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trace - Online English Department Dictionary

contact tracing: kontaktvizsgálat / kontaktkutatás / kontaktkövetés

trace - kétnyelvű szótár

trace: nyomdok; lábnyom; nyomvonal; csapás; kerékcsapás; maradvány; kis mennyiség; elenyésző mennyiség; istráng; hám; felrajzol; felvázol; előrajzol; megjelöl; kijelöl; másol; átmásol; átrajzol; tussal kihúz; ír; gondosan leír; kinyomoz; kiszimatol; megtalálja nyomait; nyom; nyomon követ;

-------------- kifejezésekben: --------------
there`s no trace of it: nyoma sincs; trace back: visszavezet; megtalálja a nyomait; trace element: nyomelem; trace out: kijelöl; kirajzol; trace sg back to its source: eredetére vezet vissza vmit; forrására vezet vissza vmit;

trace - EU-szótár

trace gas: nyomgáz
trace analysis: nyomelem-analízis
TRACE / Transnational Cooperation for Equality: TRACE – az esélyegyenlőség támogatására irányuló transznacionális együttműködési program
ETD equipment / explosive trace detection equipment: ETD / robbanóanyagnyom-felderítő eszköz
TRACE / Treaty Relief and Compliance Enhancement Group: TRACE-csoport / a kettős adóztatási egyezményekből eredő adókedvezményekkel és a betartatás fokozásával foglalkozó csoport
micro-element / micronutrient / oligo-element / trace element: mikroelem

trace - értelmező szótár

trace1 (n) a just detectable amount
   Hasonló: hint | suggestion |

trace2 (n) an indication that something has been present a tincture of condescension
   Hasonló: shadow | tincture | vestige |

trace3 (n) a suggestion of some quality he detected a ghost of a smile on her face
   Hasonló: ghost | touch |

trace4 (n) a drawing created by superimposing a semitransparent sheet of paper on the original image and copying on it the lines of the original image
   Hasonló: tracing |

trace5 (n) either of two lines that connect a horse's harness to a wagon or other vehicle or to a whiffletree
trace6 (n) a visible mark (as a footprint) left by the passage of person or animal or vehicle
trace1 (v) follow, discover, or ascertain the course of development of something trace the student's progress
   Hasonló: follow |

trace2 (v) make a mark or lines on a surface trace the outline of a figure in the sand
   Hasonló: delineate | describe | draw | line |

trace3 (v) to go back over again trace your path
   Hasonló: retrace |

trace4 (v) pursue or chase relentlessly the detectives hounded the suspect until they found him
   Hasonló: hound | hunt |

trace5 (v) discover traces of
trace6 (v) make one's course or travel along a path; travel or pass over, around, or along The women traced the pasture
trace7 (v) copy by following the lines of the original drawing on a transparent sheet placed upon it; make a tracing of trace a pattern
trace8 (v) read with difficulty The archeologist traced the hieroglyphs
   Hasonló: decipher |

  Lásd még: | tracing | tracer | trace |

------ "trace" kifejezésekben --------
explosive trace detection (n) a system for screening luggage in airports; an agent passes a swab around or inside luggage and then runs the swab through a machine that can detect trace amounts of explosives
memory trace (n) a postulated biochemical change (presumably in neural tissue) that represents a memory
trace detector (n) a screening device for traces of explosives; used at airline terminals
trace element (n) an element that occurs at very small quantities in the body but is nonetheless important for many biological processes
trace program (n) a utility program that exhibits the sequence and results of executing the instructions in another program


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