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trading - Online English Department Dictionary

trading floor / stock exchange floor: tőzsdei parkett / tőzsdeparkett / üzletkötő tér

trading - kétnyelvű szótár

trade: forgalom; kereskedik; üzletet köt; mesterség; rendszeresen vásárol; kereskedelem; ipar; foglalkozás; szakma;

-------------- kifejezésekben: --------------
baker`s trade: pékmesterség; kenyérsütés; kenyérdagasztás; balance of trade: külkereskedelmi mérleg; be in trade: kereskedő; boltos; board of trade: kereskedelemügyi minisztérium; building trade: építőipar; bustling trade: élénk forgalom; by trade: foglalkozására nézve; carrying trade: fuvarozás; fuvarozási vállalat; centre of trade: kereskedelmi gócpont; cheap bazaar trade: olcsó bazáráru; do a big trade: nagy üzletet bonyolít le; élénk üzleti tevékenységet folytat; élénk üzleti tevékenységet fejt ki; do a roaring trade: virágzik az üzlete; kitűnően megy az üzlete; drive a roaring trade: virágzik az üzlete; kitűnően megy az üzlete; external trade: külkereskedelem; fair trade: kölcsönösségen alapuló szabad kereskedelem; méltányosságon alapuló szabad kereskedelem; follow a trade: működik vmilyen pályán; működik vmilyen szakmában; vmi pályán működik; vmi szakmában működik; he tops at his trade: elsőrendű szakember; home trade: part menti hajózás; parthajózás; belkereskedelem; hotel trade: szállodaipar; vendéglátóipar; inland trade: belkereskedelem; interior trade: belkereskedelem; ply a trade: hivatást folytat; ipart űz; mesterséget gyakorol; put sy to a trade: szakmára kitanít; szakmára kitaníttat; retail trade: kiskereskedelem; small trade: kiskereskedelem; tally trade: részletüzlet; folyószámlára történő eladás; trade bill: áruváltó; trade card: névkártya; cégkártya; trade creditor: kereskedelmi szállító; trade debtor: kereskedelmi vevő; trade is slack: az üzlet pang; a kereskedelem pang; trade on: tisztességtelenül felhasznál; tisztességtelenül kihasznál; trade on sy`s ignorance: kihasználja vkinek a tudatlanságát; trade register: cégjegyzék; trade school: ipariskola; szakiskola; trade secret: gyártási titok; trade sg for sg: becserél vmit vmire; trade sy down the river: átejt vkit; csőbe húz vkit; trade sy down the rivet: átejt vkit; trade union: szakszervezet; trade upon sy`s ignorance: kihasználja vkinek a tudatlanságát; trade with sy: érintkezik vkivel; trading capital: üzemi tőke; forgótőke; trading consul: tiszteletbeli konzul; trading post: kereskedelmi ügynökség;

trading - EU-szótár

trading day: kereskedési nap
fair trading: tisztességes kereskedelmi gyakorlat
dark trading: nem nyilvános kereskedés
trading halt: kereskedés szüneteltetése / tőzsdei termék kereskedésének szüneteltetése
trading limit: napi maximális árelmozdulás
trading venue: kereskedési helyszín
trading entity: kereskedési egység
margin trading: tőkeáttételes kereskedés
trade / trading: kereskedés
sectoral trading: ágazati kereskedés
spectrum trading: frekvenciakereskedelem / frekvenciákkal folytatott kereskedelem / spektrumkereskedelem
trading activity: kereskedési tevékenység
held for trading: kereskedési céllal tartott
continuous trading: folyamatos kereskedés
correlation trading: korrelációs kereskedés
admission to trading: szabályozott piacra történő bevezetés
trading book exposure: kereskedési könyvi kitettség
trading book position: kereskedési könyvi pozíció / üzleti könyv szerinti pozíció
trading gains and losses: kereskedési nyereségek és veszteségek
quote-driven trading system: jegyzésvezérelt kereskedési rendszer
multilateral trading system: multilaterális kereskedelmi rendszer
flash order / flash trading: flash trading / flashmegbízás
arbitrage / arbitrage trading: arbitrázs
dealing order / trading order: kereskedési megbízás
TSA / trading securities asset: kereskedési értékpapír-eszköz
business day / trading session: kereskedési nap
mail order / mail order trading: csomagküldő kereskedelem
trading platform holding account: platformszámla
round trip trading / wash trading: semleges ügylet / wash trade
TSL / trading securities liability: kereskedési értékpapír-kötelezettség
CTP / correlation trading portfolio: korrelációkereskedési portfólió
emission trading / emissions trading: kibocsátási egységek kereskedelme / kibocsátásiegység-kereskedelem / kibocsátáskereskedelem
dealing portfolio / trading portfolio: kereskedési portfólió
METS / maritime emission trading scheme: tengeri kibocsátáskereskedelmi rendszer
VFCR / Valid For Continuous Trading only: VFCR / csak folyamatos kereskedésben érvényes
pattern / price pattern / trading pattern: alakzat / árfolyamalakzat
round lot / trading unit / unit of trading: kereskedési egység
continuous auction order book trading system: folyamatos aukciós ajánlati könyves kereskedési rendszer
Operation of Multilateral Trading Facilities: multilaterális kereskedési rendszerek működtetése
external trading platform / trading platform: kereskedési platform / külső kereskedési platform
financial asset or liability held for trading: kereskedési céllal tartott pénzügyi eszköz vagy kötelezettség
delta neutral hedging / delta neutral trading: delta-semleges fedezés / delta-semleges kereskedés
inside dealing / insider dealing / insider trading: bennfentes kereskedelem / bennfentes kereskedés
HFT / high-frequency trade / high-frequency trading: nagy sebességű kereskedés
ETS / emissions trading scheme / emissions trading system: kibocsátás-kereskedelmi rendszer
algorithmic trading / automated trading / black box trading: algoritmikus kereskedés / automatizált kereskedés
trading book risk / trading-book exposure / trading-book risk: kereskedési könyvi kockázat
Alternative Trading System / MTF / multilateral trading facility: MTF / alternatív kereskedési platform / multilaterális kereskedési rendszer
own account trading / proprietary trading / trading for own account: saját számlás kereskedés
influence peddling / trading in influence / trafficking in influence: befolyással üzérkedés
Green Paper on greenhouse gas emissions trading within the European Union: Zöld könyv az üvegházhatást okozó gázok kibocsátásának Európai Unión belüli kereskedelméről
listed security / quoted security / security admitted to trading on a regulated market: tőzsdén jegyzett részvény
margin of profit / mark up / marketing margin / markup / profit margin / trade margin / trading margin: haszonkulcs
EU ETS / EU emissions trading scheme / EU emissions trading system / scheme for greenhouse gas emission allowance trading within the Community: EU ETS / az EU kibocsátáskereskedelmi rendszere / az üvegházhatást okozó gázok kibocsátási egységeinek Közösségen belüli kereskedelmi rendszere / kibocsátáskereskedelmi rendszer / uniós kibocsátáskereskedelmi rendszer
Directive 2003/71/EC on the prospectus to be published when securities are offered to the public or admitted to trading / PD / Prospectus Directive: a tájékoztatóról szóló irányelv
Directive 2003/87/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 October 2003 establishing a scheme for greenhouse gas emission allowance trading within the Community and amending Council Directive 96/61/EC / EAT Directive / EU Emissions Trading D: Az Európai Parlament és a Tanács 2003/87/EK irányelve az üvegházhatást okozó gázok kibocsátási egységei Közösségen belüli kereskedelmi rendszerének létrehozásáról és a 96/61/EK tanácsi irányelv módosításáról / uniós kibocsátáskereskedelmi irányelv

trading - értelmező szótár

trad1 (n) traditional jazz as revived in the 1950s
trade1 (n) the commercial exchange (buying and selling on domestic or international markets) of goods and services they are accused of conspiring to constrain trade
trading1 (n) buying or selling securities or commodities
trade2 (n) the skilled practice of a practical occupation
   Hasonló: craft |

trade3 (n) the business given to a commercial establishment by its customers
   Hasonló: patronage |

trade4 (n) a particular instance of buying or selling I had no further trade with him | he's a master of the business deal
   Hasonló: business deal | deal |

trade5 (n) people who perform a particular kind of skilled work as they say in the trade
   Hasonló: craft |

trade6 (n) steady winds blowing from east to west above and below the equator
   Hasonló: trade wind |

trade7 (n) an equal exchange
   Hasonló: barter | swap | swop |

trade1 (v) engage in the trade of
   Hasonló: merchandise |

trade2 (v) turn in as payment or part payment for a purchase
   Hasonló: trade in |

trade3 (v) be traded at a certain price or under certain conditions
trade4 (v) exchange or give (something) in exchange for
   Hasonló: swap | switch | swop |

trade5 (v) do business; offer for sale as for one's livelihood The brothers sell shoes
   Hasonló: deal | sell |

Ellentétes értelmű: | trader | trade | trading |
  Lásd még: | trader | trade | trading |

------ "trading" kifejezésekben --------
balance of trade (n) the difference in value over a period of time of a country's imports and exports of merchandise
Board of Trade unit (n) a unit of energy equal to the work done by a power of 1000 watts operating for one hour
bond trading (n) trading in bonds (usually by a broker on the floor of an exchange)
carriage trade (n) trade from upper-class customers
combination in restraint of trade (n) (law) any monopoly or contract or combination or conspiracy intended to restrain commerce (which are illegal according to antitrust laws of the United States)
fair trade (n) trade that satisfies certain criteria on the supply chain of the goods involved, usually including fair payment for producers; often with other social and environmental considerations
Federal Trade Commission (n) an independent agency of the United States federal government that maintains fair and free competition; enforces federal antitrust laws; educates the public about identity theft
free trade (n) international trade free of government interference
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (n) a United Nations agency created by a multinational treaty to promote trade by the reduction of tariffs and import quotas
horse trade (n) the swapping of horses (accompanied by much bargaining)
horse trading (n) the swapping of horses (accompanied by much bargaining)
insider trading (n) buying or selling corporate stock by a corporate officer or other insider on the basis of information that has not been made public and is supposed to remain confidential
national trading policy (n) a government's policy controlling foreign trade
North American Free Trade Agreement (n) an agreement for free trade between the United States and Canada and Mexico; became effective in 1994 for ten years
program trading (n) a trading technique involving large blocks of stock with trades triggered by computer programs
rag trade (n) makers and sellers of fashionable clothing
restraint of trade (n) any act that tends to prevent free competition in business
slave trade (n) traffic in slaves; especially in Black Africans transported to America in the 16th to 19th centuries
trade acceptance (n) a bill of exchange for a specific purchase; drawn on the buyer by the seller and bearing the buyer's acceptance
trade balance (n) the difference in value over a period of time of a country's imports and exports of merchandise
trade barrier (n) any regulation or policy that restricts international trade
trade bill (n) a statute that would regulate foreign trade
trade book (n) a book intended for general readership
trade cycle (n) recurring fluctuations in economic activity consisting of recession and recovery and growth and decline
trade deficit (n) an excess of imports over exports
trade discount (n) a discount from the list price of a commodity allowed by a manufacturer or wholesaler to a merchant
trade edition (n) a book intended for general readership
trade embargo (n) a government order imposing a trade barrier
trade expense (n) ordinary and necessary expenses incurred in a taxpayer's business or trade
trade gap (n) the difference in value over a period of time of a country's imports and exports of merchandise
trade good (n) articles of commerce
trade magazine (n) a magazine published for and read by members of a particular trade group
trade name (n) a name given to a product or service
trade policy (n) a government's policy controlling foreign trade
trade protection (n) the imposition of duties or quotas on imports in order to protect domestic industry against foreign competition
trade rat (n) any of several bushy-tailed rodents of the genus Neotoma of western North America; hoards food and other objects
trade route (n) a lane at sea that is a regularly used route for vessels
trade school (n) a secondary school teaching the skilled trades
trade secret (n) a secret (method or device or formula) that gives a manufacturer an advantage over the competition
trade stoppage (n) a government order imposing a trade barrier
trade union (n) an organization of employees formed to bargain with the employer
trade union movement (n) an organized attempt by workers to improve their status by united action (particularly via labor unions) or the leaders of this movement
trade unionism (n) the system or principles and theory of labor unions
trade unionist (n) a worker who belongs to a trade union
trade wind (n) steady winds blowing from east to west above and below the equator
trading card (n) a card with a picture on it; collected and traded by children
trading floor (n) a large room in a exchange where the trading is done
trading operations (n) financial transactions at a brokerage; having to do with the execution of trades and keeping customer records
trading post (n) a retail store serving a sparsely populated region; usually stocked with a wide variety of merchandise
trading stamp (n) a token resembling a stamp given by a retailer to a buyer; the token is redeemable for articles on a special list
United States Trade Representative (n) the executive agency that administers the President's policies on international trade
US Trade Representative (n) the executive agency that administers the President's policies on international trade
World Trade Center (n) twin skyscrapers 110 stories high in New York City; built 1368 feet tall in 1970 to 1973; destroyed by a terrorist attack on September 11, 2001
World Trade Organization (n) an international organization based in Geneva that monitors and enforces rules governing global trade
fair trade (n) trade that is conducted legally
horse trading (n) negotiation accompanied by mutual concessions and shrewd bargaining
trade route (n) a route followed by traders (usually in caravans)
trade in (v) turn in as payment or part payment for a purchase

"trading" - Business English értelmező szakszótár

Trading halt Trading of a stock, bond, option or future contract can be halted by an exchange while news is being broadcast about the security.

A(z) trading szóhoz valahogyan kapcsolódó szavak - fedezd fel őket is!

jazz | britain | great britain | u.k. | uk | united kingdom | united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland | business | job | line | line of work | occupation | airplane mechanics | auto mechanics | basketry | carpentry | woodwork | woodworking | drafting | mechanical drawing | dressmaking | electrical work | interior decoration | interior design | lumbering | masonry | oculism | house painting | painting | papermaking | pilotage | piloting | plumbery | plumbing | pottery | pyrotechnics | pyrotechny | cobbling | shoe repairing | shoemaking | roofing | sheet-metal work | shingling | tailoring | tool-and-die work | handicraft | mintage | tanning | typography | undertaking | upholstery | wine making | winemaking | commerce | commercialism | mercantilism | fair trade | fair trade | free trade | protect | business | custom | exchange | interchange | horse trade | horse trading | dealing | dealings | transaction | arms deal | penny ante | class | social class | socio-economic class | stratum | prevailing wind | commerce | commercialism | mercantilism | push | transact | deal | deal | black marketeer | pyramid | market | hawk | huckster | monger | peddle | pitch | vend | sell | change | exchange | interchange | commerce | commercialism | mercantilism | change | exchange | interchange | barter away | commerce | commercialism | mercantilism | buy | purchase | black market | run | sell | traffic | arbitrage | traffic | market | import | export | commerce | commercialism | mercantilism | sell | close | bond trading | bond-trading activity | program trading | short sale | short selling | short covering | insider trading | commerce | commercialism | mercantilism |

A keresésnél kis- és nagybetű nem számít, és a kötőjelezési és egybeírási elgépeléseket is megpróbálja korrigálni a program. A magyar szavaknál az ékezet számít. Az adatbázis tartalmaz különféle stílusú, pl. szleng, drurva stb. kifejezéseket, továbbá szakkifejezéseket is sokféle szakterületről.

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