journalist (1915-1986)
   Hasonló: t. h. white | theodore harold white | white |

White6 (n) United States architect (1853-1906)
   Hasonló: stanford white | white |

White7 (n) United States writer noted for his humorous essays (1899-1985)
   Hasonló: e. b. white | elwyn brooks white | white |

White8 (n) United States educator who in 1865 (with Ezra Cornell) founded Cornell University and served as its first president (1832-1918)
   Hasonló: andrew d. white | andrew dickson white | white |

White9 (n) a tributary of the Mississippi River that flows southeastward through northern Arkansas and southern Missouri
   Hasonló: white | white river |

white10 (n) the white part of an egg; the nutritive and protective gelatinous substance surrounding the yolk consisting mainly of albumin dissolved in water
   Hasonló: albumen | egg white | ovalbumin |

white11 (n) (board games) the lighter pieces
white12 (n) (usually in the plural) trousers made of flannel or gabardine or tweed or white cloth
   Hasonló: flannel | gabardine | tweed |

white1 (v) turn white
   Hasonló: whiten |

white1 (a) being of the achromatic color of maximum lightness; having little or no hue owing to reflection of almost all incident light a bride's white dress
white2 (a) of or belonging to a racial group having light skin coloration
white3 (s) free from moral blemish or impurity; unsullied
white4 (s) marked by the presence of snow the white hills of a northern winter
   Hasonló: snowy |

white5 (s) restricted to whites only a lily-white movement which would expel Negroes from the organization
   Hasonló: lily-white |

white6 (s) glowing white with heat a white-hot center of the fire
   Hasonló: white-hot |

white7 (s) benevolent; without malicious intent
white8 (s) (of a surface) not written or printed on fill in the blank spaces | a clean page | wide white margins
   Hasonló: blank | clean |

white9 (s) (of coffee) having cream or milk added
white10 (s) (of hair) having lost its color
   Hasonló: whitened |

white11 (s) anemic looking from illness or emotion the invalid's blanched cheeks | tried to speak with bloodless lips | a face livid with shock | lips...livid with the hue of death | lips white with terror | a face white with rage
   Hasonló: ashen | blanched | bloodless | livid |

white12 (s) of summer nights in northern latitudes where the sun barely sets
Ellentétes értelmű: | black |
  Lásd még: | black | whiteness | white |

------ "white" kifejezésekben --------
American white birch (n) small American birch with peeling white bark often worked into e.g. baskets or toy canoes
American white oak (n) large slow-growing deciduous tree of the eastern United States having stout spreading branches and leaves with usually 7 rounded lobes; yields strong and durable hard wood
American white pine (n) tall-growing pine of eastern North America; bark is brown with longitudinal fissures when mature; valued as a timber tree
Andrew D. White (n) United States educator who in 1865 (with Ezra Cornell) founded Cornell University and served as its first president (1832-1918)
Andrew Dickson White (n) United States educator who in 1865 (with Ezra Cornell) founded Cornell University and served as its first president (1832-1918)
Arizona white oak (n) semi-evergreen shrub or small tree of Arizona and New Mexico having acorns with hemispherical cups
Atlantic white cedar (n) slow-growing medium-sized cedar of east coast of the United States; resembles American arborvitae
bacillary white diarrhea (n) a serious bacterial disease of young chickens
bacillary white diarrhoea (n) a serious bacterial disease of young chickens
black and white (n) communication by means of written symbols (either printed or handwritten)
box white oak (n) small deciduous tree of eastern and central United States having dark green lyrate pinnatifid leaves and tough moisture-resistant wood used especially for fence posts
California white fir (n) medium to tall fir of central to western United States having a narrow erect crown and soft wood
California white oak (n) tall graceful deciduous California oak having leathery leaves and slender pointed acorns
Chinese white (n) a white pigment used in house paints; consists of zinc oxide
Chinese white cabbage (n) Asiatic plant grown for its cluster of edible white stalks with dark green leaves
coast white cedar (n) slow-growing medium-sized cedar of east coast of the United States; resembles American arborvitae
common white dogwood (n) deciduous tree; celebrated for its large white or pink bracts and stunning autumn color that is followed by red berries
E. B. White (n) United States writer noted for his humorous essays (1899-1985)
eastern white pine (n) tall-growing pine of eastern North America; bark is brown with longitudinal fissures when mature; valued as a timber tree
Edward D. White (n) United States jurist appointed chief justice of the United States Supreme Court in 1910 by President Taft; noted for his work on antitrust legislation (1845-1921)
Edward Douglas White Jr. (n) United States jurist appointed chief justice of the United States Supreme Court in 1910 by President Taft; noted for his work on antitrust legislation (1845-1921)
Edward White (n) United States jurist appointed chief justice of the United States Supreme Court in 1910 by President Taft; noted for his work on antitrust legislation (1845-1921)
egg white (n) the white part of an egg; the nutritive and protective gelatinous substance surrounding the yolk consisting mainly of albumin dissolved in water
Elwyn Brooks White (n) United States writer noted for his humorous essays (1899-1985)
European white birch (n) European birch with silvery white peeling bark and markedly drooping branches
European white lily (n) a water lily with white flowers
flat-topped white aster (n) a variety of aster
great white heron (n) a common egret of the genus Egretta found in America; it is a variety of the Old World white egret Casmerodius albus
great white hope (n) someone (or something) expected to achieve great success in a given field
great white shark (n) large aggressive shark widespread in warm seas; known to attack humans
Great White Way (n) a street in Manhattan that passes through Times Square; famous for its theaters
large white (n) Old World form of cabbage butterfly
large white petunia (n) annual herb having large nocturnally fragrant white flowers
lowland white fir (n) lofty fir of the Pacific coast of northwestern America having long curving branches and deep green leaves
New Zealand white pine (n) New Zealand evergreen valued for its light easily worked wood
northern white cedar (n) small evergreen of eastern North America having tiny scalelike leaves on flattened branchlets
Old world white pelican (n) similar to American white pelican
Oregon white oak (n) small deciduous tree of western North America with crooked branches and pale grey bark
paper white (n) a daffodil having star-shaped white blossoms; often grown indoors to bloom in the winter
Patrick Victor Martindale White (n) Australian writer (1912-1990)
Patrick White (n) Australian writer (1912-1990)
poor white trash (n) (slang) an offensive term for White people who are impoverished
small white (n) small widely distributed form
small white aster (n) a variety of aster
southern white cedar (n) slow-growing medium-sized cedar of east coast of the United States; resembles American arborvitae
southwestern white pine (n) medium-size pine of northwestern Mexico; bark is dark brown and furrowed when mature
Stanford White (n) United States architect (1853-1906)
swamp white oak (n) large deciduous oak of the eastern United States with a flaky bark and leaves that have fewer lobes than other white oaks; yields heavy strong wood used in construction; thrives in wet soil
sweet white violet (n) short-stemmed violet of eastern North America having fragrant purple-veined white flowers
T. H. White (n) United States political journalist (1915-1986)
tall white violet (n) tall North American perennial with heart-shaped leaves and white flowers with purple streaks
Theodore Harold White (n) United States political journalist (1915-1986)
upland white aster (n) tufted rigid North American perennial with loose clusters of white flowers
valley white oak (n) tall graceful deciduous California oak having leathery leaves and slender pointed acorns
West Highland white terrier (n) small white long-coated terrier developed in Scotland
western white pine (n) tall pine of western North America with stout blue-green needles; bark is grey-brown with rectangular plates when mature
white admiral (n) North American butterfly with blue-black wings crossed by a broad white band
white alder (n) tree of western United States
white Anglo-Saxon Protestant (n) a white person of Anglo-Saxon ancestry who belongs to a Protestant denomination
white ant (n) whitish soft-bodied ant-like social insect that feeds on wood
white arsenic (n) a white powdered poisonous trioxide of arsenic; used in manufacturing glass and as a pesticide (rat poison) and weed killer
white ash (n) small to medium-sized tree of Australia and Tasmania having smooth white to light-grey bark shedding in patches or strips
white aspen (n) a poplar that is widely cultivated in the United States; has white bark and leaves with whitish undersurfaces
white avens (n) avens of Virginia having pale or greenish yellow flowers
white backlash (n) backlash by white racists against black civil rights advances
white baneberry (n) North American herb with white poisonous berries
white basswood (n) American basswood of the Allegheny region
white bead (n) North American herb with white poisonous berries
white bean (n) white-seeded bean; usually dried
white bedstraw (n) Eurasian herb with ample panicles of small white flowers; naturalized in North America
white beech (n) North American forest tree with light green leaves and edible nuts
white beer (n) a general name for beers made from wheat by top fermentation; usually very pale and cloudy and effervescent
white birch (n) European birch with dull white to pale brown bark and somewhat drooping hairy branches
white blood cell (n) blood cells that engulf and digest bacteria and fungi; an important part of the body's defense system
white blood corpuscle (n) blood cells that engulf and digest bacteria and fungi; an important part of the body's defense system
white book (n) a government report; bound in white
white bread (n) bread made with finely ground and usually bleached wheat flour
white broom (n) low European broom having trifoliate leaves and yellowish-white flowers
white bryony (n) white-flowered vine having thick roots and bearing small black berries; Europe to Iran
white Burgundy (n) dry white table wine of Chablis, France or a wine resembling it
white cake (n) cake made without egg yolks
white camas (n) plant of eastern and central North America having creamy white flowers tinged with brown or purple; poisonous especially to grazing animals
white campion (n) bluish-green herb having sticky stems and clusters of large evening-opening white flowers with much-inflated calyx; sometimes placed in genus Lychnis
white cedar (n) small evergreen of eastern North America having tiny scalelike leaves on flattened branchlets
white cell (n) blood cells that engulf and digest bacteria and fungi; an important part of the body's defense system
white chocolate (n) a blend of cocoa butter and milk solids and sugar and vanilla; used in candy bars and baking and coatings; not technically chocolate because it contains no chocolate liquor
white cinnamon (n) highly aromatic inner bark of the Canella winterana used as a condiment and a tonic
white cinnamon tree (n) large evergreen shrub or small tree having white aromatic bark and leathery leaves and small purple to red flowers in terminal cymes
white clover (n) creeping European clover having white to pink flowers and bright green leaves; naturalized in United States; widely grown for forage
white cockle (n) bluish-green herb having sticky stems and clusters of large evening-opening white flowers with much-inflated calyx; sometimes placed in genus Lychnis
white cohosh (n) North American herb with white poisonous berries
white corpuscle (n) blood cells that engulf and digest bacteria and fungi; an important part of the body's defense system
white crappie (n) a crappie that is white
white croaker (n) silvery and bluish drumfish of shallow California coastal waters
white currant (n) garden currant bearing small white berries
white cypress (n) slow-growing medium-sized cedar of east coast of the United States; resembles American arborvitae
white cypress pine (n) small tree or shrub of southern Australia
white daisy (n) tall leafy-stemmed Eurasian perennial with white flowers; widely naturalized; often placed in genus Chrysanthemum
white dead nettle (n) European dead nettle with white flowers
white dipladenia (n) shrubby climber having glossy leaves and white funnel-shaped flowers with yellow throats
white dog's-tooth violet (n) North American dogtooth having solitary white flowers with yellow centers and blue or pink exteriors
white dogtooth violet (n) North American dogtooth having solitary white flowers with yellow centers and blue or pink exteriors
white dwarf (n) a faint star of enormous density
white dwarf star (n) a faint star of enormous density
white elephant (n) a valuable possession whose upkeep is excessively expensive
white elm (n) large ornamental tree with graceful gradually spreading branches common in eastern North America
white fairy lantern (n) globe lily having open branched clusters of egg-shaped white flowers; southern California
white false indigo (n) erect or spreading herb having racemes of creamy white flowers; the eastern United States
white feather (n) a symbol of cowardice
white feldspar (n) a widely distributed feldspar that forms rocks
white fir (n) medium to tall fir of central to western United States having a narrow erect crown and soft wood
white flag (n) flag consisting of a piece of white cloth that is hoisted to signal surrender or to ask for a truce
white fox (n) thickly-furred fox of Arctic regions; brownish in summer and white in winter
White Friar (n) a Roman Catholic friar wearing the white cloak of the Carmelite order; mendicant preachers
white fringed orchid (n) bog orchid of eastern North America with a spike of pure white fringed flowers
white fringed orchis (n) bog orchid of eastern North America with a spike of pure white fringed flowers
white fritillary (n) California herb with white conic or bell-shaped flowers usually tinged with green
white fungus (n) a fungus that attacks living fish and tadpoles and spawn causing white fungus disease: a coating of white hyphae on especially peripheral parts (as fins)
white globe lily (n) globe lily having open branched clusters of egg-shaped white flowers; southern California
white gold (n) a pale alloy of gold usually with platinum or nickel or palladium
white goods (n) large electrical home appliances (refrigerators or washing machines etc.) that are typically finished in white enamel
white heat (n) the hotness of something heated until it turns white
white heather (n) heath of mountains of western United States having bell-shaped white flowers
white hellebore (n) North American plant having large leaves and yellowish green flowers growing in racemes; yields a toxic alkaloid used medicinally
white honeysuckle (n) bushy honeysuckle with twining branches and white or yellow-white flowers; southern United States
white hope (n) someone (or something) expected to achieve great success in a given field
white horehound (n) European aromatic herb with hairy leaves and numerous white flowers in axillary cymes; leaves yield a bitter extract use medicinally and as flavoring
white horse (n) a wave that is blown by the wind so its crest is broken and appears white
white horse nettle (n) weedy nightshade with silvery foliage and violet or blue or white flowers; roundish berry widely used to curdle milk; central United States to South America
White House (n) the chief executive department of the United States government
white knight (n) a company that is a friendly acquirer in a takeover
white lead (n) a poisonous white pigment that contains lead
white lead ore (n) a mineral consisting of lead carbonate that is an important source of lead
white leather (n) a leather that has been treated with alum and/or salt
white leg (n) painful thrombosis of the femoral vein in the leg following childbirth
white lettuce (n) herb of northeastern North America having drooping clusters of yellowish-white flowers; sometimes placed in genus Prenanthes
white lie (n) an unimportant lie (especially one told to be tactful or polite)
white lily (n) lily of eastern Mediterranean and the Balkans with broad funnel-shaped white flowers
white line (n) a white stripe in the middle of a road to mark traffic lanes
white lotus (n) white Egyptian lotus: water lily of Egypt to southeastern Africa; held sacred by the Egyptians
white lung (n) acute lung injury characterized by coughing and rales; inflammation of the lungs which become stiff and fibrous and cannot exchange oxygen; occurs among persons exposed to irritants such as corrosive chemical vapors or ammonia or chlorine etc.
white lupine (n) white-flowered Eurasian herb widely cultivated for forage and erosion control
white madder (n) Eurasian herb with ample panicles of small white flowers; naturalized in North America
white magic (n) magic used only for good purposes
white maire (n) small New Zealand tree having red pulpy one-seeded fruit
white mallee (n) small shrubby mallee
white mallow (n) European perennial plant naturalized in United States having triangular ovate leaves and lilac-pink flowers
white man (n) a man who is White
white man's burden (n) the supposed responsibility of the white race to provide care for their non-white subjects
white mangrove (n) a small to medium-sized tree growing in brackish water especially along the shores of the southwestern Pacific
white marlin (n) small marlin (to 180 pounds) of western Atlantic
white matsutake (n) a large white mushroom that develops brown stains as it ages; gills are white; odor is spicy and aromatic; collected commercially for oriental cooking the Pacific Northwest
white matter (n) whitish nervous tissue of the CNS consisting of neurons and their myelin sheaths
white meat (n) meat carved from the breast of a fowl
white melilot (n) biennial plant; valuable honey plant
white metal (n) an alloy (often of lead or tin base) used for bearings
white milkweed (n) tall herb with leafless white waxy stems and whitish starlike flowers; southwestern United States
white mountain ash (n) large tree with dark compact bark on lower trunk but smooth and white above; yields lumber similar to that of European or American ashes
white mulberry (n) Asiatic mulberry with white to pale red fruit; leaves used to feed silkworms
white mullein (n) densely hairy Eurasian herb with racemose white flowers; naturalized in North America
white mullet (n) silvery mullet of Atlantic and Pacific coasts
white mustard (n) Eurasian mustard cultivated for its pungent seeds; a source of table mustard and mustard oil
White Nile (n) a headstream of the Nile; joins the Blue Nile at Khartoum to form the Nile
white noise (n) a noise produced by a stimulus containing all of the audible frequencies of vibration
white oak (n) any of numerous Old World and American oaks having 6 to 8 stamens in each floret, acorns that mature in one year and leaf veins that never extend beyond the margin of the leaf
white onion sauce (n) veloute sauce with sauteed chopped onions and whipping cream
white pages (n) a telephone directory or section of a directory (usually printed on white paper) where the names of people are listed alphabetically along with their telephone numbers
white paper (n) a government report; bound in white
white pelican (n) large American pelican; white with black wing feathers
White people (n) a light-skinned race
white pepper (n) climber having dark red berries (peppercorns) when fully ripe; southern India and Sri Lanka; naturalized in northern Burma and Assam
white perch (n) small silvery food and game fish of eastern United States streams
White person (n) a member of the Caucasoid race
white pine (n) any of several five-needled pines with white wood and smooth usually light grey bark when young; especially the eastern white pine
white pine blister rust (n) any of several diseases of pines caused by rust fungi of the genus Cronartium and marked by destructive invasion of bark and sapwood and producing blisters externally
white plague (n) involving the lungs with progressive wasting of the body
white popinac (n) low scrubby tree of tropical and subtropical North America having white flowers tinged with yellow resembling mimosa and long flattened pods
white poplar (n) a poplar that is widely cultivated in the United States; has white bark and leaves with whitish undersurfaces
white potato (n) annual native to South America having underground stolons bearing edible starchy tubers; widely cultivated as a garden vegetable; vines are poisonous
white potato vine (n) annual native to South America having underground stolons bearing edible starchy tubers; widely cultivated as a garden vegetable; vines are poisonous
white pox (n) a mild form of smallpox caused by a less virulent form of the virus
white prairie aster (n) perennial of western North America having white flowers
White race (n) a light-skinned race
white rhinoceros (n) large light-grey African rhinoceros having two horns; endangered; sometimes placed in genus Diceros
white rice (n) having husk or outer brown layers removed
White River (n) a tributary of the Mississippi River that flows southeastward through northern Arkansas and southern Missouri
white rocket (n) from Mediterranean region; a naturalized weed throughout southern Europe
white room (n) a room that is virtually free of dust or bacteria; used in laboratory work and in assembly or repair of precision equipment
White Russia (n) a landlocked republic in eastern Europe; formerly a European soviet
White Russian (n) a native or inhabitant of Byelorussia
white rust (n) fungus causing a disease characterized by a white powdery mass of conidia
white sage (n) perennial cottony-white herb of southwestern United States
white sale (n) a sale of household linens
white sanicle (n) American herb having flat-topped clusters of small white flower heads; reputedly a cause of trembles and milk sickness; sometimes placed in genus Eupatorium
white sauce (n) milk thickened with a butter and flour roux
White Sea (n) a large inlet of the Barents Sea in the northwestern part of European Russia
white seabass (n) a species of large perch noted for its sporting and eating qualities; lives in marine, estuary, and freshwater habitats
white separatism (n) a social system in which white people live separately from members of other races
white separatist (n) someone who advocates a society in which white people live separately from members of other races
white shark (n) large aggressive shark widespread in warm seas; known to attack humans
white sheep (n) large white wild sheep of northwestern Canada and Alaska
white silk-cotton tree (n) massive tropical tree with deep ridges on its massive trunk and bearing large pods of seeds covered with silky floss; source of the silky kapok fiber
white slave (n) a woman sold into prostitution
white slaver (n) a person who forces women to become prostitutes
white slime mushroom (n) a type of slime mushroom
white snakeroot (n) American herb having flat-topped clusters of small white flower heads; reputedly a cause of trembles and milk sickness; sometimes placed in genus Eupatorium
white snapdragon (n) California plant with slender racemes of white flowers
white Spanish broom (n) low European broom having trifoliate leaves and yellowish-white flowers
white spruce (n) medium-sized spruce of northeastern North America having short blue-green leaves and slender cones
white squire (n) a white knight that buys less than a majority interest
white stork (n) the common stork of Europe; white with black wing feathers and a red bill
white stringybark (n) stringybark having white wood
white sturgeon (n) valuable source of caviar and isinglass; found in Black and Caspian seas
white supremacist (n) a person who believes that the white race is or should be supreme
white supremacy (n) the prejudice that members of the white race are superior to members of other races
white sweet clover (n) biennial plant; valuable honey plant
White Tai (n) a branch of the Tai languages
white tail (n) common North American deer; tail has a white underside
white thistle (n) any plant of the genus Argemone having large white or yellow flowers and prickly leaves and stems and pods; chiefly of tropical America
white tie (n) bow tie worn as part of a man's formal evening dress
white tie and tails (n) formalwear consisting of full evening dress for men
white titi (n) shrub or small tree of southeastern United States to West Indies and Brazil; grown for the slender racemes of white flowers and orange and crimson foliage
white trash (n) (slang) an offensive term for White people who are impoverished
white trumpet lily (n) tall lily have large white trumpet-shaped flowers that bloom in the spring
white turnip (n) widely cultivated plant having a large fleshy edible white or yellow root
white violet (n) short-stemmed violet of eastern North America having fragrant purple-veined white flowers
white vitriol (n) a colorless water-soluble powder; used as a mordant or to preserve wood or for the electrodeposition of zinc
white walnut (n) North American walnut tree having light-brown wood and edible nuts; source of a light-brown dye
white water (n) frothy water as in rapids or waterfalls
white wax tree (n) erect evergreen treelike shrub of China and Korea and Japan having acuminate leaves and flowers in long erect panicles; resembles Japanese privet
white whale (n) small northern whale that is white when adult
white willow (n) large willow tree of Eurasia and North Africa having greyish canescent leaves and grey bark
white wine (n) pale yellowish wine made from white grapes or red grapes with skins removed before fermentation
white wolf (n) wolf of Arctic North America having white fur and a black-tipped tail
white woman (n) a woman who is White
white wood aster (n) rhizomatous perennial wood aster of eastern North America with white flowers
white yam (n) grown in Australasia and Polynesia for its large root with fine edible white flesh
white zinnia (n) subshrub with slender woolly stems and long narrow leaves and flower heads with white rays; southern United States and northern Mexico
woodland white violet (n) short-stemmed violet of eastern North America having fragrant purple-veined white flowers
Yukon white birch (n) Alaskan birch with white to pale brown bark
zinc white (n) a white pigment used in house paints; consists of zinc oxide
black and white (n) a black-and-white photograph or slide
great white heron (n) widely distributed Old World white egret
white admiral (n) Eurasian butterfly with brown wings and white markings
white alder (n) shrub of eastern and southern coastal United States having beautiful racemes of spice-scented white flowers
white ash (n) spreading American ash with leaves pale green or silvery beneath and having hard brownish wood
white avens (n) North American white-flowered avens
white cedar (n) slow-growing medium-sized cedar of east coast of the United States; resembles American arborvitae
white croaker (n) small silvery marine food fish found off California
white elephant (n) albinic Indian elephant; rare and sometimes venerated in east Asia
white fir (n) medium to tall fir of western North America having a conic crown and branches in tiers; leaves smell of orange when crushed
white goods (n) drygoods for household use that are typically made of white cloth
white honeysuckle (n) shrub growing in swamps throughout the eastern United States and having small white to pinkish flowers resembling honeysuckle
White House (n) the government building that serves as the residence and office of the President of the United States
white lily (n) white Egyptian lotus: water lily of Egypt to southeastern Africa; held sacred by the Egyptians
white mangrove (n) shrub to moderately large tree that grows in brackish water along the seacoasts of western Africa and tropical America; locally important as a source of tannin
white pepper (n) pepper ground from husked peppercorns
white pine (n) soft white wood of white pine trees
white plague (n) an addiction to a drug (especially a narcotic drug)
white poplar (n) light easily worked wood of a tulip tree; used for furniture and veneer
white potato (n) an edible tuber native to South America; a staple food of Ireland
White Russian (n) a cocktail made with vodka, coffee liqueur, and milk or cream
white sturgeon (n) food and game fish of marine and fresh waters of northwestern coast of North America
white thistle (n) spiny shrub with silvery-scurfy foliage of alkaline plains of southwestern United States and Mexico
white tie (n) formalwear consisting of full evening dress for men
white turnip (n) white root of a turnip plant
white violet (n) tall North American perennial with heart-shaped leaves and white flowers with purple streaks
great white heron (n) large white heron of Florida and the Florida Keys
White Russian (n) the Slavic language spoken in Belarus
white out (v) cover up with a liquid correction fluid
white out (v) widen the interlinear spacing by inserting leads
black and white (a) not having or not capable of producing colors

A "white" betűsor a kollokációs adatbázisunkban:

white lie
füllentés, ártatlan hazugság

  • I know it wasn't true but it was a white lie and nobody got hurt.
    Tudom, nem volt így igaz, de csak kis füllentés volt, és senkinek nem származott belõle kára.
white collar worker
szellemi dolgozó

  • So you think white-collar workers never send offensive material by e-mail?
    Tényleg azt hiszed, hogy a szellemi dolgozók nem küldenek illetlen vagy sértõ tartalmú emaileket?
as white as a sheet
falfehér, hulla sápadt

  • His face was as white as a sheet, and he complained that the top of his head burned painfully.
    Rettenetesen sápadt volt, és panaszkodott, hogy nagyon fáj a feje.
a white elephant
méregdrága, fölösleges kacat, limlom

  • That lavish building was just a white elephant.
    Az a puccos épület teljesen haszontalan volt és csak a pénzt emésztette fel.
white goods
konyhai eszközök

  • The EU Energy Label is a compulsory notice that is applied to all white goods and home appliances sold within the EU.
    Az EU Energia címkét kötelezõen rá kell ragasztani minden az EU területén eladott háztartási eszközre.
white paper
fehérkönyv, fehér könyv

  • The Department of Defence (DoD) prepared a White Paper on Defence, which was approved by Parliament in May 1996.
    A Védelmi Minisztérium elkészített egy törvénytervezetet a honvédelemrõl, amelyet az Országgyûlés 1996. májusában fogadott el.
the great white hope
üdvöske, a nagy reménység

  • Since he entered the NBA, Bird has always been seen as the Great White Hope.
    Mióta belépett az NBA-ba, Bird-öt mindig is a jövõ nagy reménységének tekintették.


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