Angol-magyar, magyar-angol online szótáraink

bear szó ragozott formái: | bore | born | borne |
bear - Online English Department Dictionary

teddy bear: maci, játékmaci [csak a játékra mondjuk. Az állatra lásd: cub]
ramsons / wild garlic / bear's garlic / buckrams / wood garlic / bear leek / Allium ursinum: medvehagyma

bear - kétnyelvű szótár

bear: medve; tart; hordoz;

-------------- kifejezésekben: --------------
accusation that will no bear investigation: fenn nem tartható vád; all truth will not bear telling: nem minden igazság bírja el a napfényt; mondj igazat, betörik a fejed; be as cross as a bear with a sore head: harapós kedvében van; be cross as a bear: harapós kedvében van; bear a charmed life: nem fogja a fegyver; szerencsés csillagzat alatt született; bear a child: gyereket szül; bear a date: keltezett; bear a good character: jó hírnévnek örvend; bear a hand: segítséget nyújt; segít; részt vesz; bear a high price: drága; bear a legend: szöveg áll rajta; felirat áll rajta; bear a lettering: szöveg áll rajta; felirat áll rajta; bear a likeness to sy: hasonlít vkihez; bear a loss: veszteséget elszenved; veszteséget elvisel; bear a message: üzenetet ad át; bear a part in sg: szerepet játszik vmiben; részt vesz vmiben; bear a price: ára van; bear a purpose: szándékában áll; bear a relation to sg: kapcsolatban van vmivel; összefüggésben van vmivel; vonatkozik vmire; bear a resemblance: hasonlít; bear an honourable mind: becsületes szándékai vannak; tisztességes szándékai vannak; bear an honoured name: köztiszteletben álló nevet visel; bear an inscription: szöveg áll rajta; felirat áll rajta; bear arms: fegyvert visel; katonáskodik; bear arms against sy: hadat visel vki ellen; bear away the bell: diadalt arat; győz; elviszi a pálmát; bear down: lenyom; törekszik; bear down all resistance: minden ellenállást megtör; bear down on sg: úton van vmi felé; nyomást gyakorol vmire; megközelít vmit; erőfeszítéseket tesz vmi véghezviteléhez; bear down on the enemy: ráront az ellenségre; lecsap az ellenségre; bear down the enemy: legyőzi az ellenséget; bear down upon sg: úton van vmi felé; bear evidence of sg: tanúskodik vmiről; tanúságot tesz vmiről; bizonyságot tesz vmiről; tanúbizonyságot tesz vmiről; tanújelét adja vminek; bizonyít vmit; tanúsít vmit; tanúvallomást tesz; bear false witness: hamisan tanúskodik; hamis vallomást tesz; bear fruit: gyümölcsöt terem; meghozza gyümölcsét; eredménye van; siker koronázza; bear hard on sy: keservesen sújt vkit; érzékenyen érint vkit; súlyos terhet jelent vkinek; bear interest: kamatozik; bear malice to sy: rosszakarója vkinek; bear marks of sg: magán viseli vminek a jegyeit; magán viseli vminek a bélyegét; bear no proportion to sg: nem áll arányban vmivel; bear on sy: hatással van vkire; bear one`s cross: viseli a keresztjét; megvan a maga baja; bear one`s share of the burden: viseli a maga részét a terhekből; bear oneself: viselkedik; bear oneself well: jól érzi magát; bear out: megerősít; igazol; bear proportion to sg: arányban áll vmivel; bear punch: hordozható lyukasztógép; bear record to sg: bizonyít vmit; igazol vmit; bear resemblance: hasonlít; bear right: jobbra tart; jobbra tér; bear round: látható tárgyak irányát felveszi; látható tárgyak irányát meghatározza; bear round of ship: hajóról látható tárgyak irányát meghatározza; bear rule: uralkodik; bear sg in mind: gondol vmire; nem feledkezik meg vmiről; emlékezik vmire; észben tart vmit; emlékezetében megőriz vmit; figyelembe vesz vmit; bear skipping: átugorható; kihagyható; bear sway: uralkodik; bear sway over sy: uralma alatt tart vkit; bear sy a grudge: neheztel vkire; haragot táplál vkivel szemben; bear sy a hand: segít vkinek; segít vkit; segédkezet nyújt vkinek; bear sy company: kísér vkit; szórakoztat; bear sy ill-will: rosszindulattal viseltetik vkivel szemben; neheztel vkire; bear sy love: szeret vkit; szeretettel van vki iránt; bear sy malice: rosszakarója vkinek; bear sy no grudge: nem neheztel vkire; bear sy no malice: nem neheztel vkire; bear testimony: tanúskodik; tanúsít vmit; bear testimony to sg: igazol vmit; tanúsít vmit; bear the blame: viseli a felelősséget; hibás; felelős; bear the brunt of sg: viseli vminek a nehezét; tartja a hátát vmiért; oroszlánrészét vállalja vminek; oroszlánrészét végzi vminek; megissza a levét vkinek; bear the brunt of the attack: támadás középpontjában áll; bear the brunt of the expense: rá hárulnak a költségek; neki kell viselnie a költségeket; bear the burden and heat of the day: minden az ő vállán nyugszik; minden gond az ő vállát nyomja; minden nehézség az ő vállát nyomja; bear the mark of sg: viseli vminek a nyomait; láthatók rajta vminek a nyomai; bear the palm: elnyeri a pálmát; győz; diadalt arat; elviszi a pálmát; győzelmet arat; bear the person of sy: megszemélyesít vkit; bear the responsibility of sg: felelősséggel tartozik vmiért; felelősséget vállal vmiért; bear the stamp of sg: magán viseli vminek a bélyegét; bear the weight of sg: hordozza vminek a súlyát; bear witness: tanúskodik; tanúsít vmit; bear witness to sg: tanúbizonyságot tesz vmiről; bring one`s mind to bear on sg: ráfordítja figyelmét vmire; bring pressure to bear on sy: nyomást gyakorol vkire; befolyásol vkit; protekciót vesz igénybe; brown bear: barnamedve; grizzly bear: szürkemedve; he bear: hím medve; he can bear this secret no longer: nem tudja tovább magába fojtani ezt a titkot; he could bear it no longer: nem tudta magát tovább türtőztetni; tovább nem bírta elviselni; he had to grin a bear it: bele kell harapni a savanyú almába; jó képet kell vágni a kellemetlen ügyhöz; i can`t bear the idea of it: nem tudom elviselni a gondolatot; i can`t bear the sight of her: még látni sem bírom; még látni sem szeretem; i cannot bear him: ki nem állhatom; nem bírom őt; i cannot bear the sight of him: nem bírom őt látni; ki nem állhatom; i cannot bear to see it: nem tudom elviselni ezt a látványt; i don`t know how i can bear to face him: nem tudom, merjek-e a szeme elé kerülni; nem tudom, merjek-e a színe elé kerülni; it is more than flesh and blood can bear: ezt ember nem tudja elviselni; like a bear with a sore head: durcás; mogorva; barátságtalam; zsémbes; ingerlékeny; little bear: kismedve; polar bear: jegesmedve; sloth bear: lajhármedve; teddy bear: mackó; white bear: jegesmedve;

bear - EU-szótár

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bear - értelmező szótár

bear1 (n) massive plantigrade carnivorous or omnivorous mammals with long shaggy coats and strong claws
bear2 (n) an investor with a pessimistic market outlook; an investor who expects prices to fall and so sells now in order to buy later at a lower price
bear1 (v) have bear a signature
bear2 (v) cause to be born
   Hasonló: birth | deliver | give birth | have |

bear3 (v) put up with something or somebody unpleasant The new secretary had to endure a lot of unprofessional remarks | he learned to tolerate the heat | She stuck out two years in a miserable marriage
   Hasonló: abide | brook | digest | endure | put up | stand | stick out | stomach | suffer | support | tolerate |

bear4 (v) move while holding up or supporting bear a heavy load | bear news | bearing orders
bear5 (v) bring forth, The unidentified plant bore gorgeous flowers
   Hasonló: turn out |

bear6 (v) take on as one's own the expenses or debts of another person She agreed to bear the responsibility
   Hasonló: accept | assume | take over |

bear7 (v) contain or hold; have within The canteen holds fresh water | This can contains water
   Hasonló: carry | contain | hold |

bear8 (v) bring in How much does this savings certificate pay annually?
   Hasonló: pay | yield |

bear9 (v) have on one's person bear a scar
   Hasonló: wear |

bear10 (v) behave in a certain manner he bore himself with dignity | They conducted themselves well during these difficult times
   Hasonló: acquit | behave | carry | comport | conduct | deport |

bear11 (v) have rightfully; of rights, titles, and offices He held the governorship for almost a decade
   Hasonló: hold |

bear12 (v) support or hold in a certain manner He carried himself upright
   Hasonló: carry | hold |

bear13 (v) be pregnant with The are expecting another child in January | I am carrying his child
   Hasonló: carry | expect | gestate | have a bun in the oven |

  A "bear" egyéb formái: bore, born, borne Ellentétes értelmű: | bull |
  Lásd még: | bull | bear out | bear | bearable | bearer | bearing |

------ "bear" kifejezésekben --------
Alaskan brown bear (n) brown bear of coastal Alaska and British Columbia
American black bear (n) brown to black North American bear; smaller and less ferocious than the brown bear
ant bear (n) large shaggy-haired toothless anteater with long tongue and powerful claws; of South America
Asiatic black bear (n) bear with a black coat living in central and eastern Asia
bear cat (n) reddish-brown Old World raccoon-like carnivore; in some classifications considered unrelated to the giant pandas
bear claw (n) almond-flavored yeast-raised pastry shaped in an irregular semicircle resembling a bear's claw
bear cub (n) a young bear
bear grass (n) yucca of southern United States having a clump of basal grasslike leaves and a central stalk with a terminal raceme of small whitish flowers
bear hug (n) a wrestling hold with arms locked tightly around the opponent
bear market (n) a market characterized by falling prices for securities
bear oak (n) shrubby oak of southeastern United States usually forming dense thickets
bear paw (n) almond-flavored yeast-raised pastry shaped in an irregular semicircle resembling a bear's claw
black bear (n) bear with a black coat living in central and eastern Asia
brown bear (n) large ferocious bear of Eurasia
cat bear (n) reddish-brown Old World raccoon-like carnivore; in some classifications considered unrelated to the giant pandas
cinnamon bear (n) reddish-brown color phase of the American black bear
coon bear (n) large black-and-white herbivorous mammal of bamboo forests of China and Tibet; in some classifications considered a member of the bear family or of a separate family Ailuropodidae
freedom to bear arms (n) a right guaranteed by the 2nd amendment to the US Constitution
Great Bear (n) a constellation outside the zodiac that rotates around the North Star
grizzly bear (n) powerful brownish-yellow bear of the uplands of western North America
honey bear (n) arboreal fruit-eating mammal of tropical America with a long prehensile tail
ice bear (n) white bear of Arctic regions
kangaroo bear (n) sluggish tailless Australian arboreal marsupial with grey furry ears and coat; feeds on eucalyptus leaves and bark
koala bear (n) sluggish tailless Australian arboreal marsupial with grey furry ears and coat; feeds on eucalyptus leaves and bark
Kodiak bear (n) brown bear of coastal Alaska and British Columbia
Little Bear (n) a constellation outside the zodiac that rotates around the North Star
native bear (n) sluggish tailless Australian arboreal marsupial with grey furry ears and coat; feeds on eucalyptus leaves and bark
panda bear (n) large black-and-white herbivorous mammal of bamboo forests of China and Tibet; in some classifications considered a member of the bear family or of a separate family Ailuropodidae
polar bear (n) white bear of Arctic regions
skunk bear (n) stocky shaggy-coated North American carnivorous mammal
sloth bear (n) common coarse-haired long-snouted bear of south-central Asia
Syrian bear (n) yellowish-grey Syrian brown bear
teddy bear (n) plaything consisting of a child's toy bear (usually plush and stuffed with soft materials)
woolly bear (n) caterpillar of numerous moths characterized by a dense coat of woolly hairs; feed on plants and some are destructive pests
woolly bear caterpillar (n) caterpillar of numerous moths characterized by a dense coat of woolly hairs; feed on plants and some are destructive pests
woolly bear moth (n) larva of moth of the family Arctiidae
ant bear (n) nocturnal burrowing mammal of the grasslands of Africa that feeds on termites; sole extant representative of the order Tubulidentata
bear claw (n) an incised design resembling the claw of a bear; used in Native American pottery
bear grass (n) yucca of west central United States having a clump of basal grasslike leaves and a central stalk with a terminal raceme of small whitish flowers
bear hug (n) a takeover bid so attractive that the directors of the target company must approve it or risk shareholder protest
black bear (n) brown to black North American bear; smaller and less ferocious than the brown bear
bear claw (n) claw of a bear; often used in jewelry
bear grass (n) stemless plant with tufts of grasslike leaves and erect panicle of minute creamy white flowers; southwestern United States and Mexico
bear grass (n) plant of western North America having woody rhizomes and tufts of stiff grasslike basal leaves and spikes of creamy white flowers
bear away (v) remove from a certain place, environment, or mental or emotional state; transport into a new location or state
bear down (v) exert a force with a heavy weight
bear down on (v) sail towards another vessel, of a ship
bear down upon (v) sail towards another vessel, of a ship
bear in mind (v) keep in mind
bear off (v) remove from a certain place, environment, or mental or emotional state; transport into a new location or state
bear on (v) be relevant to
bear out (v) support with evidence or authority or make more certain or confirm
bear up (v) endure cheerfully
bear upon (v) have an effect upon
bear witness (v) provide evidence for
bring to bear (v) bring into operation or effect
bear down (v) contract the abdominal muscles during childbirth to ease delivery
bear down on (v) exert a force with a heavy weight
bear on (v) have an effect upon
bear witness (v) give testimony in a court of law
bear down (v) to make a rush at or sudden attack upon, as in battle
bear on (v) press, drive, or impel (someone) to action or completion of an action
bear down (v) exert full strength
bear on (v) keep or maintain in unaltered condition; cause to remain or last
bear down (v) pay special attention to
bear down (v) exert a force or cause a strain upon

A(z) bear szóhoz valahogyan kapcsolódó szavak - fedezd fel őket is!

bear cub | carnivore | family ursidae | ursidae | brown bear | bruin | ursus arctos | bruin | american black bear | black bear | euarctos americanus | ursus americanus | asiatic black bear | black bear | selenarctos thibetanus | ursus thibetanus | ice bear | polar bear | thalarctos maritimus | ursus maritimus | melursus ursinus | sloth bear | ursus ursinus | investor | feature | have | conceive | twin | drop | foal | cub | kitten | lamb | litter | pup | whelp | farrow | pig | fawn | calve | have young | bear | carry | expect | gestate | have a bun in the oven | bear | carry | expect | gestate | have a bun in the oven | bring forth | produce | conceive | bear | birth | deliver | give birth | have | bear | birth | deliver | give birth | have | expect | accept | live with | swallow | hold still for | stand for | bear up | take lying down | take a joke | sit out | pay | allow | countenance | let | permit | suffer | carry | transport | frogmarch | move | displace | move | sling | stoop | piggyback | balance | poise | acquit | bear | behave | carry | comport | conduct | deport | spin off | create | make | seed | crop | overbear | fruit | investment | investment funds | bring in | clear | earn | gain | make | pull in | realise | realize | take in | clear | net | pay off | take | carry-the can | face the music | have | have got | hold | bear | carry | hold | fluster | act | move | assert | put forward | deal | walk around | pose | posture | carry | feature | have | include | contain | hold | take | retain | confine | enclose | hold in |

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