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covering - Online English Department Dictionary

covering: lefedés | covering: letakarás |

covering - kétnyelvű szótár

cover: lefed; letakar; leborít; asztalt terít; burkol; beburkol; beköt; beköt (könyvet); magában foglal; tárgyal; taglal; elleplez; lefedez; fedezetet ad; biztosítékot ad; gondoskodik a fedezetről; fedezetül szolgál; biztosítékul szolgál; biztosíttat; meghág; fedeztet; meghágat; köpeny; fedő; takaró; fed; terítő; takar; huzat; magába foglal; fedél; felölel; boríték; menedék; védelem; rejtekhely; bozót; teríték; befed; betakar; borít; beborít; leplez; palástol; véd; védelmez; fedez; megtesz; tudósít; levélboríték; hírlapi beszámolót ír; fedezet; közvetít; pénzfedezet; kiterjed; biztosíték; érvényes; biztosítás; biztosít; befog; befedez (kancát); befedez; covering: takarás;

-------------- kifejezésekben: --------------
air cover: légi fedezet; légi biztosítás; légi fedezés; légi biztosító repülőgépek; be under cover: védett helyen van; biztonságban van; bolt from cover: hirtelen felugrik vackáról és eliramodik; book cover: borító; borítólap; break cover: kitör rejtekéből; car cover: kocsiponyva; védőponyva; cockpit cover: pilótaülés fedél; cover a bitch: beforgat egy szukát; cover a card: kártyát fed; kártyát lefed; cover a distance: távolságot megtesz; távolságot befut; távolságot bejár; utat megtesz; cover a fielder: fedez egy játékost; támogat egy játékost; cover a meeting: tudósítóként részt vesz egy gyűlésen; gyűlésről beszámolót ír; gyűlésről beszámolót közöl; cover a roof with zinc: tetőt bádoggal fed; tetőt horganylemezzel fed; cover a surface with metal: felületet fémréteggel bevon; felületet galvanizál; cover a wide field: negy területet ölel fel; széles körre terjed ki; cover a wire: vezetéket bevon; bevon egy vezetéket; beburkol egy vezetéket; cover all cases: minden esetre vonatkozik; minden esetre érvényes; cover all the facts: minden tényre kiterjed; cover design: kötésterv; cover eggs: tojáson ül; költ; tojást költ; kotlik; cover in: betemet; betakar; cover one`s ears: befogja a fülét; cover one`s expenses: fedezi a költségeket; fedezi a kiadásokat; cover one`s eyes: befogja a szemét; cover one`s head: befedi fejét; felteszi kalapját; felteszi sapkáját; kalapot tesz a fejére; cover one`s tracks: eltünteti a nyomait; nyomát eltünteti; lábnyomát eltünteti; cover organization: fedőszerv; cover over: befed; elterít; betemet; cover sg: felölel vmit; kiterjed vmire; taglal vmit; cover sy with a pistol: pisztolyt szegez vkire; cover sy with a rifle: puskát szegez vkire; puskával sakkban tart vkit; cover sy with ridicule: nevetségessé tesz vkit; nevetség tárgyává tesz vkit; kigúnyol vkit; kifiguráz vkit; kicsúfol vkit; gúnyos megjegyzésekkel illet vkit; csúfolódó megjegyzésekkel illet vkit; cover sy with sg: sakkban tart vkit vmivel; cover sy`s eyes: befogja a szemét vkinek; cover the court: fogja a pályát (teniszben); cover the frontier: védi a határt; cover the insurance: biztosításról gondoskodik; cover the requirements of sg: fedezi a szükségleteket vmiből; kielégíti a szükségleteket vmiből; cover the retreat: fedezi a visszavonulást; cover up: befed; betakar; leplez; elleplez; cover up one`s tracks: eltünteti a nyomokat; tévútra vezeti a rendőrséget; eltávolítja maga után az áruló nyomokat; cover well: jól fed; dust cover: könyvborító; from cover to cover: elejétől végéig; hard cover book: kemény kötésű könyv; integral cover: saját borító; laugh to cover sg: nevetéssel leplez vmit; nevetéssel palástol vmit; loose cover: védőhuzat; man-hole cover: csatornafedő; rob one`s belly to cover one`s back: megvonja a falatot a szájától, hogy öltözködhessen; hasán spórolja meg, amit öltözködésre költ; soft cover: puha kötés; take cover: menedéket keres; elrejtőzik; under cover of sg: vminek az ürügye alatt; vminek a leple alatt; under separate cover: külön borítékban; külön levélben; vinyl floor covering: linóleum;

covering - EU-szótár

shoe covering: cipővédő
covering operation / hedge / hedging: fedezet / fedezeti ügylet / fedezés
accompanying letter / covering letter / side letter: kísérőlevél
Trypanosoma equiperdum infection / covering disease / dourine / mal du coit: tenyészbénaság
assets covering technical provisions / assets covering the technical provisions / assets used to cover the technical provisions: biztosítástechnikai tartalékok fedezetéül szolgáló eszközök

covering - értelmező szótár

cover1 (n) a covering that serves to conceal or shelter something under cover of darkness | the brush provided a covert for game | the simplest concealment is to match perfectly the color of the background
   Hasonló: concealment | covert | screen |

covering1 (n) a natural object that covers or envelops the fox was flushed from its cover
   Hasonló: cover | natural covering |

cover2 (n) bedding that keeps a person warm in bed
   Hasonló: blanket |

covering2 (n) an artifact that covers something else (usually to protect or shelter or conceal it)
cover3 (n) the act of concealing the existence of something by obstructing the view of it
   Hasonló: covering | masking | screening |

covering3 (n) the act of concealing the existence of something by obstructing the view of it
   Hasonló: cover | masking | screening |

cover4 (n) the protective covering on the front, back, and spine of a book
   Hasonló: back | binding | book binding |

covering4 (n) the act of protecting something by covering it
cover5 (n) a natural object that covers or envelops the fox was flushed from its cover
   Hasonló: covering | natural covering |

covering5 (n) the work of applying something a complete bleach requires several applications | the surface was ready for a coating of paint
   Hasonló: application | coating |

cover6 (n) covering for a hole (especially a hole in the top of a container) he couldn't get the top off of the bottle | put the cover back on the kettle
   Hasonló: top |

cover7 (n) fire that makes it difficult for the enemy to fire on your own individuals or formations
   Hasonló: covering fire |

cover8 (n) a fixed charge by a restaurant or nightclub over and above the charge for food and drink
   Hasonló: cover charge |

cover9 (n) a recording of a song that was first recorded or made popular by somebody else
   Hasonló: cover song | cover version |

cover10 (n) a false identity and background (especially one created for an undercover agent)
cover1 (v) provide with a covering or cause to be covered cover the child with a blanket | cover the grave with flowers
cover2 (v) form a cover over
   Hasonló: spread over |

cover3 (v) span an interval of distance, space or time The period covered the turn of the century | My land extends over the hills on the horizon | This farm covers some 200 acres | The Archipelago continues for another 500 miles
   Hasonló: continue | extend |

cover4 (v) provide for
cover5 (v) act on verbally or in some form of artistic expression The course covered all of Western Civilization | The new book treats the history of China
   Hasonló: address | deal | handle | plow | treat |

cover6 (v) include in scope; include as part of something broader; have as one's sphere or territory this should cover everyone in the group
   Hasonló: comprehend | embrace | encompass |

cover7 (v) travel across or pass over
   Hasonló: cross | cut across | cut through | get across | get over | pass over | track | traverse |

cover8 (v) be responsible for reporting the details of, as in journalism The cub reporter covered New York City
   Hasonló: report |

cover9 (v) hold within range of an aimed firearm
cover10 (v) to take an action to protect against future problems
cover11 (v) hide from view or knowledge
   Hasonló: cover up |

cover12 (v) protect or defend (a position in a game)
cover13 (v) maintain a check on; especially by patrolling
cover14 (v) protect by insurance
   Hasonló: insure | underwrite |

cover15 (v) make up for shortcomings or a feeling of inferiority by exaggerating good qualities
   Hasonló: compensate | overcompensate |

cover16 (v) invest with a large or excessive amount of something
cover17 (v) help out by taking someone's place and temporarily assuming his responsibilities
cover18 (v) be sufficient to meet, defray, or offset the charge or cost of
cover19 (v) spread over a surface to conceal or protect
cover20 (v) cover as if with a shroud
   Hasonló: enshroud | hide | shroud |

cover21 (v) copulate with a female, used especially of horses
   Hasonló: breed |

cover22 (v) put something on top of something else
   Hasonló: overlay |

cover23 (v) play a higher card than the one previously played
cover24 (v) be responsible for guarding an opponent in a game
cover25 (v) sit on (eggs) The female covers the eggs
   Hasonló: brood | hatch | incubate |

cover26 (v) clothe, as if for protection from the elements
   Hasonló: wrap up |

Ellentétes értelmű: | uncover | coverlet | cover | coverage | covering |
  Lásd még: | uncover | coverlet | cover | coverage | covering |

------ "covering" kifejezésekben --------
air cover (n) the use of military aircraft to provide protection against attack by enemy aircraft during ground or naval operations
bed cover (n) decorative cover for a bed
bed covering (n) decorative cover for a bed
body covering (n) any covering for the body or a body part
cloth covering (n) a covering made of cloth
cloud cover (n) the state of the sky when it is covered by clouds
cover charge (n) a fixed charge by a restaurant or nightclub over and above the charge for food and drink
cover crop (n) crop planted to prevent soil erosion and provide green manure
cover girl (n) a very pretty girl who works as a photographer's model
cover glass (n) a small and very thin piece of glass used to cover the specimen on a microscope slide
cover letter (n) a letter sent along with other documents to provide additional information
cover plate (n) covering consisting of a plate used to cover over or close in a chamber or receptacle
cover slip (n) a small and very thin piece of glass used to cover the specimen on a microscope slide
cover song (n) a recording of a song that was first recorded or made popular by somebody else
cover version (n) a recording of a song that was first recorded or made popular by somebody else
covering fire (n) fire that makes it difficult for the enemy to fire on your own individuals or formations
covering letter (n) a letter sent along with other documents to provide additional information
covering material (n) a material used by builders to cover surfaces
dust cover (n) a paper jacket for a book; a jacket on which promotional information is usually printed
floor cover (n) a covering for a floor
floor covering (n) a covering for a floor
ground cover (n) low-growing plants planted in deep shade or on a steep slope where turf is difficult to grow
head covering (n) a garment that covers the head and face
lap covering (n) the part of a piece of clothing that covers the thighs
leg covering (n) a garment covering the leg (usually extending from the knee to the ankle)
lens cover (n) cap used to keep lens free of dust when not in use
manhole cover (n) a flush iron cover for a manhole (as in a street)
mattress cover (n) bedclothes that provide a cover for a mattress
natural covering (n) a natural object that covers or envelops
protective cover (n) a covering that is intend to protect from damage or injury
protective covering (n) a covering that is intend to protect from damage or injury
record cover (n) a sleeve for storing a phonograph record
short covering (n) the purchase of securities or commodities by a short seller to close out a short sale
dust cover (n) a large piece of cloth used to cover furniture that is not in use for a long period
ground cover (n) small plants other than saplings growing on a forest floor
protective covering (n) the tough natural covering of some organisms
dust cover (n) a removable plastic protective covering for a piece of equipment
cover for (v) provide an excuse or alibi for someone so as to cover up guilt
cover up (v) hide from view or knowledge

A(z) covering szóhoz valahogyan kapcsolódó szavak - fedezd fel őket is!

fire | firing | concealing | concealment | hiding | concealing | concealment | hiding | book | volume | half binding | protection | protective cover | protective covering | three-quarter binding | afghan | bed clothing | bedclothes | bedding | electric blanket | mackinaw | mackinaw blanket | manta | security blanket | recording | blind | camouflage | covering | shoji | stalking-horse | cap | covering | lid | manhole cover | screwtop | natural object | scale | shell | test | body covering | case | sheath | integument | blanket | mantle | crust | encrustation | incrustation | envelope | cap | hood | indument | indumentum | roof | shell | eggshell | shell | skim | slough | snowcap | vesture | peridium | pericarp | seed vessel | chlamys | floral envelope | perianth | perigone | perigonium | sac | theca | indusium | bark | fixed charge | fixed cost | fixed costs | apparel | clothe | dress | enclothe | fit out | garb | garment | habilitate | raiment | tog | multiply | procreate | reproduce | hatch | breed | cover | sit | sit down | reinsure | guarantee | warrant | indemnify | cover | compensate | cover | overcompensate | inform | cover | ascertain | assure | check | control | ensure | insure | see | see to it | cover | report | broach | initiate | theologise | theologize | discourse | discuss | talk about | do by | handle | treat | comprehend | cover | embrace | encompass | protect | continue | cover | extend | protect | double-team | cover | protect | cover | card game | cards | play | flood | bloody | mist | mist over | adjoin | contact | meet | touch | glaciate | strew | grass | grass over | cake | coat | cover | drown | overwhelm | submerge | mantle | cloak | clothe | drape | robe | blanket | carpet | smother | shroud | cover | spread over | frost | frost | daub | smear | roof | mulch | turf | bank | carpet | carpet | board up | bedaub | besmear | bark | coat | surface | butter | paper | wallpaper | canvas | paper | oil | wax | veneer | grease | wash | line | face | feather | wrap | wrap up | spritz | felt | paste | cloak | coif | hold | jacket | foil | white out | whiteout | flash | pall | sod | bind | plank | plank over | parcel | flake | recover | cover | overlay | hood | cowl | clapboard | canopy | bread | blinker | blindfold | aluminise | aluminize | crown | sheet | tile | lag | mask | block out | mask | mask | blanket | plaster | plaster over | stick on | plaster | paint | apply | put on | laminate | spray | brush | frost | ice | smother | surround | enclose | enfold | envelop | enwrap | wrap | sheathe | crape | crepe | concrete | blacklead | grass | gravel | lime | mound over | straw | spread | drape | dust | beplaster | plaster | steel | cover | splash | animal husbandry | brood | cover | hatch | incubate | copulate | couple | mate | pair | enclose | enfold | envelop | enwrap | wrap | tramp | stride | walk | crisscross | ford | bridge | jaywalk | drive | take | go across | go through | pass | course | hop | conceal | hide | conceal | hide | gloss over | hush up | sleek over | whitewash | be | cover | insure | underwrite | protect | deputise | deputize | step in | substitute | empower | endow | endue | gift | indue | invest | address | cover | deal | handle | plow | treat | include | cover | insure | underwrite | compensate | correct | counterbalance | even off | even out | even up | make up | fulfil | fulfill | live up to | satisfy | cover | be | cross | span | sweep | traverse | sweep | overlap | overspread | spread | ridge | constellate | dot | stud | manual labor | manual labour | anointing | anointment | fumigation | foliation | galvanisation | galvanization | lubrication | pavage | paving | painting | spraying | tin-plating | tinning | tinning | paperhanging | papering | daubing | plastering | plating | scumble | tiling | waxing | facing | lining | protection | dressing | grooming | concealing | concealment | hiding | artefact | artifact | artificial skin | bootleg | bubble | canopy | casing | chafing gear | cloak | cloth covering | article of clothing | clothing | habiliment | vesture | wear | wearable | coat | coating | cover plate | drape | earmuff | fig leaf | finger | flap | floor cover | floor covering | folder | footgear | footwear | exhaust hood | hood | hood | imbrication | lapping | overlapping | instep | mask | matting | mercy seat | paddle box | paddle-box | planking | protection | protective cover | protective covering | concealment | cover | covert | screen | swathing | thumb | toe | cover | top | upholstery | wrap | wrapper | wrapping | natural object | scale | shell | test | body covering | case | sheath | integument | blanket | mantle | crust | encrustation | incrustation | envelope | cap | hood | indument | indumentum | roof | shell | eggshell | shell | skim | slough | snowcap | vesture | peridium | pericarp | seed vessel | chlamys | floral envelope | perianth | perigone | perigonium | sac | theca | indusium | bark |

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