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calling - Online English Department Dictionary

calling sy to account / demanding an explanation: számonkérés

calling - kétnyelvű szótár

cal: wolframit; kalória; call: hívás; hív; nevez; kiáltás; madárfütty; hívójel; függöny elé szólítás; telefonhívás; telefonbeszélgetés; látogatás; hívó szó; elhivatottság; hivatás; hivatásérzet; felhívás; fizetési felhívás; felszólítás; kereslet; bemondás; licit; kiált; kikiált; odahív; kihív; felhív; bemond; licitál; kiabál; szól; meglátogat; látogatást tesz; benéz vkihez; calling: hívó; hívás; kiáltás; összehívás; egybehívás; látogatás; hivatottság; elhivatottság; hajlam; hivatás; foglalkozás; életpálya;

-------------- kifejezésekben: --------------
be on call: készültségben van; boatswain`s call: hajósfütyülő; call a doctor: orvost hív; call a halt: pihenőt rendel el; pihenőt ad; call a meeting: gyűlést összehív; call a spade a spade: nevén nevezi a dolgot; nevén nevezi a gyermeket; call around: benéz vkihez; call at: meglátogat; call at a port: kikötőt érint; kiköt; call at a pub for a quick one: betér a kocsmába egy italra; call back: újra felhív (telefonon); visszahív; felidéz; visszaszól; visszakiált; call box: telefonfülke; call cousin with sy: rokonságot fedez fel vkivel; rokoni kapcsolatot fedez fel vkivel; vki rokonának adja ki magát; call down: lehív; lehord; letol; call down curses to sy: megátkoz vkit; call elections: választásokat kiír; call for: kiált vmiért; kíván; igényel; érte megy; érte jön; hozat vmit; call for comment: kritikát kíván; call for help: segélykiáltás; call for sg: érte megy; kér vmit; call for silence: csendet kér; csendre int; csendre utasít; call for water: helyet kér; call forth: előhív; előcsal; kicsal; előidéz; eredményez; kelt; call in: beszólít; behív; bekéret; elhív; lakásra hív; lehív; bevon; behajt; bekér; call in the best brains: minden tehetséget igénybe vesz; call indicator disk: hívásjelző; call into play: működésbe léptet; működésbe hoz; call it quits: elintézettnek tekinti a dolgot; call me if i am wanted: hívjatok, ha szükség lesz rám; call off: lemond; lefúj; eltérít; elhív; elszólít; call on: meglátogat; felszólít; call out: kihív; kivezényel; sztrájkba szólít; felkiált; call out for sg: kiált vmiért; call out the troops: kivezényli a katonaságot; call out to sy: odakiált vkinek; call sg into action: megindít vmit; elindít vmit; folyamatba helyez vmit; működésbe hoz vmit; call sg into being: létrehoz; életre hív; call sg to mind: emlékezetébe idéz vmit; emlékezik vmire; visszaemlékezik vmire; felidézi vminek az emlékét; call sg to sy`s mind: emlékezetébe idéz vkinek vmit; call sign: hívójel; call signal: hívójel; szünetjel; call sy a fellow: lecsirkefogóz vkit; call sy bad names: sérteget vkit; call sy collect: r beszélgetéssel hív vkit; call sy hard names: jól lehord vkit; durva nevekkel illet vkit; call sy in evidence: tanúvallomásra szólít fel vkit; tanúskodásra szólít fel vkit; tanúnak beidéz vkit; call sy names: sérteget vkit; gorombaságokkal illet vkit; call sy to account: felelősségre von vkit; számon kér; call sy to account for doing sg: felelősségre von vkit vmiért; számon kér vkitől vmit; call sy to account for sg: felelősségre von vkit vmiért; számon kér vkitől vmit; call sy`s attention to sg: felhívja vki figyelmét vmire; call sy`s bluff: színvallásra kényszerít vkit; felveszi a kihívást; call the roll: névsorolvasást tart; névsort olvas; call things by fine names: hangzatos nagy szavakkal illeti a dolgokat; call to book: felelősségre von; kérdőre von; megbüntet; call to order: rendreutasít; megnyit; call to see sy: elmegy meglátogatni vkit; eljön meglátogatni vkit; call to sympathize: részvétlátogatásra megy; call up: felhív (telefonon); felidéz; felelevenít; felkelt; felébreszt; behív (katonának); call upon: felszólít; calling card: névjegykártya; calling disk: telefontárcsa; calling for tender: pályázati kiírás; versenytárgyalási hirdetés; calling hours: fogadóórák; fogadási idő; calling signal: hívójelzés; close call: hajszálon múló megmenekvés; meredek dolog; meredek helyzet; meleg helyzet; collect call: r beszélgetés; dare not call one`s soul one`s own: más akarata uralkodik felette; do not come in before i call you: ne gyere be, amíg nem hívlak; draft call: behívás; behívó; duck call: kacsahívó síp; duty call: udvariassági látogatás; express call: sürgős hívás; sürgős telefonhívás; house of call: gyűjtőkocsi-szolgálat irodája; gyűjtőkocsi-szolgálat elosztó szerve; vendégfogadó; találkahely; i call that cool!: micsoda szemtelenség!; i can`t call it to mind: nem tudok rá visszaemlékezni; lamp call: hívás lámpával; jeladás lámpával; let`s call it a day: tegyük le a lantot; mára elég; fájramt; make a call on sy: meglátogat vkit; money at call: látra szóló követelés; azonnal behívható követelés; bármikor behívható követelés; money on call: napi pénz; my call is a business one: üzleti ügyben jöttem; pay a call on sy: meglátogat vkit; payable at call: látra fizetendő; put through a call: kapcsolást létesít; összeköttetést létesít; state call: udvariassági látogatás; that was a close call: szerencsésen megúszta; egy hajszálon múlt; there is no call to: semmi szükség arra, hogy; trunk call: távolsági hívás; távolsági beszélgetés; water call: itatásra hívó kürtjel; will you call around tomorrow?: nézzen be holnap!; wind a call: sípjelzést ad; megfújja a sípot; within call: hívótávolságon belül;

calling - EU-szótár

country calling code / country code / international dialling code: országhívószám

calling - értelmező szótár

call1 (n) a telephone connection he placed a phone call to London | he heard the phone ringing but didn't want to take the call
   Hasonló: phone call | telephone call |

calling1 (n) the particular occupation for which you are trained
   Hasonló: career | vocation |

Call2 (n) a special disposition (as if from a divine source) to pursue a particular course
   Hasonló: call |

call3 (n) a loud utterance; often in protest or opposition
   Hasonló: cry | outcry | shout | vociferation | yell |

call4 (n) a demand especially in the phrase
   Hasonló: claim |

call5 (n) the characteristic sound produced by a bird
   Hasonló: birdcall | birdsong | song |

call6 (n) a brief social visit the characters in Henry James' novels are forever paying calls on each other, usually in the parlor of some residence
call7 (n) a demand by a broker that a customer deposit enough to bring his margin up to the minimum requirement
   Hasonló: margin call |

call8 (n) a demand for a show of hands in a card game
call9 (n) a request not many calls for buggywhips
call10 (n) an instruction that interrupts the program being executed
call11 (n) a visit in an official or professional capacity the salesman's call on a customer
call12 (n) (sports) the decision made by an umpire or referee
call13 (n) the option to buy a given stock (or stock index or commodity future) at a given price before a given date
   Hasonló: call option |

call1 (v) assign a specified (usually proper) proper name to The new school was named after the famous Civil Rights leader
   Hasonló: name |

call2 (v) ascribe a quality to or give a name of a common noun that reflects a quality She called her children lazy and ungrateful
call3 (v) get or try to get into communication (with someone) by telephone Take two aspirin and call me in the morning
   Hasonló: call up | phone | ring | telephone |

call4 (v) utter a sudden loud cry I yelled to her from the window but she couldn't hear me
   Hasonló: cry | holler | hollo | scream | shout | shout out | squall | yell |

call5 (v) order, request, or command to come Call the police!
   Hasonló: send for |

call6 (v) pay a brief visit
   Hasonló: call in | visit |

call7 (v) call a meeting; invite or command to meet The new dean calls meetings every week
call8 (v) read aloud to check for omissions or absentees
call9 (v) send a message or attempt to reach someone by radio, phone, etc.; make a signal to in order to transmit a message A transmitter in Samoa was heard calling
call10 (v) utter a characteristic note or cry
call11 (v) stop or postpone because of adverse conditions, such as bad weather
call12 (v) greet, as with a prescribed form, title, or name Call me Mister | She calls him by first name
   Hasonló: address |

call13 (v) make a stop in a harbour
call14 (v) demand payment of (a loan)
   Hasonló: call in |

call15 (v) make a demand, as for a card or a suit or a show of hands
   Hasonló: bid |

call16 (v) give the calls (to the dancers) for a square dance
   Hasonló: call off |

call17 (v) indicate a decision in regard to
call18 (v) make a prediction about; tell in advance
   Hasonló: anticipate | forebode | foretell | predict | prognosticate | promise |

call19 (v) require the presentation of for redemption before maturation
call20 (v) challenge (somebody) to make good on a statement; charge with or censure for an offense
call21 (v) declare in the capacity of an umpire or referee
call22 (v) lure by imitating the characteristic call of an animal
call23 (v) order or request or give a command for
call24 (v) order, summon, or request for a specific duty or activity, work, role They called him to active military duty
call25 (v) utter in a loud voice or announce The auctioneer called the bids
call26 (v) challenge the sincerity or truthfulness of
call27 (v) consider or regard as being
call28 (v) rouse somebody from sleep with a call
Ellentétes értelmű: | call out | call forth | call up | call | callable | calling | caller |
  Lásd még: | call out | call forth | call up | call | callable | calling | caller |

------ "calling" kifejezésekben --------
bell-like call (n) a birdcall that resembles the tone of a bell
bugle call (n) a signal broadcast by the sound of a bugle
call box (n) booth for using a telephone
call center (n) a center equipped to handle a large volume of telephone calls (especially for taking orders or serving customers)
call centre (n) a center equipped to handle a large volume of telephone calls (especially for taking orders or serving customers)
call fire (n) fire delivered on a specific target in response to a request from the supported unit
call forwarding (n) lets you transfer your incoming calls to any telephone that you can dial direct
call girl (n) a female prostitute who can be hired by telephone
call loan (n) a loan that is repayable on demand
call mark (n) a mark consisting of characters written on a book; used to indicate shelf location
call number (n) a mark consisting of characters written on a book; used to indicate shelf location
call option (n) an option to buy
call up (n) an order to report for military duty
call waiting (n) a way of letting you know that someone else is calling when you are using your telephone
calling card (n) a card that is used instead of cash to make telephone calls
calling into question (n) a challenge to defend what someone has said
calling together (n) the act of convoking
close call (n) something achieved (or escaped) by a narrow margin
collect call (n) a telephone call that the receiving party is asked to pay for
conference call (n) a telephone call in which more than two people participate
crank call (n) a hostile telephone call (from a crank)
curtain call (n) an appearance by actors or performers at the end of the concert or play in order to acknowledge the applause of the audience
distress call (n) an internationally recognized signal sent out by a ship or plane indicating that help is needed
function call (n) a call that passes control to a subroutine; after the subroutine is executed control returns to the next instruction in main program
local call (n) a telephone call made within a local calling area
long-distance call (n) a telephone call made outside the local calling area
mail call (n) a call of names of those receiving mail
margin call (n) a demand by a broker that a customer deposit enough to bring his margin up to the minimum requirement
muster call (n) a call of the names of personnel at a military assembly
name calling (n) verbal abuse; a crude substitute for argument
phone call (n) a telephone connection
port of call (n) any port where a ship stops except its home port
roll call (n) calling out an official list of names
Salafast Group for Call and Combat (n) an Algerian extremist Islamic offshoot of the Armed Islamic Group; now the largest and most active armed terrorist group in Algeria that seeks to overthrow the government; a major source of support and recruitment for al-Qaeda operations in Europe and northern Africa
service call (n) a trip made by a repairman to visit the location of something in need of service
sick call (n) the daily military formation at which individuals report to the medical officer as sick
siren call (n) the enticing appeal of something alluring but potentially dangerous
supervisor call instruction (n) an instruction that interrupts the program being executed and passes control to the supervisor
system call (n) an instruction that interrupts the program being executed and passes control to the supervisor
telephone call (n) a telephone connection
three-way calling (n) a way of adding a third party to your conversation without the assistance of a telephone operator
toll call (n) a long-distance telephone call at charges above a local rate
trunk call (n) a telephone call made outside the local calling area
two-note call (n) a birdcall having two notes
wake-up call (n) a warning to take action concerning something that was overlooked or neglected
call box (n) a numbered compartment in a post office where mail is put to be called for
call option (n) the option to buy a given stock (or stock index or commodity future) at a given price before a given date
calling card (n) a printed or written greeting that is left to indicate that you have visited
wake-up call (n) a telephone call that you request be made a specific time in order to wake you up at that time (especially in hotels)
calling card (n) a distinguishing characteristic or behavior
call at (v) enter a harbor
call attention (v) point out carefully and clearly
call back (v) cause to be returned
call down (v) summon into action or bring into existence, often as if by magic
call for (v) express the need or desire for; ask for
call forth (v) evoke or provoke to appear or occur
call in (v) summon to enter
call into question (v) challenge the accuracy, probity, or propriety of
call it a day (v) stop doing what one is doing
call it quits (v) stop doing what one is doing
call off (v) postpone indefinitely or annul something that was scheduled
call on (v) have recourse to or make an appeal or request for help or information to
call on the carpet (v) censure severely or angrily
call one's bluff (v) ask to prove what someone is claiming
call out (v) utter aloud; often with surprise, horror, or joy
call the shots (v) exercise authority or be in charge
call the tune (v) exercise authority or be in charge
call to order (v) open formally
call up (v) bring forward for consideration
call back (v) recall knowledge from memory; have a recollection
call down (v) censure severely or angrily
call for (v) require as useful, just, or proper
call forth (v) summon into action or bring into existence, often as if by magic
call in (v) summon to a particular activity or employment
call off (v) give the calls (to the dancers) for a square dance
call out (v) call out loudly, as of names or numbers
call up (v) get or try to get into communication (with someone) by telephone
call back (v) return or repeat a telephone call
call for (v) request the participation or presence of
call in (v) pay a brief visit
call out (v) challenge to a duel
call up (v) recall knowledge from memory; have a recollection
call back (v) summon to return
call for (v) gather or collect
call in (v) take a player out of a game in order to exchange for another player
call up (v) call to arms; of military personnel
call in (v) make a phone call
call in (v) demand payment of (a loan)
call in (v) cause to be returned

A(z) calling szóhoz valahogyan kapcsolódó szavak - fedezd fel őket is!

span | straddle | option | conclusion | decision | determination | athletics | sport | round | visit | visit | disposition | inclination | tendency | telephone | telephony | call-back | collect call | call-in | crank call | local call | long distance | long-distance call | trunk call | conference call | wake-up call | function call | command | instruction | program line | statement | supervisor call instruction | system call | animal communication | bell-like call | two-note call | utterance | vocalization | bellow | bellowing | holla | holler | hollering | hollo | holloa | roar | roaring | yowl | blue murder | catcall | clamor | clamoring | clamour | clamouring | hue and cry | halloo | hoot | hosanna | noise | scream | screaming | screech | screeching | shriek | shrieking | whoop | battle cry | rallying cry | war cry | war whoop | shouting | yelling | yodel | bird | boo | bronx cheer | hiss | hoot | raspberry | razz | razzing | snort | asking | request | recall | demand | card game | cards | demand | demand | arouse | awaken | rouse | wake | wake up | waken | consider | reckon | regard | see | view | call | challenge | dispute | gainsay | call | call | cry | holler | hollo | scream | shout | shout out | squall | yell | emit | let loose | let out | utter | request | call | send for | order | entice | lure | tempt | call | telephone | telephony | cell phone | call in | dial | telecommunicate | call | enjoin | order | say | tell | call | cite | summon | summons | beep | call back | recall | call in | lift | muster | hail | summon | call up | mobilise | mobilize | rally | call | adjudge | declare | hold | call | call | challenge | dispute | gainsay | ask | expect | require | call | call in | call | call out | cry | cry out | exclaim | outcry | shout | hollo | hurrah | halloo | whoop | pipe | pipe up | shriek | shrill | emit | let loose | let out | utter | howl | roar | ululate | wail | yaup | yawl | screak | screech | skreak | skreigh | squawk | read | guess | hazard | pretend | venture | outguess | second-guess | augur | bet | wager | calculate | forecast | prophesy | vaticinate | call | miscall | misname | call | name | label | brand | post | call | call | emit | let loose | let out | utter | call | baptise | baptize | christen | refer | style | title | dub | nickname | rename | entitle | title | term | tag | label | address | call | telecom | telecommunication | call | call up | phone | ring | telephone | telecommunicate | read | call | athletics | sport | call | indicate | square dance | card game | cards | play | raise | double | outcall | underbid | outbid | overbid | preempt | call | demand | exact | bespeak | call for | quest | request | call | send for | assemble | foregather | forgather | gather | meet | get together | meet | call | see | see | come by | drop by | drop in | stop | stop over | call | call in | visit | address | turn to | call | name | defer | hold over | postpone | prorogue | put off | put over | remit | set back | shelve | table | business | job | line | line of work | occupation | specialisation | specialism | speciality | specialization | specialty | lifework | walk | walk of life | business life | professional life |

A keresésnél kis- és nagybetű nem számít, és a kötőjelezési és egybeírási elgépeléseket is megpróbálja korrigálni a program. A magyar szavaknál az ékezet számít. Az adatbázis tartalmaz különféle stílusú, pl. szleng, drurva stb. kifejezéseket, továbbá szakkifejezéseket is sokféle szakterületről.

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