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voice - Online English Department Dictionary

voice over: narráció / belső hang filmgyártás
voice recorder: hangrögzítő
voice: hang |

voice - kétnyelvű szótár

voice: zönge; vélemény; szavazat; igealak; kifejez; kimond; zöngésít; zöngésen ejt; hang;

-------------- kifejezésekben: --------------
active voice: cselekvő alak; cselekvő igealak; asperity of voice: rekedtség; reszelős hang; at the top of one`s voice: torka szakadtából; break in the voice: hang elváltozása; hang elcsuklása; kamaszkori hangváltozás; mutálás; hangváltozás; elcsuklás; mutálás; break of the voice: hang elváltozása; hang elcsuklása; kamaszkori hangváltozás; mutálás; cadence of voice: hang leengedése; hang leeresztése; change of voice: mutálás; clear voice: tiszta hang; cracked voice: repedt hang; cry out with one voice: kórusban kiált; deep voice: mély hang; full voice: erőteljes hang; telt hang; öblös hang; zengő hang; give voice to sg: kifejezést ad vminek; hangot ad vminek; hard voice: kemény hang; érdes hang; have a negative voice: vétójoga van; have no voice in sg: nincs beleszólása vmibe; hear the voice of the special pleader: hazabeszél; high voice: magas hang; magas fekvésű hang; vékony hang; cérnahang; cérnahangocska; his voice rose high: hangja magasan szárnyalt; his voice sank to a whisper: suttogássá halkult a hangja; i wondered to hear your voice: a hangodat véltem hallani; in a deep voice: mély hangon; mély zengésű hangon; in a hollow voice: tompa hangon; fakó hangon; kongó hangon; üres hangon; élettelen hangon; in a staccato voice: szaggatott hangon; szaggatottan; pattogva; pattogó hangon; in a subdued voice: szelíd hangon; félhangon; lift up one`s voice: felemeli hangját; szót emel; metallic voice: érces hang; one can tell him by his voice: meg lehet ismerni a hangjáról; passive voice: szenvedő igealak; szenvedő alak; raised voice: emelt hang; range of the voice: hangterjedelem; hangtartomány; hangregiszter; range of voice: hangterjedelem; hangtartomány; rasping voice: érdes hang; recsegő hang; rich voice: telt hang; öblös hang; zengő hang; sepulchral voice: síri hang; slushy voice: zsíros hang; small voice: vékony hang; alig hallható hang; gyenge hang; gyenge énekhang; nem erős énekhang; nem nagy terjedelmű énekhang; alázatos hang; still small voice: lelkiismeret hangja; lelkiismeret szava; tenuous voice: cérnahang; the voice of the people: a nép hangja; a nép szava; thin voice: vékony hang; törékeny hang; too much smoking tends to injure the voice: a túlzott dohányzás árthat a hangnak; tremulous voice: reszkető hang; unfaltering voice: határozott hang; nem remegő hang; veiled voice: fátyolos hang; voice touched with emotion: megindultságtól remegő hang; with a shade of regret in his voice: egy kis sajnálkozással a hangjában; with one voice: egyhangúlag; with stifled voice: fojtott hangon; with upraised voice: emelt hangon; wobbly voice: reszkető hang; mekegő hang; tremolózó hang;

voice - EU-szótár

quota and voice reform: kvóta- és szavazati reform

voice - értelmező szótár

voice1 (n) the distinctive quality or pitch or condition of a person's speech
voice2 (n) the sound made by the vibration of vocal folds modified by the resonance of the vocal tract the giraffe cannot make any vocalizations
   Hasonló: phonation | vocalisation | vocalism | vocalization | vox |

voice3 (n) a sound suggestive of a vocal utterance the incessant voices of the artillery
voice4 (n) expressing in coherent verbal form I gave voice to my feelings
   Hasonló: articulation |

voice5 (n) a means or agency by which something is expressed or communicated the Times is not the voice of New York | conservatism has many voices
voice6 (n) something suggestive of speech in being a medium of expression the voice of experience | he said his voices told him to do it
voice7 (n) (metonymy) a singer
voice8 (n) an advocate who represents someone else's policy or purpose
   Hasonló: interpreter | representative | spokesperson |

voice9 (n) the ability to speak
voice10 (n) (linguistics) the grammatical relation (active or passive) of the grammatical subject of a verb to the action that the verb denotes
voice11 (n) the melody carried by a particular voice or instrument in polyphonic music
   Hasonló: part |

voice1 (v) give voice to
voice2 (v) utter with vibrating vocal chords
   Hasonló: sound | vocalise | vocalize |

Ellentétes értelmű: | devoice |
  Lásd még: | devoice | voicer | voice |

------ "voice" kifejezésekben --------
active voice (n) the voice used to indicate that the grammatical subject of the verb is performing the action or causing the happening denoted by the verb
baritone voice (n) the second lowest adult male singing voice
bass voice (n) the lowest adult male singing voice
chest voice (n) the lower ranges of the voice in speaking or singing
head voice (n) the higher ranges of the voice in speaking or singing; the vibrations of sung notes are felt in the head
passive voice (n) the voice used to indicate that the grammatical subject of the verb is the recipient (not the source) of the action denoted by the verb
singing voice (n) the musical quality of the voice while singing
small voice (n) an inner voice that judges your behavior
tenor voice (n) the adult male singing voice above baritone
tone of voice (n) the quality of a person's voice
voice box (n) a cartilaginous structure at the top of the trachea; contains elastic vocal cords that are the source of the vocal tone in speech
voice communication (n) (language) communication by word of mouth
voice mail (n) a computerized system for answering and routing telephone calls; telephone messages can be recorded and stored and relayed
voice of conscience (n) an inner voice that judges your behavior
voice over (n) the voice on an unseen commentator in a film of television program
voice part (n) a part written for a singer
wee small voice (n) an inner voice that judges your behavior
give voice (v) put into words or an expression
in a low voice (r) in an undertone


A keresésnél kis- és nagybetű nem számít, és a kötőjelezési és egybeírási elgépeléseket is megpróbálja korrigálni a program. A magyar szavaknál az ékezet számít. Az adatbázis tartalmaz különféle stílusú, pl. szleng, drurva stb. kifejezéseket, továbbá szakkifejezéseket is sokféle szakterületről.

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