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raging - kétnyelvű szótár

rag: rongy; felmosórongy; rage: düh; dühöng; tombol; dühöngés; őrjöngés; divat; szenvedély; mánia;

-------------- kifejezésekben: --------------
be in a thundering rage: rettentően dühöng; borzalmas dühbe gurult; borzalmas haragra gerjedt; boil over with rage: forr benne a düh; tajtékzik a dühtől; chew the rag: panaszkodik; régi panaszokon rágódik; régi bajokon rágódik; diskurál; hosszasan elbeszélget; hosszasan eltársalog; fall into rage: dühbe gurul; feel like a boiled rag: bágyadtnak érzi magát, mint egy rongy; agyonütöttnek érzi magát, mint egy rongy; úgy érzi magát, mint egy mosogatórongy; olyan, mint egy mosogatórongy; flushed with rage: dühtől remegve; feldühödve; fly into a rage: dühbe gurul; foam with rage: dühöng; tajtékzik a dühtől; get into a rage: dühbe gurul; get red with rage: elvörösödik a dühtől; go blind with rage: éktelen haragra gerjed; dühbe gurul; have a rage for sg: megőrül vmiért; in a white rage: dühtől fakóra válva; dühtől falfehéren; in one`s towering rage: féktelen haragjában; insensate rage: esztelen düh; esztelen dühöngés; őrült düh; őrült dühöngés; it`s like a red rag to a bull: mint bikának a vörös posztó; linen rag: rongy; prance with rage: toporzékol haragjában; rag sy about sg: leszid vkit vmiért; rag sy for sg: leszid vkit vmiért; rage against sg: kikel vmi ellen; kirohan vmi ellen; rage at sg: kikel vmi ellen; kirohan vmi ellen; transport of rage: dühroham;

raging - értelmező szótár

rag1 (n) a small piece of cloth or paper
   Hasonló: shred | tag | tag end | tatter |

rage1 (n) a feeling of intense anger his face turned red with rage
   Hasonló: fury | madness |

rag2 (n) a week at British universities during which side-shows and processions of floats are organized to raise money for charities
   Hasonló: rag week |

rage2 (n) a state of extreme anger
rag3 (n) music with a syncopated melody (usually for the piano)
   Hasonló: ragtime |

rage3 (n) something that is desired intensely
   Hasonló: passion |

rag4 (n) newspaper with half-size pages
   Hasonló: sheet | tabloid |

rage4 (n) violent state of the elements
rag5 (n) a boisterous practical joke (especially by college students)
rage5 (n) an interest followed with exaggerated zeal it was all the rage that season
   Hasonló: craze | cult | fad | furor | furore |

rag1 (v) treat cruelly
   Hasonló: bedevil | crucify | dun | frustrate | torment |

rage1 (v) behave violently, as if in state of a great anger
   Hasonló: ramp | storm |

rag2 (v) cause annoyance in; disturb, especially by minor irritations It irritates me that she never closes the door after she leaves
   Hasonló: annoy | bother | chafe | devil | get at | get to | gravel | irritate | nark | nettle | rile | vex |

rage2 (v) be violent; as of fires and storms
rag3 (v) play in ragtime
rage3 (v) feel intense anger
rag4 (v) harass with persistent criticism or carping Don't ride me so hard over my failure | His fellow workers razzed him when he wore a jacket and tie
   Hasonló: bait | cod | rally | razz | ride | tantalise | tantalize | taunt | tease | twit |

rag5 (v) censure severely or angrily The deputy ragged the Prime Minister | The customer dressed down the waiter for bringing cold soup
   Hasonló: bawl out | berate | call down | call on the carpet | chew out | chew up | chide | dress down | have words | jaw | lambast | lambaste | lecture | rebuke | remonstrate | reprimand | reproof | scold | take to task | trounce |

rag6 (v) break into lumps before sorting
raging1 (s) characterized by violent and forceful activity or movement; very intense a hot engagement | a raging battle | the river became a raging torrent
   Hasonló: hot |

raging2 (s) very severe a raging toothache
raging3 (s) (of the elements) as if showing violent anger furious winds | the raging sea
   Hasonló: angry | furious | tempestuous | wild |

Ellentétes értelmű: | rage | rag |
  Lásd még: | rage | rag |

------ "raging" kifejezésekben --------
pine-tar rag (n) baseball equipment consisting of a rag soaked with pine tar; used on the handle of a baseball bat to give a batter a firm grip
rag day (n) a day on which university students hold a rag
rag doll (n) a cloth doll that is stuffed and (usually) painted
rag gourd (n) any of several tropical annual climbers having large yellow flowers and edible young fruits; grown commercially for the mature fruit's dried fibrous interior that is used as a sponge
rag paper (n) paper made partly or wholly from rags
rag trade (n) makers and sellers of fashionable clothing
rag week (n) a week at British universities during which side-shows and processions of floats are organized to raise money for charities
road rage (n) violence exhibited by drivers in traffic

A(z) raging szóhoz valahogyan kapcsolódó szavak - fedezd fel őket is!

practical joke | britain | great britain | u.k. | uk | united kingdom | united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland | piece of cloth | piece of material | pine-tar rag | newspaper | paper | dance music | britain | great britain | u.k. | uk | united kingdom | united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland | hebdomad | week | rag day | excavation | mining | break up | fragment | fragmentise | fragmentize | castigate | chasten | chastise | correct | objurgate | brush down | tell off | criticise | criticize | knock | pick apart | bemock | mock | barrack | flout | gibe | jeer | scoff | banter | chaff | jolly | josh | kid | music | music | play | spiel | get | get under one's skin | eat into | fret | grate | rankle | chafe | peeve | ruffle | fret | beset | chevvy | chevy | chivvy | chivy | harass | harry | hassle | molest | plague | provoke | antagonise | antagonize | displease | madden | beset | chevvy | chevy | chivvy | chivy | harass | harry | hassle | molest | plague | provoke | hamstring | badger | beleaguer | bug | pester | tease | oppress | persecute | fashion | anger | choler | ire | wrath | lividity | violence | anger | angriness | desire | blow a fuse | blow one's stack | blow up | combust | flip one's lid | flip one's wig | fly off the handle | go ballistic | have a fit | have kittens | hit the ceiling | hit the roof | lose one's temper | throw a fit | foam at the mouth | froth at the mouth | be | act | behave | do | stormy | intense | violent |

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