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freeing - kétnyelvű szótár

free: független; ingyenes; mentes; nem foglalt; bőkezű; nyílt; akadálytalan; szabad; megszabadít; szabaddá tesz; felszabadít; nem elfoglalt; kiszabadít; mentesít;

-------------- kifejezésekben: --------------
acquire sg by free gift: ajándékba kap vmit; ajándékozás útján jut hozzá vmihez; ingyen jut vmihez; admission free: belépés díjtalan; carriage free: bérmentve; fuvar fizetve; fuvardíj fizetve; custom free: vámmentes; vámmentesen; delivery free: ingyenes házhoz szállítás; duty free: vámmentes; vámmentesen; duty free shop: vámmentes bolt; free alongside ship: ingyen hajóhoz szállítva; free an estate from encumbrances: tehermentesít birtokot; ingatlant felold jelzálog alól; free and easy: kedvesen közvetlen; fesztelen; könnyed; free church: szabadegyház; nonkomformista egyház; free convection: szabad konvekció; free copy: tiszteletpéldány; free departing wagon: frankó induló vagon; free exercise: talajtorna; free expectoration: laza köpet; oldott köpet; free fall: szabadesés; free fight: általános verekedés; free from all encumbrances: tehermentes; teher nélküli; megkötöttségek nélküli; free from care: gondtalan; gond nélküli; gondtalanul; free from sg: ment vmitől; free goods: szabad javak; free in wagon: bérmentve vagonba rakva; free kick: szabadrúgás; free labour: szervezetlen munkaerő; szervezetlen munkások; free list: vámmentes áruk listája; szabadjegyesek jegyzéke; free of charge: díjmentesen; ingyen; ingyenes; költségmentes; költségmentesen; bérmentve; bérmentesen; ingyenesen; ellenszolgáltatás nélkül; free of duty: vámmentes; vámmentesen; free of expense: költségmentesen; bérmentve; free of fever: láztalan; lázmentes; free of sg: távol vmitől; túl vmin; ment vmitől; free of tax: adómentes; free on board: ingyen hajóba rakva; free on rail: ingyen vagonba rakva; free on truck: vagonba rakva; free pass: szabadjegy; szabad átkelés; szabad átjárás; free path: szabad úthossz; free port: szabadkikötő; free speech: szólásszabadság; free standing exercise: műszabadgyakorlat; free station: franko pályaudvarig; free the sluices: megnyitja a zsilipeket; free time: szabad idő; free truck departure: frankó induló vagon; free uncovenanted mercy of god: meg nem érdemelt isteni könyörület; meg nem érdemelt isteni irgalom; free will: szabad akarat; free with one`s money: szórja a pénzt; get free: kiszabadul; get sg for free: ingyen kap vmit; give a free range to one`s fancy: szabad teret enged képzeletének; szabadjára engedi képzeletét; give free course to sg: szabad folyást enged vminek; give free play: szabadjára ereszt; give free run of sg: rendelkezésre bocsát vmit; give free vent to sg: szabad teret enged vminek; give sy a free hand: szabad kezet ad vkinek; have a free hand: szabad keze van vmiben; have free entrance to: szabad bejárása van vhova; bejáratos vhova; have the free run of the house: nyitva áll számára a ház; nyitva áll előtte a ház; have the wind free: széllel vitorlázik; i ought to be free by six: hat órára valószínűleg szabad leszek; lead a free and easy life: könnyen él; bohéméletet él; make free: szabadlábra helyez; kiszabadít; felold (ígéret alól); szabaddá tesz; make free with sy: bizalmaskodik vkivel; make sy free of one`s house: szabad bejárást enged a házába; mean free path: közepes szabad úthossz; of one`s own free will: önszántából; önként; rent free: bérmentes; lakbérmentes; set free: szabadlábra helyez; felold (ígéret alól); szabaddá tesz; kiszabadít; tax free shop: vámmentes bolt; trouble free: problémamentes; you are free to do so: jogod van ezt tenni;

freeing - értelmező szótár

free1 (n) people who are free
   Hasonló: free people |

freeing1 (n) the act of liberating someone or something
   Hasonló: liberation | release |

free1 (v) grant freedom to; free from confinement
   Hasonló: liberate | loose | release | unloose | unloosen |

free2 (v) relieve from
   Hasonló: disembarrass | rid |

free3 (v) remove or force out from a position He finally could free the legs of the earthquake victim who was buried in the rubble
   Hasonló: dislodge |

free4 (v) grant relief or an exemption from a rule or requirement to
   Hasonló: exempt | relieve |

free5 (v) make (information) available for publication
   Hasonló: release |

free6 (v) free from obligations or duties
   Hasonló: discharge |

free7 (v) free or remove obstruction from
   Hasonló: disengage |

free8 (v) let off the hook
   Hasonló: absolve | justify |

free9 (v) part with a possession or right resign a claim to the throne
   Hasonló: give up | release | relinquish | resign |

free10 (v) release (gas or energy) as a result of a chemical reaction or physical decomposition
   Hasonló: liberate | release |

free11 (v) make (assets) available
   Hasonló: release | unblock | unfreeze |

free1 (a) able to act at will; not hampered; not under compulsion or restraint a free port | a free country | I have an hour free | free will | free of racism | feel free to stay as long as you wish | a free choice
free2 (a) unconstrained or not chemically bound in a molecule or not fixed and capable of relatively unrestricted motion free oxygen | a free electron
free6 (a) not held in servitude
free1 (r) without restraint
   Hasonló: loose |

free3 (s) costing nothing free admission
   Hasonló: complimentary | costless | gratis | gratuitous |

free4 (s) not occupied or in use a free lane
free5 (s) not fixed in position he pulled his arm free and ran
   Hasonló: detached |

free7 (s) not taken up by scheduled activities spare time on my hands
   Hasonló: spare |

free8 (s) completely wanting or lacking young recruits destitute of experience | innocent of literary merit | the sentence was devoid of meaning
   Hasonló: barren | destitute | devoid | innocent |

free9 (s) not literal a free translation of the poem
   Hasonló: liberal | loose |

Ellentétes értelmű: | unfree | freeing | confine | free | bound | obstruct |
  Lásd még: | unfree | confine | bound | obstruct | freeing | free |

------ "freeing" kifejezésekben --------
distribution free statistic (n) a statistic computed without knowledge of the form or the parameters of the distribution from which observations are drawn
free agency (n) (sports) the state of a professional athlete who is free to negotiate a contract to play for any team
free agent (n) (sports) a professional athlete who is free to sign a contract to play for any team
free association (n) a thought process in which ideas (words or images) suggest other ideas in a sequence
free central placentation (n) where ovules develop on a central column in a compound ovary lacking septa or with septa at base only
free electron (n) electron that is not attached to an atom or ion or molecule but is free to move under the influence of an electric field
free energy (n) (physics) a thermodynamic quantity equivalent to the capacity of a physical system to do work; the units of energy are joules or ergs
free enterprise (n) an economy that relies chiefly on market forces to allocate goods and resources and to determine prices
free fall (n) the ideal falling motion of something subject only to a gravitational field
free form (n) a morpheme that can occur alone
Free French (n) a French movement during World War II that was organized in London by Charles de Gaulle to fight for the liberation of France from German control and for the restoration of the republic
free grace (n) (Christian theology) the free and unmerited favor or beneficence of God
free hand (n) freedom to do as you see fit
free house (n) a public house that is not controlled by a brewery and so is free to sell different brands of beer and ale
free kick (n) (soccer) a place kick that is allowed for a foul or infringement by the other team
free lance (n) a writer or artist who sells services to different employers without a long-term contract with any of them
free list (n) a list of commodities that are not subject to tariffs
free living (n) a lifestyle given to easy indulgence of the appetites
free love (n) sexual intercourse between individuals who are not married to one another
free lunch (n) something acquired without effort or payment or obligation
free morpheme (n) a morpheme that can occur alone
free nerve ending (n) microscopic sensory nerve endings in the skin that are not connected to any specific sensory receptor
free pardon (n) the formal act of liberating someone
free people (n) people who are free
free phagocyte (n) a phagocyte that circulates in the blood
free port (n) an area adjoining a port where goods that are intended for reshipment can be received and stored without payment of duties
free press (n) a press not restricted or controlled by government censorship regarding politics or ideology
free radical (n) an atom or group of atoms with at least one unpaired electron; in the body it is usually an oxygen molecule that has lost an electron and will stabilize itself by stealing an electron from a nearby molecule
free rein (n) the removal of constraints
Free Soil Party (n) a former political party in the United States; formed in 1848 to oppose the extension of slavery into the territories; merged with the Liberty Party in 1848
free spirit (n) someone acting freely or even irresponsibly
Free State (n) a Mid-Atlantic state; one of the original 13 colonies
free thought (n) the form of theological rationalism that believes in God on the basis of reason without reference to revelation
free throw (n) an unhindered basketball shot from the foul line; given to penalize the other team for committing a foul
free throw lane (n) a lane on a basketball court extending from the end line to 15 feet in front of the backboard; players may not enter this lane during a free throw
free time (n) time available for hobbies and other activities that you enjoy
free trade (n) international trade free of government interference
free trader (n) an advocate of unrestricted international trade
free verse (n) unrhymed verse without a consistent metrical pattern
free weight (n) sports equipment used in calisthenic exercises and weightlifting; it is not attached to anything and is raised and lowered by use of the hands and arms
free will (n) the power of making free choices unconstrained by external agencies
Free World (n) anti-communist countries collectively
free zone (n) an area adjoining a port where goods that are intended for reshipment can be received and stored without payment of duties
North American Free Trade Agreement (n) an agreement for free trade between the United States and Canada and Mexico; became effective in 1994 for ten years
Orange Free State (n) a province in central South Africa that was colonized by the Boers; named Free State in 1997
penalty free throw (n) an unhindered basketball shot from the foul line; given to penalize the other team for committing a foul
rural free delivery (n) free government delivery of mail in outlying country areas
free agent (n) someone acting freely or even irresponsibly
free fall (n) a sudden sharp decrease in some quantity
free port (n) a port open on equal terms to all commercial vessels
free state (n) any state prohibiting slavery prior to the American Civil War
free time (n) time that is free from duties or responsibilities
Free State (n) a province in central South Africa that was colonized by the Boers; named Free State in 1997
set free (v) grant freedom to
for free (r) without payment
free of charge (r) without payment
scot free (r) free from harm or penalty
free burning (s) (of an electric arc) continuous

A(z) freeing szóhoz valahogyan kapcsolódó szavak - fedezd fel őket is!

people | issue | supply | excuse | exempt | let off | relieve | wash one's hands | forgive | dig out | unclog | loosen up | unstuff | disencumber | disentangle | extricate | untangle | remove | take | take away | withdraw | chemical science | chemistry | bring forth | generate | give | hand | pass | pass on | reach | turn over | derequisition | give | sacrifice | cleanse | relieve | smooth | smooth out | clear | disinfest | disembody | unspell | unchain | bail | run | bail out | parole | disinvest | divest | relieve | take over | cut | clear | cashier | liberate | set free | disembroil | disentangle | disinvolve | issue | supply | declassify | derestrict | deregulate | dispense | forgive | spare | inexact | nonexistent | chemical science | chemistry | natural philosophy | physics | liberated | unbound | unfixed | freedom | unbound | unconfined | independent | at large | escaped | loose | on the loose | autonomous | independent | self-governing | sovereign | available | uncommitted | atrip | aweigh | clear | emancipated | liberated | footloose | out-of-school | unconfined | unimprisoned | unconstrained | unhampered | unrestricted | free | unrestrained | unrestricted | free | freeborn | free-soil | non-slave | slaveless | unoccupied | unoccupied | unpaid | accomplishment | achievement | jail delivery | deregulating | deregulation | relief | disentanglement | extrication | unsnarling | untangling | emancipation | clearing | manumission | parole | probation |

A keresésnél kis- és nagybetű nem számít, és a kötőjelezési és egybeírási elgépeléseket is megpróbálja korrigálni a program. A magyar szavaknál az ékezet számít. Az adatbázis tartalmaz különféle stílusú, pl. szleng, drurva stb. kifejezéseket, továbbá szakkifejezéseket is sokféle szakterületről.

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