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post - Online English Department Dictionary

post production: utómunka / utómunkálatok
post: csap |

post - kétnyelvű szótár

post: kapufa; felad; odaállít; elhelyez; posta; postahivatal; levélgyűjtő szekrény; postakocsi; cölöp; karó; jelzőkaró; oszlop; pillér; ajtófélfa; őrhely; őrszem; megerősített állás; megerősített katonai állás; erőd; állás; elhelyezkedés; értesít; postán küld; postára ad; postáz; elkönyvel; postakocsin utazik; gyorsan jár; gyorsan utazik; kiragaszt; plakatíroz; közzétesz; állít; felállít; kinevez; kifüggeszt; közzétesz; veszteséglistára rávezet; kipellengérez; bukottak jegyzékébe iktat; bedob (levelet); tájékoztat; könnyű ügetéssel lovagol; könnyű ügetéssel vezet; parancsnoki tisztségre kinevez; felbérel; lesbe állít; pózna; jelzőpózna; jelzőoszlop; dúc; sasfa; szárfa; tám; tartóborda; függőleges ereszték; ajtótok; ablaktok; ablakfélfa; tartóoszlop; daruoszlop; szegélykő; kerékvető; szénpillér; ércpillér; fartőke; céloszlop; startoszlop; sorompó; napi posta; levelezés; 40 x 51 centiméteres papirosív; katonai hely; őrállomás; bevett állás; állást elfoglaló csapat; őrséget elfoglaló csapat; őrcsapat; hely; hivatal; szolgálati hely; halottszemle; post-: utó; utólagos; utáni;

-------------- kifejezésekben: --------------
applicant for a post: kandidátus; bank post: külföldi levelezéshez való levélpapír; be on post: őrségen van; őrt áll; be on the wrong side of the post: eltéved; eltévedt; by return of post: postafordultával; command post: harcálláspont; hadiszállás; cossack post: négy emberből álló előőrs; detached post: előretolt állás; door post: ajtófélfa; ajtókeret; exchange into a new post: új beosztást kap; áthelyezik hivatalcserével; first post: első takarodó; general post: helycserés társasjáték; reggeli postakézbesítés; reggeli posta; helycsere; helycserélősdi; general post office: főposta; go to the post: részt vesz a versenyben; indul a versenyen; head post office: főposta; hit the post: kapufát lő; hold high post: magas beosztásban van; job`s post: vészhírnök; kiss the post: elkésett; lamp post: lámpaoszlop; last post: lélekharang; utolsó takarodó; takarodó; takarodó kürtszava; capistráng; line post: vezetékoszlop; pózna; lookout post: figyelőhely; megfigyelőpont; megfigyelési pont; őrhely; metal post: ércpillér; military post: katonai tábor; newel post: orsópillér; korlátpillér; nurse`s post: ápolónői állás; ápolónői hivatás; observation post: megfigyelőállás; katonai megfigyelőállás; occupy an important post: fontos állást tölt be; fontos állása van; open one`s post: felbontja a postáját; parcel post: csomagposta; pneumatic post: csőposta; post a letter: felad egy levelet; post a reward: jutalmat tűz ki; post a wall: falat hirdetésekkel teleragaszt; falat plakátokkal teleragaszt; post an entry: elkönyvel egy tételt; tételt elkönyvel; post brake: tuskófék; post cemetery: helyőrségi temető; katonai temető; post code: irányítószám; postai irányítószám; post commander: csapatparancsnok; post engineer: katonai állomáshely műszaki parancsnoka; post exchange: helyőrségi üzlet; kantin; post hospital: helyőrségi kórház; post no bills: falragaszok felragasztása tilos; post office: posta; postahivatal; post office box: postafiók; pf.; post office savings bank: posta-takarékpénztár; post oneself up on sg: informálódik; post sg to sy: postán küld vkinek vmit; post sy as a captain: sorhajókapitánnyá kinevez vkit; post sy as a coward: nyilvánosan gyávának bélyegez vkit; post sy up with sg: tájékoztat vkit vmiről; informál vkit vmiről; tudomására hoz vkinek vmit; post the books: könyvel; elkönyvel; post up: kifüggeszt; kiragaszt; falragaszon közzétesz; plakátoz; plakatíroz; hirdet; beír; elkönyvel; post up the ledger: főkönyvbe átvezet; főkönyvet lezár; főkönyvet naprakész állapotba hoz; put in for a post: pályázik egy állásra; bejelenti igényét egy állásra; registered post: ajánlott küldemény; ajánlott postai küldemény; ride post: váltott lovakkal utazik; váltott lovakkal lovagol; gyorsan utazik; gyorsan lovagol; run one`s head against a post: fejjel rohan a falnak; samson`s post: daruárboc; bak alatti fedélzeti oszlop; send by post: postán küld; send sg by post: postán küld vmit; send sg through the post: postán küld vmit; postával küld vmit; sound the last post: megkondítja a lélekharangot; spotting post: megfigyelőállás; légvédelmi megfigyelőállás; stand like a post: áll, mint egy cövek; stand stiff as a post: áll, mint a cövek; úgy áll, mint a cövek; stick to one`s post: helyén marad; take a letter to the post: levelet visz a postára; take away his post from sy: állásától megfoszt vkit; állásából elmozdít vkit; take post: sorhajókapitányi tisztséget átvesz; sorhajókapitánynak kinevezik; take up one`s post: elfoglalja állását; elfoglalja hivatalát; the post has come: megjött a posta; megérkezett a posta; the post is in the gift of the minister: erre az állásra a kinevezés joga a miniszteré; az állásról a miniszter dönt; trading post: kereskedelmi ügynökség; travel post: postakocsin utazik; lóhalálában nyargal;

post - EU-szótár

post spacing: jelzőpontok közötti távolság
alerting post: riasztóállomás
ex post figure: utólagos valós adat
vacancy / vacant post: betöltendő álláshely
job / position / post: álláshely
EPE / ex post evaluation: utólagos értékelés
BCP / border control post: határállomás
BIP / border inspection post: áeh / állategészségügyi határállomás
post market monitoring / post-market surveillance: forgalomba hozatal utáni nyomon követés / forgalomba hozatalt követő felügyelet
post column derivatisation / post-column derivatisation: származékképzés oszlopról való eluálódás után
establishment plan post / post in the establishment plan: létszámtervben szereplő álláshely / létszámtervi álláshely

post - értelmező szótár

post1 (n) the position where someone (as a guard or sentry) stands or is assigned to stand a sentry station
   Hasonló: station |

post2 (n) military installation at which a body of troops is stationed there is an officer's club on the post
   Hasonló: military post |

post3 (n) a job in an organization
   Hasonló: berth | billet | office | place | position | situation | spot |

post4 (n) an upright consisting of a piece of timber or metal fixed firmly in an upright position
Post5 (n) United States aviator who in 1933 made the first solo flight around the world (1899-1935)
   Hasonló: post | wiley post |

Post6 (n) United States female author who wrote a book and a syndicated newspaper column on etiquette (1872-1960)
   Hasonló: emily post | emily price post | post |

Post7 (n) United States manufacturer of breakfast cereals and Postum (1854-1914)
   Hasonló: c. w. post | charles william post | post |

post8 (n) any particular collection of letters or packages that is delivered is there any post for me? | she was opening her post
   Hasonló: mail |

post9 (n) a pole or stake set up to mark something (as the start or end of a race track) the corner of the lot was indicated by a stake
   Hasonló: stake |

post10 (n) the system whereby messages are transmitted via the post office he works for the United States mail service | in England they call mail `the post'
   Hasonló: mail | mail service | postal service |

post11 (n) the delivery and collection of letters and packages if you hurry you'll catch the post
post1 (v) affix in a public place or for public notice
post2 (v) publicize with, or as if with, a poster
post3 (v) assign to a post; put into a post
post4 (v) assign to a station
   Hasonló: place | send | station |

post5 (v) display, as of records in sports games
post6 (v) enter on a public list
post7 (v) transfer (entries) from one account book to another
   Hasonló: carry |

post8 (v) ride Western style and bob up and down in the saddle in rhythm with a horse's trotting gait
post9 (v) mark with a stake
   Hasonló: stake |

post10 (v) place so as to be noticed post a warning at the dump
   Hasonló: put up |

post11 (v) cause to be directed or transmitted to another place I'll mail you the paper when it's written
   Hasonló: mail | send |

post12 (v) mark or expose as infamous
   Hasonló: brand |

  Lásd még: | posting | poster | postage | postal | post |

------ "post" kifejezésekben --------
C. W. Post (n) United States manufacturer of breakfast cereals and Postum (1854-1914)
Charles William Post (n) United States manufacturer of breakfast cereals and Postum (1854-1914)
command post (n) military headquarters from which a military commander controls and organizes the forces
corner post (n) a square post supporting a structural member at the corner of a building
Emily Post (n) United States female author who wrote a book and a syndicated newspaper column on etiquette (1872-1960)
Emily Price Post (n) United States female author who wrote a book and a syndicated newspaper column on etiquette (1872-1960)
hinging post (n) the gatepost on which the gate is hung
hitching post (n) a fixed post with a ring to which a horse can be hitched to prevent it from straying
king post (n) post connecting the crossbeam to the apex of a triangular truss
local post office (n) a local branch where postal services are available
meteorological observation post (n) one of a network of observation posts where meteorological data is recorded
military post (n) military installation at which a body of troops is stationed
missionary post (n) an organization of missionaries in a foreign land sent to carry on religious work
newel post (n) the post at the top or bottom of a flight of stairs; it supports the handrail
observation post (n) an elevated post affording a wide view
parcel post (n) postal service that handles packages
post and lintel (n) a structure consisting of vertical beams (posts) supporting a horizontal beam (lintel)
post card (n) a card for sending messages by post without an envelope
post chaise (n) closed horse-drawn carriage with four wheels; formerly used to transport passengers and mail
post doc (n) a grant that funds postdoctoral study or research
post exchange (n) a commissary on a United States Army post
post hoc (n) the logical fallacy of believing that temporal succession implies a causal relation
post hoc ergo propter hoc (n) the logical fallacy of believing that temporal succession implies a causal relation
post hole (n) a hole dug in the ground to hold a fence post
post horn (n) wind instrument used by postilions of the 18th and 19th centuries
post horse (n) a horse kept at an inn or post house for use by mail carriers or for rent to travelers
post house (n) an inn for exchanging post horses and accommodating riders
post oak (n) small deciduous tree of eastern and central United States having dark green lyrate pinnatifid leaves and tough moisture-resistant wood used especially for fence posts
post office (n) a local branch where postal services are available
post road (n) a road over which mail is carried
queen post (n) vertical tie post in a roof truss
registered post (n) mail that is registered by the post office when sent in order to assure safe delivery
shutting post (n) the gatepost against which the gate closes
starting post (n) a post marking the starting point of a race (especially a horse race)
swinging post (n) the gatepost on which the gate is hung
telegraph post (n) tall pole supporting telephone wires
trading post (n) a retail store serving a sparsely populated region; usually stocked with a wide variety of merchandise
United States Post Office (n) an independent agency of the federal government responsible for mail delivery (and sometimes telecommunications) between individuals and businesses in the United States
US Post Office (n) an independent agency of the federal government responsible for mail delivery (and sometimes telecommunications) between individuals and businesses in the United States
whipping post (n) post formerly used in public to which offenders are tied to be whipped
Wiley Post (n) United States aviator who in 1933 made the first solo flight around the world (1899-1935)
winning post (n) the post at the end of a racecourse
post doc (n) a scholar or researcher who is involved in academic study beyond the level of a doctoral degree
Post Office (n) an independent agency of the federal government responsible for mail delivery (and sometimes telecommunications) between individuals and businesses in the United States
post office (n) a children's game in which kisses are exchanged for pretended letters
from pillar to post (r) from one place or situation to another
post meridiem (r) between noon and midnight
deaf as a post (s) totally deaf; unable to hear anything
ex post facto (s) affecting things past
post meridiem (s) after noon

A "post" szó a Jogi Értelmező szakszótárban:

Ex Post Facto After the fact. The Constitution prohibits the enactment of ex post facto laws. These are laws that permit conviction and punishment for a lawful act performed before the law was changed and the act made illegal.

A(z) post szóhoz valahogyan kapcsolódó szavak - fedezd fel őket is!

bringing | delivery | business | job | line | line of work | occupation | academicianship | accountantship | admiralty | ambassadorship | apostleship | apprenticeship | associateship | attorneyship | bailiffship | baronetage | bishopry | episcopate | cadetship | caliphate | captaincy | captainship | cardinalship | chairmanship | chancellorship | chaplaincy | chaplainship | chieftaincy | chieftainship | clerkship | commandership | commandery | comptrollership | consulship | controllership | councillorship | councilorship | counsellorship | counselorship | curacy | curatorship | custodianship | deanery | deanship | directorship | discipleship | editorship | eldership | emirate | fatherhood | fatherhood | foremanship | generalcy | generalship | governorship | headship | headship | hot seat | incumbency | inspectorship | instructorship | internship | judgeship | judicature | khanate | lectureship | legateship | legation | legislatorship | librarianship | lieutenancy | magistracy | magistrature | managership | manhood | marshalship | mastership | mayoralty | messiahship | moderatorship | overlordship | pastorate | pastorship | peasanthood | plum | praetorship | precentorship | preceptorship | prefecture | prelacy | prelature | premiership | presidency | presidentship | primateship | principalship | priorship | proconsulate | proconsulship | proctorship | chair | professorship | protectorship | public office | rabbinate | receivership | rectorate | rectorship | regency | residency | rulership | sainthood | secretaryship | feudal lordship | seigneury | seigniory | senatorship | sinecure | solicitorship | speakership | stewardship | studentship | teachership | thaneship | throne | treasurership | tribuneship | trusteeship | vice-presidency | viceroyship | viziership | wardenship | wardership | womanhood | fort | garrison | military installation | military quarters | outpost | armed forces | armed services | military | military machine | war machine | bitt | bollard | carrick bitt | corner post | gatepost | goalpost | hitching post | hop pole | king post | lamppost | maypole | newel | newel post | queen post | rudderpost | rudderstock | stake | stanchion | standard | stump | telegraph pole | telegraph post | telephone pole | timber | upright | vertical | whipping post | communicating | communication | airmail | airpost | snail mail | rfd | rural free delivery | visual signal | starting post | winning post | accumulation | aggregation | assemblage | collection | fan mail | hate mail | mailing | bridgehead | lookout | observation post | outpost | outstation | place | position | food manufacturer | author | writer | aeronaut | airman | aviator | flier | flyer | announce | denote | bill | placard | enter | put down | record | call | express | airmail | register | express-mail | transfer | garrison | fort | displace | move | locate | place | site | instal | install | put in | set up | mark | announce | denote | affix | stick on | placard | horseback riding | riding | equitation | horseback riding | riding | ride horseback | carry | transfer | assign | delegate | depute | designate | list |

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