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issue - Online English Department Dictionary

issue area / group of questions: kérdéskör

issue - kétnyelvű szótár

issue: kérdés; téma; vitapont; kiadás; megjelenés; kibocsátás; forgalomba hozatal; kiadvány; példány; példányszám; kifolyás; torkolat; folyótorkolat; kimenet; kijárat; utód; ivadék; eredmény; végeredmény; következmény; kimenetel; kiosztás; kiutalás; kiad; megjelentet; forgalomba hoz; kioszt; ellát; adódik vmiből; felszerel; keletkezik; származik; ered; nyílik vhova; kiömlik; kifolyik; kilép; kibocsát; ügy;

-------------- kifejezésekben: --------------
bank of issue: jegybank; capital issue: részvénykibocsátás; case at issue: jelen ügy; vitás ügy; szóbanforgó ügy; napirenden levő ügy; napirenden levő kérdés; current issue: legfrissebb szám; legújabb szám; e heti szám; e havi szám; face the issue: szembenéz a tényekkel; government issue: kincstári tulajdon; issue a proclamation: kiáltványt tesz közzé; issue a writ against sy: bíróság elé idéz vkit; idézést bocsát ki vkinek; issue in sg: eredményez vmit; vezet vmire; issue out: kifolyik; kiömlik; issue with sg: felszerel vmivel; ellát vmivel; join issue with sy on sg: vitába száll vkivel vmiben; question at issue: szőnyegen levő kérdés; raise an issue: kérdést felvet; gondolatot felvet; reserve against a bond issue: kibocsátott kötvények alapja; side issue: másodrendű kérdés; mellékes kérdés; take issue with sy on sg: vitába száll vkivel vmiben; the case is at issue upon its merits: az ügy érdemben kerül tárgyalásra; union of barren issue: gyermektelen házasság;

issue - EU-szótár

issue size: a kibocsátás nagysága
issue paper: vitaindító dokumentum
bonus issue: ingyen részvények kibocsátása
rights issue: új részvénykibocsátás meglevő részvényeseknek
equity issue: részvénykibocsátás
issue of visa: vízumkiadás
liability issue: felelősségi kérdés
oversubscribed issue: túljegyzett értékpapír-kibocsátás / túljegyzés
to issue an authorisation: engedély kibocsátása / engedély kiállítása
public issue / public offering: nyilvános forgalomba hozatal / nyilvános kibocsátás
bond issue / bond loan / debenture loan: forrásbevonás kötvénykibocsátással / kötvénykibocsátás
bond emission / bond issue / debt issue: kötvénykibocsátás
authorising financial statements for issue: pénzügyi kimutatások közzétételre történő engedélyezése
direct offering / own issue / prospectus issue: saját kibocsátás
preparation and issue of certificates of origin: származási bizonyítványok előkészítése és kiadása
integrity of a securities issue / integrity of an issue: az értékpapír-nyilvántartás integritása
initial maturity / maturity at issue / original maturity: eredeti futamidő
private issue / private offering / privately placed issue: zártkörű forgalomba hozatal / zártkörű kibocsátás
proceedings in which a regulation of the Council is at issue: a Tanács rendeletére vonatkozó jogvita
preliminary issue / preliminary matter / preliminary question: előzetes kérdés
issuance of securities / issue of securities / securities issue: értékpapír-kibocsátás
caveat against issue of marriage certificate / objection to marriage: házasság elleni tiltakozás
wihdrawal of caveat against issue of marriage certificate or licence: házasság elleni tiltakozás visszavonása
capital increase / increase of capital / increase of capital stock / new issue of capital: tőkeemelés
APIC / additional paid-in capital / issue premium / premium on capital stock / share premium: ázsió

issue - értelmező szótár

issue1 (n) an important question that is in dispute and must be settled politicians never discuss the real issues
issue2 (n) one of a series published periodically
   Hasonló: number |

issue3 (n) some situation or event that is thought about he had been thinking about the subject for several years | it is a matter for the police
   Hasonló: matter | subject | topic |

issue4 (n) the act of providing an item for general use or for official purposes (usually in quantity) the last issue of penicillin was over a month ago
   Hasonló: issuance | issuing |

issue5 (n) supplies (as food or clothing or ammunition) issued by the government
   Hasonló: government issue | military issue |

issue6 (n) the income or profit arising from such transactions as the sale of land or other property
   Hasonló: payoff | proceeds | return | take | takings | yield |

issue7 (n) a phenomenon that follows and is caused by some previous phenomenon his decision had depressing consequences for business | he acted very wise after the event
   Hasonló: consequence | effect | event | outcome | result | upshot |

issue8 (n) the immediate descendants of a person he died without issue
   Hasonló: offspring | progeny |

issue9 (n) the becoming visible
   Hasonló: egress | emergence |

issue10 (n) an opening that permits escape or release the canyon had only one issue
   Hasonló: exit | outlet | way out |

issue11 (n) the act of issuing printed materials
   Hasonló: publication |

issue1 (v) prepare and issue for public distribution or sale
   Hasonló: bring out | publish | put out | release |

issue2 (v) circulate or distribute or equip with supply blankets for the beds
   Hasonló: supply |

issue3 (v) bring out an official document (such as a warrant)
issue4 (v) come out of The words seemed to come out by themselves
   Hasonló: come forth | come out | egress | emerge | go forth |

issue5 (v) make out and issue cut a ticket | Please make the check out to me
   Hasonló: cut | make out | write out |

Ellentétes értelmű: | recall |
  Lásd még: | recall | issuer | issuing | issue |

------ "issue" kifejezésekben --------
bond issue (n) bonds sold by a corporation or government agency at a particular time and identifiable by date of maturity
bread-and-butter issue (n) an issue whose settlement will affect financial resources
government issue (n) supplies (as food or clothing or ammunition) issued by the government
gut issue (n) an issue that elicits strong emotional reactions
hot issue (n) newly issued stock that is in great public demand
hot-button issue (n) an issue that elicits strong emotional reactions
military issue (n) supplies (as food or clothing or ammunition) issued by the government
paramount issue (n) an issue whose settlement is more important than anything else; and issue that must be settled before anything else can be settled
pocketbook issue (n) an issue whose settlement will affect financial resources
rights issue (n) an offering of common stock to existing shareholders who hold subscription rights or pre-emptive rights that entitle them to buy newly issued shares at a discount from the price at which they will be offered to the public later
stock issue (n) (corporation law) the authorization and delivery of shares of stock for sale to the public or the shares thus offered at a particular time
issue forth (v) come forth
take issue (v) be of different opinions

A "issue" szó a Jogi Értelmező szakszótárban:

At issue The time in a lawsuit when the complaining party has stated their claim and the other side has responded with a denial and the matter is ready to be tried.; The time in a lawsuit when the complaining party has stated their claim and the other side has responded with a denial and the matter is ready to be tried.
Issue 1. The disputed pint in a disagreement between parties in a lawsuit. 2. To send out officially, as in to issue an order.; (1) The disputed point in a disagreement between parties in a lawsuit. (2) To send out officially, as in to issue an order.

A(z) issue szóhoz valahogyan kapcsolódó szavak - fedezd fel őket is!

provision | supply | supplying | stock issue | printing | opening | outfall | cognitive content | content | mental object | area | blind spot | remit | res adjudicata | res judicata | cognitive content | content | mental object | gut issue | hot-button issue | paramount issue | bread-and-butter issue | pocketbook issue | quodlibet | periodical | serial | serial publication | series | edition | beginning | eruption | dissilience | baby | bastard | by-blow | illegitimate | illegitimate child | love child | whoreson | child | kid | eldest | firstborn | grandchild | relation | relative | heir | successor | phenomenon | materialisation | materialization | offspring | aftereffect | aftermath | backwash | wake | bandwagon effect | brisance | butterfly effect | by-product | byproduct | change | coattails effect | coriolis effect | dent | domino effect | harvest | impact | wallop | influence | knock-on effect | branch | offset | offshoot | outgrowth | product | placebo effect | position effect | repercussion | reverberation | response | fallout | side effect | spillover | income | economic rent | rent | payback | armed forces | armed services | military | military machine | war machine | fund | stock | store | pop out | radiate | leak | escape | fall | debouch | come out | fall out | air | bare | publicise | publicize | edit | communicate | intercommunicate | write | check | free | release | unblock | unfreeze | reissue | distribute | free | release |

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