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court - Online English Department Dictionary

crown court: büntetobíróság [UK]
court shoes: körömcipő
patent court: szabadalmi bíróság
Metropolitan Court: Fővárosi Bíróság
constitutional court: alkotmánybíróság [A constitutional court is a high court that deals primarily with constitutional law. Its main authority is to rule on whether or not laws that are challenged are in fact unconstitutional. ]
European Court of Human Rights: Emberi Jogok Európai Bírósága
European and Community Patents Court: Európai és Közösségi Szabadalmi Bíróság

court - kétnyelvű szótár

court: bíróság; udvar; királyi palota; udvarol vminek; keres vmit; törvényszék; sportpálya; udvarlás;

-------------- kifejezésekben: --------------
ambassador to the court of st. james: nagykövet az angol királyi udvarnál; body of the court: tárgyalóterem; bring a question before a court: bíróság elé visz egy ügyet; bring sy up before court: törvény elé idéz vkit; circuit court: vidéki tárgyalásra kiszálló bíróság; clerk of the court: törvényszéki írnok; törvényszéki irodatiszt; come up before the court: megjelenik a bíróság előtt; consistory court: egyházi bíróság; egyházkerületi bíróság; contempt of court: bíróság megsértése; meg nem jelenés bíróság előtt; county court: megyei elsőfokú bíróság; kerületi elsőfokú bíróság; járásbíróság; court below: alsó bíróság; court clown: udvari bolond; court danger: kihívja a veszélyt; court jester: udvari bolond; court of appeal: fellebbviteli bíróság; court of assizes: vidéken ülésező esküdtbíróság; court of chancery: kancelláriai törvényszék; árvaszék; központi árvaszék; court of exchequer: megszűnt angol bíróság; court of first instance: elsőfokú bíróság; court of honour: becsületbíróság; court of justice: törvényszék; court of king`s bench: király ítélőszéke; court of law: bíróság; törvényszék; court of queen`s bench: királynő ítélőszéke; court of the highest instance: legfelsőbb bíróság; court plaster: angoltapasz; court reporter: jegyzőkönyvvezető; court sy`s favour: vki pártfogására pályázik; vki kegyeire pályázik; vki kegyeire vadászik; kellemkedik vkinek; cover the court: fogja a pályát (teniszben); divisional court: legfőbb törvényszék osztályainak tanácsa; ecclesiastical court: egyházi bíróság; final court of appeal: legfelsőbb bíróság; give medical evidence before a court: bíróság előtt orvosi szakvéleményt ad; grass court: füves pálya; hard court: salakos teniszpálya; aszfalt teniszpálya; beton teniszpálya; have sy before the court: törvényszék elé idéz vkit; judgement of the appeal court: másodfokú ítélet; jurisdiction of an exceptional court: rendkívüli bíróság hatásköre; law court: bíróság; make court to sy: udvarol vkinek; manor court: úriszék; military appeal court: katonai fellebbviteli bíróság; out of court: peren kívül; pay court to sy: udvarol vkinek; petition the court for sg: megkeresi a bíróságot vmiért; police court: rendőrbíróság; prize court: zsákmánybíróság; tengerészeti zsákmánybíróság; probate court: hagyatéki bíróság; refer the case to another court: ügyet más bírósághoz tesz át; registry court: cégbíróság; service court: adogatóudvar; settle an affair out of court: peren kívüli egyezséget köt; spiritual court: egyházi bíróság; supreme court: legfelsőbb bíróság; supreme court of appeal: legfelsőbb bíróság; semmítőszék; tennis court: teniszpálya; under the cognizance of a court: bíróság illetékességébe tartozó; bíróság hatáskörébe tartozó; within the cognizance of a court: bíróság illetékességébe tartozó; bíróság hatáskörébe tartozó; world court of justice: hágai nemzetközi bíróság;

court - EU-szótár

local court: helyi bíróság
crown court: királyi bíróság
review court: felülvizsgálati bíróság
county court: megyei bíróság
labour court: munkaügyi bíróság
ward of court: állami gondozott
Supreme Court: Legfelsőbb Bíróság
district court: járásbíróság
district court: kerületi bíróság
choice of court: joghatósági kikötés
municipal court: városi bíróság
court settlement: perbeli egyezség
court / tribunal: igazságszolgáltatási fórum
court proceedings: bírósági eljárás
Metropolitan Court: Fővárosi Bíróság
court first seised: elsőként megkeresett bíróság
seising of a court: a bíróság megkeresése
court usher / crier: hivatalsegéd
Constitutional Court: Alkotmánybíróság
Constitutional Court: Alkotmánybíróság
national court or tribunal: nemzeti bíróság
UPC / Unified Patent Court: Egységes Szabadalmi Bíróság
ICS / Investment Court System: beruházási vitákkal foglalkozó bírósági rendszer
general court / regional court: törvényszék
Budapest-Capital Regional Court: Fővárosi Törvényszék
administrative and labour court: közigazgatási és munkaügyi bíróság
Budapest Environs Regional Court: Budapest Környéki Törvényszék
referral to the Court of Justice: Bírósághoz fordulás
Registry of the Court of Justice: a Bíróság Hivatala
appellate court / court of appeal: fellebbviteli bíróság
ICC / International Criminal Court: NBB / Nemzetközi Büntetőbíróság
High Court of Cassation and Justice: Legfelsőbb Semmítő- és Ítélőszék
ICJ / International Court of Justice: NB / Nemzetközi Bíróság
court decision / decision of a court: bírósági határozat
PCA / Permanent Court of Arbitration: Állandó Döntőbíróság
CAS / Court of Arbitration for Sport: CAS / Sportdöntőbíróság
Court of Conciliation and Arbitration: Békéltető és Döntőbíróság
SCSL / Special Court for Sierra Leone: Sierra Leone-i Különleges Bíróság
Working Party on the Court of Justice: a Bírósággal foglalkozó munkacsoport
special report of the Court of Auditors: a Számvevőszék különjelentése
Budapest-Capital Regional Court of Appeal: Fővárosi Ítélőtábla
African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights: Afrikai Emberi Jogi és Népjogi Bíróság
Statute of the International Court of Justice: Nemzetközi Bíróság statútuma
CJEU / Court of Justice of the European Union: EUB / az Európai Unió Bírósága
ECHR / ECtHR / European Court of Human Rights: EJEB / az Emberi Jogok Európai Bírósága
PCIJ / Permanent Court of International Justice: Állandó Nemzetközi Bíróság
court in the place in which the property is located: valamely vagyontárgy elhelyezkedése szerint joghatósággal rendelkező bíróság
Company Court of the Budapest-Capital Regional Court: Fővárosi Törvényszék Cégbírósága
Company Court of the Budapest Environs Regional Court: Budapest Környéki Törvényszék Cégbírósága
Rome Statute / Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: a Nemzetközi Büntetőbíróság Római Statútuma
Registrar at the Court of Justice / Registrar of the Court of Justice: a Bíróság hivatalvezetője
Court of Justice of the EFTA States / EFTA Court / EFTA Court of Justice: EFTA-Bíróság
ECR / European Court Reports / Reports of cases before the Court of Justice and the General Court: Az Európai Bíróság és az Elsőfokú Bíróság Határozatainak Tára / EBHT / Európai Bírósági Határozatok Tára
RPCFI / Rules of Procedure of the Court of First Instance / Rules of Procedure of the General Court: A Törvényszék eljárási szabályzata / Az Európai Közösségek Elsőfokú Bíróságának eljárási szabályzata
CofA / Court of Auditors / Court of Auditors of the European Union / ECA / European Court of Auditors: Európai Számvevőszék / Számvevőszék
CJEC / Court of Justice / Court of Justice of the European Communities / ECJ / European Court of Justice: Bíróság / az Európai Közösségek Bírósága
Protocol on the Statute of the Court of Justice / Protocol on the Statute of the Court of Justice of the European Union: Jegyzőkönyv a Bíróság alapokmányáról / Jegyzőkönyv az Európai Unió Bíróságának alapokmányáról
the court addressed / the court applied to / the court hearing the action / the court in which the claim is pending / the court seised: megkeresett bíróság
CFI / Court of First Instance / Court of First Instance of the European Communities / General Court / General Court of the European Union: Elsőfokú Bíróság / Törvényszék / az Európai Közösségek Elsőfokú Bírósága
Agreement between the EFTA States on the establishment of a Surveillance Authority and a Court of Justice;Surveillance and Court Agreement: az EFTA-államok közötti, Felügyeleti Hatóság és Bíróság létrehozásáról szóló megállapodás / felügyeleti és bírósági megállapodás
to bring a case before the Court of Justice of the European Union / to bring a matter before the Court of Justice of the European Union / to bring an action before the Court of Justice of the European Union: az Európai Unió Bíróságához fordul
Protocol drawn up on the basis of article K.3 of the Treaty on the European Union, on the interpretation, by way of preliminary rulings, by the Court of Justice of the European Communities of the Convention on the protection of the European Communities' f: Jegyzőkönyv az Európai Unióról szóló szerződés K.3. cikke alapján, az Európai Közösségek pénzügyi érdekeinek védelméről szóló egyezménynek az Európai Közösségek Bírósága általi, előzetes döntéshozatal révén történő értelmezéséről

court - értelmező szótár

court1 (n) an assembly (including one or more judges) to conduct judicial business
   Hasonló: judicature | tribunal |

court2 (n) a room in which a lawcourt sits
   Hasonló: courtroom |

court3 (n) the sovereign and his advisers who are the governing power of a state
   Hasonló: royal court |

court4 (n) a specially marked horizontal area within which a game is played
Court5 (n) Australian woman tennis player who won many major championships (born in 1947)
   Hasonló: court | margaret court |

court6 (n) the family and retinue of a sovereign or prince
   Hasonló: royal court |

court7 (n) a hotel for motorists; provides direct access from rooms to parking area
   Hasonló: motor hotel | motor inn | motor lodge | tourist court |

court8 (n) a tribunal that is presided over by a magistrate or by one or more judges who administer justice according to the laws
   Hasonló: court of justice | court of law | lawcourt |

court9 (n) the residence of a sovereign or nobleman
court10 (n) an area wholly or partly surrounded by walls or buildings
   Hasonló: courtyard |

court11 (n) respectful deference
   Hasonló: homage |

court1 (v) make amorous advances towards
   Hasonló: romance | solicit | woo |

court2 (v) seek someone's favor
   Hasonló: woo |

court3 (v) engage in social activities leading to marriage

  Lásd még: | courting | courtly | court |

------ "court" kifejezésekben --------
appeals court (n) a court whose jurisdiction is to review decisions of lower courts or agencies
appellate court (n) a court whose jurisdiction is to review decisions of lower courts or agencies
badminton court (n) the court on which badminton is played
basketball court (n) the court on which basketball is played
Battle of Monmouth Court House (n) a pitched battle in New Jersey during the American Revolution (1778) that ended with the withdrawal of British forces
circuit court of appeals (n) one of the twelve federal United States courts of appeals that cover a group of states known as a `circuit'
coming into court (n) formal attendance (in court or at a hearing) of a party in an action
contempt of court (n) disrespect for the rules of a court of law
court card (n) one of the twelve cards in a deck bearing a picture of a face
court game (n) an athletic game played on a court
court of appeals (n) a court whose jurisdiction is to review decisions of lower courts or agencies
court of assize (n) the county courts of England (replaced in 1971 by Crown courts)
court of assize and nisi prius (n) the county courts of England (replaced in 1971 by Crown courts)
court of chancery (n) a court with jurisdiction in equity
court of domestic relations (n) a court in some states in the United States that has jurisdiction over family disputes (especially those involving children)
court of justice (n) a tribunal that is presided over by a magistrate or by one or more judges who administer justice according to the laws
court of law (n) a tribunal that is presided over by a magistrate or by one or more judges who administer justice according to the laws
Court of Saint James's (n) the British royal court
court order (n) a writ issued by a court of law requiring a person to do something or to refrain from doing something
court plaster (n) a plaster composed of isinglass on silk; formerly used to dress superficial wounds
court tennis (n) an ancient form of tennis played in a four-walled court
criminal court (n) a court having jurisdiction over criminal cases
divorce court (n) a court having jurisdiction over the termination of marriage contracts
domestic relations court (n) a court in some states in the United States that has jurisdiction over family disputes (especially those involving children)
family court (n) a court in some states in the United States that has jurisdiction over family disputes (especially those involving children)
federal court (n) a court establish by the authority of a federal government
food court (n) an area (as in a shopping mall) where fast food is sold (usually around a common eating area)
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (n) a secret federal court created in 1978 by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act; responsible for authorizing wiretaps and other forms of electronic surveillance and for authorizing searches of suspected spies and terrorists by the Department of Justice or United States intelligence agencies
friend of the court (n) an adviser to the court on some matter of law who is not a party to the case; usually someone who wants to influence the outcome of a lawsuit involving matters of wide public interest
handball court (n) the court on which handball is played
high court (n) the highest court in most states of the United States
home court (n) (basketball) the court where the host team plays its home games
inferior court (n) any court whose decisions can be appealed to a higher court
International Court of Justice (n) a court established to settle disputes between members of the United Nations
juvenile court (n) a court having jurisdiction over dependent and delinquent children
kangaroo court (n) an irregular unauthorized court
lower court (n) any court whose decisions can be appealed to a higher court
Margaret Court (n) Australian woman tennis player who won many major championships (born in 1947)
military court (n) a judicial court of commissioned officers for the discipline and punishment of military personnel
Monmouth Court House (n) a pitched battle in New Jersey during the American Revolution (1778) that ended with the withdrawal of British forces
moot court (n) a mock court where law students argue hypothetical cases
night court (n) a criminal court (in large cities) that sits at night
police court (n) a court that has power to prosecute for minor offenses and to bind over for trial in a superior court anyone accused of serious offenses
probate court (n) a court having jurisdiction over the probate of wills and the administration of estates
provost court (n) a military court for trying people charged with minor offenses in an occupied area
royal court (n) the family and retinue of a sovereign or prince
squash court (n) the indoor court in which squash is played
state supreme court (n) the highest court in most states of the United States
superior court (n) any court that has jurisdiction above an inferior court
Supreme Court (n) the highest federal court in the United States; has final appellate jurisdiction and has jurisdiction over all other courts in the nation
Supreme Court of the United States (n) the highest federal court in the United States; has final appellate jurisdiction and has jurisdiction over all other courts in the nation
tennis court (n) the court on which tennis is played
tourist court (n) a hotel for motorists; provides direct access from rooms to parking area
traffic court (n) a court that has power to prosecute for traffic offenses
trial court (n) the first court before which the facts of a case are decided
United States Supreme Court (n) the highest federal court in the United States; has final appellate jurisdiction and has jurisdiction over all other courts in the nation
volleyball court (n) the court on which volleyball is played
World Court (n) a court established to settle disputes between members of the United Nations
royal court (n) the sovereign and his advisers who are the governing power of a state
supreme court (n) the highest court in most states of the United States
court favor (v) seek favor by fawning or flattery
court favour (v) seek favor by fawning or flattery

A "court" szó a Jogi Értelmező szakszótárban:

Appellate court A court having jurisdiction to hear appeals and review a trial court's procedure.; A court having jurisdiction to hear appeals and review a trial court's procedure.
Clerk of Court Administrator or chief clerical officer of the court.
Contempt of court Willful disobedience of a judge's command or of an official court order.; Willful disobedience of a judge's command or of an official court order.
Court A body in government to which the administration of justice is delegated.; Government entity authorized to resolve legal disputes. Judges sometimes use "court" to refer to themselves in the third person, as in "the court has read the briefs."
Court Administrator/Clerk of court An officer appointed by the Court or elected to oversee the administrative, non-judicial activities of the court.
Court costs The expenses of prosecuting or defending a lawsuit, other than the attorney fees. An amount of money may be awarded to the successful party (and may be recoverable from the losing party) as reimbursement for court costs.; The expenses of prosecuting or defending a lawsuit, other than the attorneys' fees. An amount of money may be awarded to the successful party (and may be recoverable from the losing party) as reimbursement for court costs.
Court of original jurisdiction A court where a matter is initiated and heard in the first instance; a trial court.
Court reporter A person who transcribes by shorthand or stenographically takes down testimony during court proceedings, a deposition, or other trial-related proceeding.
Court rules Regulations governing practice and procedure in the various courts.
Probate Court The court with authority to supervise estate administration.; The court with authority to supervise estate administration.
Small Claims Court A state court that handles civil claims for small amounts of money. People often represent themselves rather than hire an attorney.; A court that handles civil claims for small amounts of money. People often represent themselves rather than hire an attorney.
Tax Court of the United States A judicial body which hears cases concerning federal tax laws.
United States Bankruptcy Court The judicial body which hears matters pertaining to bankruptcy and reorganization.
United States Court of Appeals Courts which hear appeals from federal district courts, bankruptcy courts, and tax courts.
United States Court of Claims Court which hears actions against the U.S. Government.
United States Court of Customs & Patent Appeals Court which hears appeals from all U.S. customs courts.
United States Court of International Trade Court which hears cases concerning federal tariff laws.
United States Court of Military Appeals Court which hears appeals from court marshal decisions .
United States Supreme Court The highest court in the land, established by U.S. Constitution.


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