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testing - Online English Department Dictionary

smoke test / smoke testing: füstteszt / füsttesztelés preliminary testing to reveal simple failures in computer programming and software testing a füstteszt során a legalapvetőbb funkciók működését ellenőrzik

testing - kétnyelvű szótár

test: kipróbál; próbára tesz; megvizsgál; ellenőriz; analizál; vizsgáztat; próba; kipróbálás; próbatétel; vizsgálat; anyagvizsgálat; reagens; kísérlet; analízis; mérték; ismérv; teszt; próbázás; vizsga; agyagtálka; próbatégely; kísérletezik; leűzőcsésze; pörkölőtál; teknősbékapáncél; kísérletez; mészhéj; magburok; tanú; próbál; láttamoz; hitelesít; végrendelkezik; végrendeletet csinál; testing: vizsgálat folyamata;

-------------- kifejezésekben: --------------
acceptance test: átvételi vizsgálat; acid test: savpróba; döntő próba; all-weld-metal test specimen: ömledék; animal test: állatkísérlet; aptitude test: alkalmassági vizsga; ball test: golyós keménységi vázsgálat; golyós keménységi próba; ball testing: golyós keménységi vizsgálat; blood test: vérvizsgálat; breath test: alkoholpróba; szondázás; burning test: égetési próba; correct a test: dolgozatot javít; crucial test: döntő próba; szigorú próba; tűzpróba; destruction test: töréspróba; roncsolásos anyagvizsgálat; dope test: doppingvizsgálat; driving test: autóvezetői vizsga; gépkocsivezetői vizsga; dry test: száraz próba; endurance test: fárasztópróba; terhelési próba; megbízhatósági verseny; szilárdsági próba; tartóssági próba; kopásvizsgálat; ellenállóság-vizsgálat; fatigue test: fárasztópróba; fáradásvizsgálat; kifáradás-vizsgálat; intelligence test: intelligenciapróba; értelmességi vizsgálat; értelmességi teszt; intelligenciavizsgálat; intelligenciateszt; means test: anyagi helyzet felmérése; nuclear test: kísérleti atomrobbantás; nukleáris fegyverkísérlet; nuclear test ban: atomcsend; atomcsend egyezmény; oral test: szóbeli vizsga; referálás; vizsgafelelés; vizsgafelelet; vizsgakérdések; pass the test: kiállja a próbát; performance test: teljesítményvizsgálat; placement test: besorolási tesz; besorolási vizsga; pounding test: ütőpróba; döngölőpróba; pressure test: terhelési próba; túlterhelési próba; nyomáspróba; nyomásvizsgálat; put sy to the test: próbára tesz vkit; kipróbál vkit; put to the test: kipróbál; próbára tesz; próbának vet alá; scratch test: bedörzsöléses próba; single test: egyedi vizsgálat; egyedi próba; spot test: villámellenőrzés; stand the test of time: kiállja az idők próbáját; test case: próbaper; test flight: próbarepülés; repülőpróba; pilótavizsga; test hole: kutatóakna; feltáró furat; feltáró lyuk; próbafúrás; mintavételi hely; test indicator: ellenőrző mérőóra; test needle: próbatű; test of key attributes: folyamatba épített ellenőrzés; test of transactions: ügyletek vizsgálata; test run: próbaút; próbajárat; twist test: torziós próba; undergo a test: próbának veti alá magát; water test: vizeletvizsgálat; weekly test: iskolai heti dolgozat; wet test: nedves próba; whirling test: pörgési próba; withstand the test of time: kiállja az idő próbáját;

testing - EU-szótár

user testing: felhasználói tesztelés
tiered testing: többszintű vizsgálat
animal testing: állatkísérlet
in vivo testing: in vivo vizsgálat
testing proposal: vizsgálati javaslat
in vitro testing: in vitro vizsgálat
testing exception: tesztelési kivétel
stability testing: stabilitásvizsgálat
Reception Testing: Átvételi Ellenőrzés
non-animal testing: nem állatokon végzett vizsgálati módszerek
equivalency testing: egyenértékűségi vizsgálat
proficiency testing: jártassági vizsgálat
performance testing: teljesítményvizsgálat
macro-stress testing: makrostresszteszt
tiered testing strategy: többszintű vizsgálati stratégia
stepwise testing approach: lépcsőzetes vizsgálati megközelítés
substantive testing strategy: a tételes vizsgálat kivitelezésének stratégiája
tuberculin test / tuberculin testing: tuberkulinpróba
out-of-sample test / out-of-sample testing: mintán kívüli teszt / mintán kívüli tesztelés
ISTA / International Seed Testing Association: ISTA / Nemzetközi Vetőmagvizsgálati Szövetség
sequential testing / sequential testing strategy: lépcsőzetes vizsgálati stratégia / lépcsőzetes vizsgálatok
simulation of a stress scenario / stress testing: stressztesztelés
antibiogram / antimicrobial susceptibility testing: antimikrobiális érzékenység vizsgálat
single-dose toxicity test / single-dose toxicity testing: egyszeri dózis toxicitására vonatkozó vizsgálat
NPT / POCT / near-patient testing / point-of-care testing: ellátás helyén történő vizsgálat
predictive analysis / predictive test / predictive testing: becslésen alapuló tesztelés
Hungarian Institute for Testing Electrical Equipment / MEEI: MEEI / Magyar Elektrotechnikai Ellenőrző Intézet
EUCAST / European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing: Antibiotikum-érzékenységi Vizsgálatok Európai Bizottsága / az antibiotikum-rezisztencia vizsgálat európai bizottsága / az antimikrobás szerekre való fogékonyságvizsgálat európai bizottsága
European Union Reference Laboratory for Alternatives to Animal Testing: Állatkísérletek Alternatíváinak Uniós Referencialaboratóriuma
repeated dose systemic toxicity study / repeated dose toxicity testing: ismételt dózisú szisztémás toxicitási vizsgálat / ismételt dózisú toxicitási vizsgálat
NDA / NDE / NDT / non-destructive assay / non-destructive examination / non-destructive test / non-destructive testing: roncsolásmentes vizsgálat
non-clinical study / pre-clinical study / pre-clinical test / pre-clinical testing / pre-clinical trial / preclinical study / preclinical test / preclinical trial: preklinikai vizsgálat
CIP / Permanent International Commission for Firearms Testing / Permanent International Commission for the Proof of Small Arms / Permanent International Commission for the Proving of Small Arms: C.I.P.

testing - értelmező szótár

test1 (n) trying something to find out about it a trial of progesterone failed to relieve the pain
   Hasonló: trial | trial run | tryout |

testing1 (n) the act of subjecting to experimental test in order to determine how well something works
test2 (n) any standardized procedure for measuring sensitivity or memory or intelligence or aptitude or personality etc
   Hasonló: mental test | mental testing | psychometric test |

testing2 (n) an examination of the characteristics of something it involved testing thousands of children for smallpox
test3 (n) a set of questions or exercises evaluating skill or knowledge
   Hasonló: exam | examination |

testing3 (n) the act of giving students or candidates a test (as by questions) to determine what they know or have learned
   Hasonló: examination |

test4 (n) the act of undergoing testing candidates must compete in a trial of skill
   Hasonló: trial |

test5 (n) the act of testing something he called each flip of the coin a new trial
   Hasonló: run | trial |

test6 (n) a hard outer covering as of some amoebas and sea urchins
test1 (v) put to the test, as for its quality, or give experimental use to Test this recipe
   Hasonló: essay | examine | prove | try | try out |

test2 (v) test or examine for the presence of disease or infection
   Hasonló: screen |

test3 (v) examine someone's knowledge of something We got quizzed on French irregular verbs
   Hasonló: quiz |

test4 (v) show a certain characteristic when tested
test5 (v) achieve a certain score or rating on a test
test6 (v) determine the presence or properties of (a substance)
test7 (v) undergo a test
Ellentétes értelmű: | testing | tester | test | testee |
  Lásd még: | testing | tester | test | testee |

------ "testing" kifejezésekben --------
acid test (n) a rigorous or crucial appraisal
agglutination test (n) a blood test used to identify unknown antigens; blood with the unknown antigen is mixed with a known antibody and whether or not agglutination occurs helps to identify the antigen; used in tissue matching and blood grouping and diagnosis of infections
alpha test (n) (computer science) a first test of an experimental product (such as computer software) carried out by the developer
alpha-naphthol test (n) biochemical indicator of the presence of carbohydrates in a solution; if carbohydrates are present a violet ring is formed by reaction with alpha-naphthol in the presence of sulfuric acid
beta test (n) (computer science) a second test of an experimental product (such as computer software) carried out by an outside organization
blood test (n) a serologic analysis of a sample of blood
clinical test (n) a rigorously controlled test of a new drug or a new invasive medical device on human subjects; in the United States it is conducted under the direction of the FDA before being made available for general clinical use
cloze test (n) a test for diagnosing reading ability; words are deleted from a prose passage and the reader is required to fill in the blanks
complement fixation test (n) a blood test in which a sample of serum is exposed to a particular antigen and complement in order to determine whether or not antibodies to that particular antigen are present; used as a diagnostic test
diagnostic test (n) an assay conducted for diagnostic purposes
Dick test (n) a skin test to determine your susceptibility to scarlet fever
faecal occult test (n) a test performed at home in which you collect specimens of your stool that are tested for traces of blood; used to detect colorectal cancers
fecal occult test (n) a test performed at home in which you collect specimens of your stool that are tested for traces of blood; used to detect colorectal cancers
field test (n) a test of the performance of some new product under the conditions in which it will be used
Friedman test (n) pregnancy test that involves injecting some of the woman's urine into an unmated female rabbit and later examining the ovaries of the rabbit; presence of corpora lutea indicates that the woman is pregnant
glucose tolerance test (n) test of the body's ability to metabolize carbohydrates; used in the diagnosis of hypoglycemia and diabetes mellitus
heterophil test (n) a blood test to detect heterophil antibodies that agglutinate sheep red blood cells; positive result indicates infectious mononucleosis
inkblot test (n) a projective tests using bilaterally symmetrical inkblots; subjects state what they see in the inkblot
intelligence test (n) a psychometric test of intelligence
intradermal test (n) a form of skin test in which the suspected allergen is injected into the skin
IQ test (n) a psychometric test of intelligence
Kendall test (n) any of several nonparametric measures of correlation (used when the assumptions of standard correlational analysis are not met)
litmus test (n) a coloring material (obtained from lichens) that turns red in acid solutions and blue in alkaline solutions; used as a very rough acid-base indicator
Mantoux test (n) tuberculin (a derivative of tubercle bacillus) is injected intradermally; a red area appearing 1-3 days later signifies an exposure (past or present) to tubercle bacilli and the need for further testing
means test (n) an inquiry into the financial position of someone applying for financial aid
mental test (n) any standardized procedure for measuring sensitivity or memory or intelligence or aptitude or personality etc
mental testing (n) any standardized procedure for measuring sensitivity or memory or intelligence or aptitude or personality etc
Ministry of Transportation test (n) a compulsory annual test of older motor vehicles for safety and exhaust fumes
Molisch test (n) biochemical indicator of the presence of carbohydrates in a solution; if carbohydrates are present a violet ring is formed by reaction with alpha-naphthol in the presence of sulfuric acid
Molisch's test (n) biochemical indicator of the presence of carbohydrates in a solution; if carbohydrates are present a violet ring is formed by reaction with alpha-naphthol in the presence of sulfuric acid
MOT test (n) a compulsory annual test of older motor vehicles for safety and exhaust fumes
Pap test (n) a method of examining stained cells in a cervical smear for early diagnosis of uterine cancer
Papanicolaou test (n) a method of examining stained cells in a cervical smear for early diagnosis of uterine cancer
patch test (n) a test to determine allergic sensitivity by applying small pads soaked with allergen to the unbroken skin
paternity test (n) a test based on blood groups to determine whether a particular man could be the biological father of a particular child; negative results prove he was not the father but positive results show only that he could be
personality test (n) any test that is intended to assess personality
PKU test (n) a test of newborn infants for phenylketonuria
preclinical test (n) a laboratory test of a new drug or a new invasive medical device on animal subjects; conducted to gather evidence justifying a clinical trial
pregnancy test (n) a physiological test to determine whether a woman is pregnant
projective test (n) any personality test designed to yield information about someone's personality on the basis of their unrestricted response to ambiguous objects or situations
PSA blood test (n) a blood test that measures levels of a protein called prostate specific antigen that is manufactured exclusively by the prostate gland; men with prostate problems usually have elevated levels of PSA
psychometric test (n) any standardized procedure for measuring sensitivity or memory or intelligence or aptitude or personality etc
Queckenstedt's test (n) a test to determine whether there is a blockage of the spinal canal
rabbit test (n) pregnancy test that involves injecting some of the woman's urine into an unmated female rabbit and later examining the ovaries of the rabbit; presence of corpora lutea indicates that the woman is pregnant
radioactive iodine excretion test (n) radioactive iodine test that measures the amount of radioactive iodine excreted in the urine
radioactive iodine test (n) test of thyroid function in which the patient is given an oral dose of radioactive iodine-131
radioactive iodine uptake test (n) radioactive iodine test that measures the amount of radioactive iodine taken up by the thyroid gland
road test (n) a test to insure that a vehicle is roadworthy
Rorschach test (n) a projective tests using bilaterally symmetrical inkblots; subjects state what they see in the inkblot
Rubin test (n) test to determine the patency or occlusion of the Fallopian tubes
Schick test (n) a skin test for immunity to diphtheria
scratch test (n) a test to determine allergic sensitivity to various substances by applying them to scratches in the skin
screen test (n) a filmed audition of an actor or actress
skin test (n) any test to determine immunity or sensitivity to a disease by introducing small amounts on or into the skin
smear test (n) a method of examining stained cells in a cervical smear for early diagnosis of uterine cancer
Snellen test (n) a test of visual acuity using a Snellen chart
Stanford-Binet test (n) revision of the Binet-Simon Scale
stool test (n) a test performed at home in which you collect specimens of your stool that are tested for traces of blood; used to detect colorectal cancers
stress test (n) a test measuring how a system functions when subjected to controlled amounts of stress
subcutaneous test (n) a form of skin test in which the suspected allergen is injected into the skin
test ban (n) a ban on the testing of nuclear weapons that is mutually agreed to by countries that possess nuclear weapons
test bed (n) a place equipped with instruments for testing (e.g. engines or machinery or computer programs etc.) under working conditions
test case (n) a representative legal action whose outcome is likely to become a precedent
test copy (n) (printing) an impression made to check for errors
test drive (n) test of the roadworthiness of a vehicle one is considering buying
test driver (n) a driver who drives a motor vehicle to evaluate its performance
test equipment (n) equipment required to perform a test
test instrument vehicle (n) a rocket fired for test purposes
test match (n) an international championship match
test paper (n) a written examination
test period (n) a period of time during which someone or something is tested
test pilot (n) a pilot hired to fly experimental airplanes through maneuvers designed to test them
test range (n) a range for conducting tests
test rocket (n) a rocket fired for test purposes
test room (n) a room in which tests are conducted
test suit (n) a representative legal action whose outcome is likely to become a precedent
test tube (n) glass tube closed at one end
testing ground (n) a region resembling a laboratory inasmuch as it offers opportunities for observation and practice and experimentation
testing room (n) a room in which tests are conducted
Thematic Apperception Test (n) a projective technique using black-and-white pictures; subjects tell a story about each picture
tine test (n) a tuberculin test in which a disk with several tines bearing tuberculin antigen is used to puncture the skin; development of a hard red area indicates past or present exposure to tubercle bacilli and the need for further testing
treadmill test (n) a stress test in which the patient walks on a moving treadmill while the heart and breathing rates are monitored
tuberculin skin test (n) a skin test to determine past or present infection with the tuberculosis bacterium; based on hypersensitivity of the skin to tuberculin
tuberculin test (n) a skin test to determine past or present infection with the tuberculosis bacterium; based on hypersensitivity of the skin to tuberculin
Wassermann test (n) a blood test to detect syphilis; a complement fixation test is used to detect antibodies to the syphilis organism treponema; a positive reaction indicates the presence of antibodies and therefore syphilis infection
Widal test (n) a test for detecting typhoid fever and other salmonella infections
Widal's test (n) a test for detecting typhoid fever and other salmonella infections
litmus test (n) a test that relies on a single indicator
test paper (n) paper impregnated with an indicator for use in chemical tests
test drive (v) test a vehicle by driving it
test fly (v) test a plane


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