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rating - Online English Department Dictionary

rate: ráta
rating system: korhatár-besorolás film/movie rating system,

rating - kétnyelvű szótár

rat: patkány; áruló; rongy ember; patkányokra vadászik; patkányt fog; elpártol; áruló lesz; rate: arány; mérték; szint; sebesség; gyorsaság; díjszabás; tarifa; helyi adó; osztály; rang; becsül; értékel; megadóztat; adót vet ki; sorol vhova; tekint vminek; számít vminek; tartozik vmilyen osztályba; megdorgál; lehord; leszid; értékelés; arányszám; fok; mérv; díjtétel; ár; árfolyam; kamatláb; érték; osztályzat; rend; kategória; szakképzettség; vmilyen osztályba tartozik; rating: becslés; adókivetés; községi adókivetés; osztályozás; besorolás; szabályozás; beszabályozás; beigazítás; kalibrálás; névleges teljesítmény; osztály; csoport; kategória; hitelképesség; rendfokozat; beosztás; sarzsi; szidás; dorgálás; feddés; megrovás; értékelés;

-------------- kifejezésekben: --------------
advertising rate: hirdetési díj; at a rate of fifty miles an hour: óránként ötven mérföldes sebességgel; at any rate: legalábbis; legalább; bármi történjék; mindenesetre; at that rate we shan`t get any dinner today: a végén még ebédet sem kapunk; ha ez így megy tovább, még ebédet sem kapunk; at the rate of: vmilyen sebességgel; at the rate of six per cent: hat százalékos kamatra; at this rate: ha ez így megy tovább; bank rate: leszámítolási kamatláb; basal metabolic rate: alapanyagcsere-érték; base rate: alapbér; basic rate: alapbér; buy at high rate: magas áron vesz vmit; magas áron vásárol vmit; nagy összeget fizet vmiért; common rate: napi ár; conventional rate: szerződéses vámtétel; current rate: napi árfolyam; current rate of exchange: napi árfolyam; die like a rat in a hole: elhagyottan hal meg; discount rate: leszámítolási kamatláb; drive at a dangerous rate: veszélyes sebességgel hajt; hajmeresztő sebességgel hajt; exchange rate: tőzsdei árfolyam; átváltási árfolyam; beváltási árfolyam; valutaárfolyam; flat rate: átalánydíj; átalányár; egységes díjszabás; flow rate: átfolyási sebesség; goods of second rate: másodrendű áru; growth rate: növekedési ráta; incidence rate: előfordulás gyakorisága; előfordulás aránya; megbetegedési arányszám; like a rat in a hole: sarokba szorítva; mint egy sarokba szorított patkány; live at the rate of four hundred pounds a year: évi négyszáz fontból él; marriage rate: házasulási arányszám; merit rating: teljesítmányi minősítés; teljesítményi alapon történő szolgálati minősítés; meter rate: fogyasztáson alapuló árszabás; money rate: kamatláb; mortality rate: halálozási arány; pauperism increased at a fearful rate: a pauperizmus ijesztő mértékben nőtt; pension rate: kosztpénz; kosztkamat; pharaoh`s rat: ichneumon; poor rate: szegényadó; pulse rate: érlökésszám; pulzusszám; érverés gyakorisága; érverés szaporasága; rat on sy: faképnél hagy vkit; rat snake: sikló; rate coefficient: sebességi állandó; rate constant: sebességi állandó; rate of charging: terhelés mértéke; rate of exchange: tőzsdei árfolyam; átváltási árfolyam; beváltási árfolyam; valutaárfolyam; kényszerárfolyam; rate of fire: tűzgyorsaság; rate of freight: fuvarozási díjtétel; rate of interest: kamatláb; rate of living: életmód; életforma; életszínvonal; rate of march: menetsebesség; rate of profit: profitráta; rate of speed: sebesség foka; rate of wages: bérszint; setting rate: elszámolási árfolyam; elszámolási kulcs; severity rate: baleseti százalék; slacken the rate of fire: csökkenti a tűzgyorsaságot; smell a rat: sejt vmi gyanúsat; vmi gyanúsat sejt; telephone rate: telefon-előfizetési díj; that rate: ennyire; ilyen mértékben; így; ha ez így megy tovább; ilyen körülmények közt; ily módon; ilyen módon; ezen az alapon; this rate: ennyire; ilyen mértékben; így; ha ez így megy tovább; ilyen körülmények közt; ily módon; ilyen módon; ezen az alapon; turnover rate: forgási sebesség; value sg at a low rate: kevésre becsül vmit; wages at the rate of three pounds per week: heti három fontos bér; átlagban heti három fontos bér;

rating - EU-szótár

zero rating: ingyenes hozzáférés
rating scale: minősítési skála
issuer rating: kibocsátó hitelminősítése
rating outlook: hitelminősítési kilátás / minősítési kilátás
rating analyst: hitelminősítő elemző
default rating: fizetésképtelenségi minősítés
inferred rating: származtatott minősítés
rating category: hitelminősítési kategória / minősítési kategória
internal rating: belső minősítés / hitelképesség
corporate rating: vállalkozás hitelminősítése
long term rating: hosszú távú hitelminősítés
short term rating: rövid távú hitelminősítés
rating endorsement: jogosítás kiterjesztés
‘fall-back’ rating: „fall-back” minősítés
covered bond rating: fedezett kötvény minősítése
municipality rating: önkormányzat minősítése
lead rating analyst: vezető hitelminősítő elemző
credit rating review: hitelminősítés felülvizsgálata
sub-sovereign rating: alsóbb államszervezeti szint minősítése
public finance rating: államháztartás minősítése
senior rating analyst: szenior hitelminősítő elemző
private credit rating: nem nyilvános hitelminősítés
WR / withdrawn rating: visszavont hitelképesség
public entities rating: állami szervezetek minősítése
aggregate rating index: összevont minősítési mutató
structured finance rating: strukturált termék minősítése
rating / rating of licence: jogosítás
CRA / credit rating agency: hitelminősítő intézet / hitelminősítő szervezet
European Credit Rating Agency: európai hitelminősítő intézet
EURIX / European Rating Index: EURIX / európai minősítési mutató
group of credit rating agencies: hitelminősítő csoport / hitelminősítő intézetek csoportja
European credit rating foundation: európai hitelminősítő alapítvány
CN / cetane number / cetane rating: cetánszám
supranational organisations’ rating: szupranacionális szervezetek hitelminősítése
credit assessment / credit rating / rating: hitelminősítés
credit rating activities / rating business: hitelminősítési tevékenységek
external credit assessment / external rating: külső minősítés / hitelképesség
crowd assessment / crowd rating / crowd review: felhasználói értékelés
certified CRA / certified credit rating agency: hitelesített hitelminősítő / hitelesített hitelminősítő intézet
solicited credit assessment / solicited credit rating: kezdeményezett hitelminősítés / megbízáson alapuló minősítés
rating transition rate / ratings transition frequency: a hitelminősítés-változások gyakorisága
CEREP / Central Rating Repository / central repository: központi adatbázis
unsolicited credit assessment / unsolicited credit rating: megbízás nélküli minősítés / nem kezdeményezett minősítés
BFSR / Bank Financial Strength Rating / stand-alone rating: BFSR / pénzügyierő-besorolás / önálló pénzügyi erő besorolása
Working Party on Financial Services (Credit rating agencies): pénzügyi szolgáltatási munkacsoport (hitelminősítő intézetek)
through the cycle approach / through-the-cycle rating system: „teljes ciklus” megközelítés / „teljes ciklus” minősítési rendszer / „through-the-cycle” módszer
foreign currency debt rating / foreign currency sovereign rating: deviza államadósság minősítése / devizaadósság minősítése / devizaadósság-minősítés / külföldi fizetőeszközben denominált államadósság minősítése
PIT approach / point in time approach / point-in-time rating system: „pillanatnyi helyzet” megközelítés / „pillanatnyi helyzet” minősítési rendszer / „point-in-time” módszer
domestic currency sovereign rating / local currency sovereign rating: forintadósság minősítése / hazai fizetőeszközben denominált államadósság minősítése / hazai valutában fennálló államadósság minősítése
sovereign bond rating / sovereign credit rating / sovereign debt rating / sovereign rating: államadósság-minősítés
GVM / GVW / GVWR / MAM / gross vehicle mass / gross vehicle weight / gross vehicle weight rating / maximum authorised mass / permissible maximum weight: össztömeg

rating - értelmező szótár

rat1 (n) any of various long-tailed rodents similar to but larger than a mouse
rate1 (n) a magnitude or frequency relative to a time unit the rate of change was faster than expected
rating1 (n) an appraisal of the value of something
   Hasonló: evaluation | valuation |

rat2 (n) someone who works (or provides workers) during a strike
   Hasonló: blackleg | scab | strikebreaker |

rate2 (n) amount of a charge or payment relative to some basis
   Hasonló: charge per unit |

rating2 (n) act of ascertaining or fixing the value or worth of
   Hasonló: evaluation |

rat3 (n) a person who is deemed to be despicable or contemptible kill the rat | throw the bum out | you cowardly little pukes! | the British call a contemptible person a `git'
   Hasonló: bum | crumb | dirty dog | git | lowlife | puke | rotter | scum bag | skunk | so-and-so | stinker | stinkpot |

rate3 (n) the relative speed of progress or change he works at a great rate | the pace of events accelerated
   Hasonló: pace |

rating3 (n) standing or position on a scale
rat4 (n) one who reveals confidential information in return for money
   Hasonló: betrayer | blabber | informer | squealer |

rate4 (n) a quantity or amount or measure considered as a proportion of another quantity or amount or measure the retention rate | the dropout rate
rating4 (n) rank in a military organization
   Hasonló: military rank | military rating | paygrade |

rat5 (n) a pad (usually made of hair) worn as part of a woman's coiffure
rat1 (v) desert one's party or group of friends, for example, for one's personal advantage
rate1 (v) assign a rank or rating to The restaurant is rated highly in the food guide
   Hasonló: grade | order | place | range | rank |

rat2 (v) employ scabs or strike breakers in
rate2 (v) be worthy of or have a certain rating
rat3 (v) take the place of work of someone on strike
   Hasonló: blackleg | fink | scab |

rate3 (v) estimate the value of Gold was rated highly among the Romans
   Hasonló: value |

rat4 (v) give (hair) the appearance of being fuller by using a rat
rat5 (v) catch rats, especially with dogs
rat6 (v) give away information about somebody
   Hasonló: betray | denounce | give away | grass | shit | shop | snitch | stag | tell on |

  A "rating" egyéb formái: ratted, ratting Ellentétes értelmű: | ratty | rat | rating | ratting | ratter |
  Lásd még: | ratty | rat | rate | rating | ratting | ratter |

------ "rating" kifejezésekben --------
absentee rate (n) the percentage of workers who do not report to work
attrition rate (n) the rate of shrinkage in size or number
bandicoot rat (n) burrowing scaly-tailed rat of India and Ceylon
bank rate (n) the discount rate fixed by a central bank
bargain rate (n) a price below the standard price
basal metabolic rate (n) the rate at which heat is produced by an individual in a resting state
base rate (n) the interest rate set by the Bank of England for lending to other banks
baud rate (n) (computer science) a data transmission rate (bits/second) for modems
beaver rat (n) amphibious rat of Australia and New Guinea
birth rate (n) the ratio of live births in an area to the population of that area; expressed per 1000 population per year
black rat (n) common household pest originally from Asia that has spread worldwide
black rat snake (n) large harmless shiny black North American snake
bond rating (n) an evaluation by a rating company of the probability that a particular bond issue will default
brown rat (n) common domestic rat; serious pest worldwide
cat and rat (n) a game for children in which the players form a circle and join hands; they raise their hands to let a player inside the circle or lower their hands to bar a second player who is chasing the first
chinchilla rat (n) ratlike rodent with soft fur and large ears of the Andes
cotton rat (n) destructive long-haired burrowing rat of southern North America and Central America
credit rating (n) an estimate, based on previous dealings, of a person's or an organization's ability to fulfill their financial commitments
crime rate (n) the ratio of crimes in an area to the population of that area; expressed per 1000 population per year
cut rate (n) a price below the standard price
Damaraland mole rat (n) colonial mole rat of western Africa; similar to naked mole rat
data rate (n) the rate at which circuits or other devices operate when handling digital information
death rate (n) the ratio of deaths in an area to the population of that area; expressed per 1000 per year
depreciation rate (n) the rate at which the value of property is reduced; used to calculate tax deduction
desert rat (n) any of various leaping rodents of desert regions of North America and Mexico; largest members of the family Heteromyidae
discount rate (n) the rate of interest set by the Federal Reserve that member banks are charged when they borrow money through the Federal Reserve System
dose rate (n) the quantity of radiation absorbed per unit time
dusky-footed wood rat (n) a wood rat with dusky feet
dwarf pocket rat (n) small silky-haired pouched rodent; similar to but smaller than kangaroo rats
erythrocyte sedimentation rate (n) the rate at which red blood cells settle out in a tube of blood under standardized conditions; a high rate usually indicates the presence of inflammation
exchange rate (n) the charge for exchanging currency of one country for currency of another
excursion rate (n) a reduced rate for a round-trip ticket
fatality rate (n) the ratio of deaths in an area to the population of that area; expressed per 1000 per year
fertility rate (n) the ratio of live births in an area to the population of that area; expressed per 1000 population per year
Florida water rat (n) of Florida wetlands
flow rate (n) the amount of fluid that flows in a given time
freight rate (n) the charge for transporting something by common carrier
fuel consumption rate (n) the ratio of the number of miles traveled to the number of gallons of gasoline burned
growth rate (n) the rate of increase in size per unit time
gym rat (n) someone who spends all leisure time playing sports or working out in a gymnasium or health spa
heart rate (n) the rate at which the heart beats; usually measured to obtain a quick evaluation of a person's health
Indian rat snake (n) enter buildings in pursuit of prey
infant mortality rate (n) the death rate during the first year of life
inflation rate (n) the rate of change of prices (as indicated by a price index) calculated on a monthly or annual basis
installment rate (n) the amount of money paid out per unit time
interest rate (n) the percentage of a sum of money charged for its use
jerboa rat (n) large Australian rat with hind legs adapted for leaping
kangaroo rat (n) any of various leaping rodents of desert regions of North America and Mexico; largest members of the family Heteromyidae
marsupial rat (n) any of numerous small sharp-nosed insectivorous marsupials superficially resembling mice or rats
metabolic rate (n) rate of metabolism; the amount of energy expended in a give period
military rating (n) rank in a military organization
mole rat (n) African rodent resembling a mole in habits and appearance
mortality rate (n) the ratio of deaths in an area to the population of that area; expressed per 1000 per year
naked mole rat (n) fetal-looking colonial rodent of East Africa; neither mole nor rat; they feed on tubers and have a social structure similar to that of honeybees and termites
neonatal mortality rate (n) the death rate during the first 28 days of life
Norway rat (n) common domestic rat; serious pest worldwide
Nyquist rate (n) (telecommunication) the lowest sampling rate that will permit accurate reconstruction of a sampled analog signal
occupancy rate (n) the percentage of all rental units (as in hotels) are occupied or rented at a given time
octane rating (n) a measure of the antiknock properties of gasoline
opossum rat (n) terrestrial marsupials of southern South America that resemble shrews
Ord kangaroo rat (n) most widely distributed kangaroo rat: plains and mountain areas of central and western United States
pack rat (n) someone who collects things that have been discarded by others
pay rate (n) amount of money received per unit time
payment rate (n) the amount of money paid out per unit time
pocket rat (n) any of various rodents with cheek pouches
Postal Rate Commission (n) an independent federal agency that recommends changes in postal rates
pouched rat (n) burrowing rodent of the family Geomyidae having large external cheek pouches; of Central America and southwestern North America
prime interest rate (n) the interest rate on short-term loans that banks charge their commercial customers with high credit ratings
pulse rate (n) the rate at which the heart beats; usually measured to obtain a quick evaluation of a person's health
queen mole rat (n) an especially large mole rat and the only member of a colony of naked mole rats to bear offspring which are sired by only a few males
rat cheese (n) informal names for American cheddar
rat chinchilla (n) ratlike rodent with soft fur and large ears of the Andes
rat kangaroo (n) any of several rabbit-sized ratlike Australian kangaroos
rat race (n) an exhausting routine that leaves no time for relaxation
rat snake (n) any of various nonvenomous rodent-eating snakes of North America and Asia
rat terrier (n) any of several breeds of terrier developed to catch rats
rat typhus (n) acute infection caused by rickettsia and transmitted by the bite of an infected flea; characterized by fever and chills and muscle aches and a rash
rate of attrition (n) the rate of shrinkage in size or number
rate of depreciation (n) the rate at which the value of property is reduced; used to calculate tax deduction
rate of exchange (n) the charge for exchanging currency of one country for currency of another
rate of flow (n) the amount of fluid that flows in a given time
rate of growth (n) the rate of increase in size per unit time
rate of inflation (n) the rate of change of prices (as indicated by a price index) calculated on a monthly or annual basis
rate of interest (n) the percentage of a sum of money charged for its use
rate of pay (n) amount of money received per unit time
rate of payment (n) the amount of money paid out per unit time
rate of respiration (n) the rate at which a person inhales and exhales; usually measured to obtain a quick evaluation of a person's health
rate of return (n) the amount returned per unit of time expressed as a percentage of the cost
rating system (n) a system of classifying according to quality or merit or amount
red rat snake (n) large harmless snake of southeastern United States; often on farms
repayment rate (n) the amount of money paid out per unit time
respiratory rate (n) the rate at which a person inhales and exhales; usually measured to obtain a quick evaluation of a person's health
rice rat (n) hardy agile rat of grassy marshes of Mexico and the southeastern United States
roof rat (n) common household pest originally from Asia that has spread worldwide
room rate (n) the rate charged daily for a hotel room
sampling rate (n) (telecommunication) the frequency of sampling per unit time
sand rat (n) small nearly naked African mole rat of desert areas
sed rate (n) the rate at which red blood cells settle out in a tube of blood under standardized conditions; a high rate usually indicates the presence of inflammation
sedimentation rate (n) the rate at which red blood cells settle out in a tube of blood under standardized conditions; a high rate usually indicates the presence of inflammation
sewer rat (n) brown rat commonly found in sewers
tax rate (n) rate used to calculate tax liability
trade rat (n) any of several bushy-tailed rodents of the genus Neotoma of western North America; hoards food and other objects
turnover rate (n) the ratio of the number of workers that had to be replaced in a given time period to the average number of workers
unemployment rate (n) the percentage of the work force that is unemployed at any given date
vacancy rate (n) the percentage of all rental units (as in hotels) that are unoccupied or not rented at a given time
water rat (n) a person who enjoys being in or on the water
wharf rat (n) someone who lives near wharves and lives by pilfering from ships or warehouses
wood rat (n) any of various small short-tailed rodents of the northern hemisphere having soft fur grey above and white below with furred tails and large ears; some are hosts for Ixodes pacificus and Ixodes scapularis (Lyme disease ticks)
discount rate (n) interest on an annual basis deducted in advance on a loan
kangaroo rat (n) any of several rabbit-sized ratlike Australian kangaroos
mole rat (n) furry short-limbed tailless rodent resembling a true mole in habits and appearance; of eastern Europe and Middle East
pack rat (n) any of several bushy-tailed rodents of the genus Neotoma of western North America; hoards food and other objects
sand rat (n) southern European gerbil
water rat (n) common large Eurasian vole
wharf rat (n) brown rat that infests wharves
mole rat (n) burrowing scaly-tailed rat of India and Ceylon
water rat (n) any of various amphibious rats
at an equal rate (r) used in legal language
at any rate (r) used to indicate that a statement explains or supports a previous statement
at any rate (r) if nothing else (`leastwise' is informal and `leastways' is colloquial)

A(z) rating szóhoz valahogyan kapcsolódó szavak - fedezd fel őket is!

gnawer | rodent | pocket rat | brown rat | norway rat | rattus norvegicus | black rat | rattus rattus | roof rat | bandicoot rat | mole rat | jerboa rat | oryzomys palustris | rice rat | pad | coif | coiffure | hair style | hairdo | hairstyle | canary | fink | sneak | sneaker | snitch | snitcher | stool pigeon | stoolie | stoolpigeon | informant | source | copper's nark | nark | grass | supergrass | disagreeable person | unpleasant person | worker | inform | sell out | capture | catch | fill out | pad | do work | work | industry | manufacture | employ | engage | hire | defect | desert | temporal property | fastness | speed | swiftness | beat | celerity | quickness | rapidity | rapidness | speediness | deliberateness | deliberation | slowness | unhurriedness | sluggishness | pay rate | rate of pay | installment rate | payment rate | rate of payment | repayment rate | charge | tax rate | interest rate | rate of interest | freight | freight rate | freightage | depreciation rate | rate of depreciation | exchange rate | rate of exchange | excursion rate | footage | linage | lineage | room rate | proportion | magnitude relation | quantitative relation | acceleration | deceleration | attrition rate | rate of attrition | birth rate | birthrate | fertility | fertility rate | natality | bits per second | bps | crime rate | data rate | death rate | deathrate | fatality rate | mortality | mortality rate | dose rate | erythrocyte sedimentation rate | esr | sed rate | sedimentation rate | flow | flow rate | rate of flow | flux | frequence | frequency | oftenness | gc | ghz | gigacycle | gigacycle per second | gigahertz | growth rate | rate of growth | cps | cycle | cycle per second | cycles/second | hertz | hz | inflation rate | rate of inflation | jerk | kc | khz | kilocycle | kilocycle per second | kilohertz | kilometers per hour | kilometres per hour | km/h | kph | mc | megacycle | megacycle per second | megahertz | mhz | terahertz | thz | metabolic rate | miles per hour | mph | gait | pace | heart rate | pulse | pulse rate | rate of return | rate of respiration | respiratory rate | rev | revolutions per minute | rpm | sampling rate | solar constant | spacing | speed | velocity | pace | tempo | words per minute | wpm | superordinate | shortlist | seed | reorder | subordinate | prioritise | prioritize | sequence | downgrade | upgrade | evaluate | judge | pass judgment | revalue | appraise | assess | evaluate | measure | valuate | value | be | assessment | judgement | judgment | grading | marking | scoring | appraisal | assessment | overvaluation | undervaluation | pricing | reevaluation | grade | mark | score | bond rating | standing | armed forces | armed services | military | military machine | war machine | rank | flag rank |

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