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acting - Online English Department Dictionary

act: törvénycikk

acting - kétnyelvű szótár

act: tett; cselekedet; törvény; játszik; alakít; megjátszik; cselekszik; működik; intézkedik; hat; szerepel; cselekvés; cselekmény; felvonás; művel; acting: ható; működő; aktív; eljárás; alakítás; eljátszás; színészet; helyettes; ügyvezető; színjátszás; játék;

-------------- kifejezésekben: --------------
act a character: szerepel; act against all sense: esztelenül cselekszik; act as: szerepel; act as a check on sg: megfékez vmit; act as a father: apaként cselekszik; act as a filter: szűrőként szerepel; act as chance directs: véletlenre bízza magát; act as deputy for sy: helyettesít vkit; act as interpreter: tolmácsol; tolmácsként működik; act as secretary: titkárként működik; titkári szerepkört tölt be; titkári szerepkört lát el; titkári minőségben jár el; titkári teendőket lát el; act counter to one`s orders: utasításokkal ellentétben cselekszik; utasításokkal ellentétben jár el; paranccsal ellentétben cselekszik; paranccsal ellentétben jár el; parancsot megszeg; act ex officio: hivatalosan jár el; act for sy: helyettesít vkit; képvisel vkit; act for the best: jóhiszeműen cselekszik; act for the common good: köz javára cselekszik; köz érdekében cselekszik; act in concert with sy: egyetértésben jár el vkivel; act in consort with sy: vkivel egyetértésben cselekszik; act in unison with sy: egyetértésben cselekszik; act of attainder: jogoktól való megfosztást kimondó törvény; act of despair: kétségbeesett tett; kétségbeesett cselekedet; act of grace: kegy gyakorlása; szívesség; államfői kegyelem; amnesztia; közkegyelem; act of honour: kezességvállalás; act of oblivion: amnesztia; act on: hat vmire; hatással van vmire; eljár vmi szerint; igazodik vmihez; act on sy`s behalf: eljár vki érdekében; act on sy`s behoof: eljár vki érdekében; act on the offensive: támadólag lép fel; act on the straight: egynes úton jár; lojálisan jár el; act out: gyakorlatba átvisz; megcselekszik vmit; act the goat: bolondnak tettei magát; act the part of sg: működik vmilyen minőségben; játszik vmilyen szerepet; betölt vmilyen szerepet; act the play out: végigjátssza a darabot; végig szerepel a darabban; act the toff: játssza az előkelőt; act together: együttesen jár el; act under pressure: kényszerből cselekszik; act up: begyullad; gyulladtá válik; fájdalmassá válik; játékosan viselkedik; illetlenül viselkedik; neveletlenül viselkedik; act up to one`s principles: elveihez hűen cselekszik; elveinek megfelelően jár el; act upon: hat vmire; eljár vmi szerint; igazodik vmihez; hatással van vmire; act with a high hand: önkényesen jár el; zsarnokian jár el; act with fire: nagy hévvel játszik; nagy szenvedéllyel játszik; act with full powers: teljhatalommal cselekszik; teljhatalommal jár el; szabad keze van; acting company: színjátszó társulat; színtársulat; acting copy: rendezői utasításokkal ellátott szereppéldány; acting guardian: pártfogó; gyámolító; acting manager: ügyvezető igazgató; helyettes igazgató; acting over: újra végigjátszás; elismétlés; acting partner: működő tag; aktív tag; beltag; acting play: előadásra szánt darab; rendezői példány; acting prime minister: helyettes miniszterelnök; ancient monuments act: műemléki törvény; bank act: jegybanktörvény; be in two minds about how to act: nem tudja eldönteni, hogy járjon el; be undecided how to act: nem tudja eldönteni, hogy mit tegyen; catch sy in the act: tetten ér vkit; criminal act: bűntett; don`t act the goat!: ne tettesd magad bolondnak!; ne tettesd magad hülyének!; go in for acting: színésznek megy; színészetre adja magát; színpadra lép; incorrect act: tisztességtelen cselekedet; inkorrektség; it is mere acting: ez csak komédia; ez csak színlelés; ez csak játék; ez az egész csak komédia; ez az egész csak színlelés; ez az egész csak játék; ministerial act: hivatali munka során végrehajtott ténykedés; plead the baby act: kiskorúságával védekezik; tapasztalatlanságát bizonygatja; tapasztalatlanságát hangoztatja; tapasztalatlanságára hivatkozik; tapasztalatlanságával mentegetőzik; quick to act: tettre kész; gyorsan cselekvő; azonnal cselekvő; rapid acting: gyorsan ható; rash act: meggondolatlan cselekedet; öngyilkosság; öngyilkossági kísérlet; read the riot act: tömeget szétoszlásra felszólít; read the riot act to sy: erősen megszid vkit; erősen megdorgál vkit; erősen megleckéztet vkit; rendes magaviseletre figyelmeztet vkit; lelki fröccsöt ad vkinek; lelki fröccsöt tart vkinek; riot act: csoportosulás elleni törvény; sex act: nemi aktus; stamp act: bélyegilletéki törvény; surprise sy in the act: tetten ér vkit; rajta kap vkit vmin; take sy in the act: rajtakap vkit; tetten ér vkit; the third act forms an anticlimax: a hamrmadik felvonás lerontja a darab hatását; truck act: természetbeni fizetést tiltó törvény; under this act: eme rendelkezés szerint; eme törvény szerint; ezen rendelkezés szerint; ezen törvény szerint; why act as you do?: miért cselekedjünk úgy, ahogy te?;

acting - EU-szótár

acting ahead of the budgetary procedure: a költségvetési eljárást megelőzően

acting - értelmező szótár

act1 (n) a legal document codifying the result of deliberations of a committee or society or legislative body
   Hasonló: enactment |

acting1 (n) the performance of a part or role in a drama
   Hasonló: performing | playacting | playing |

act2 (n) something that people do or cause to happen
   Hasonló: deed | human action | human activity |

act3 (n) a subdivision of a play or opera or ballet
act4 (n) a short theatrical performance that is part of a longer program she had a catchy little routine | it was one of the best numbers he ever did
   Hasonló: bit | number | routine | turn |

act5 (n) a manifestation of insincerity
act1 (v) perform an action, or work out or perform (an action) We must move quickly | The governor should act on the new energy bill | The nanny acted quickly by grabbing the toddler and covering him with a wet towel
   Hasonló: move |

act2 (v) behave in a certain manner; show a certain behavior; conduct or comport oneself Don't behave like a fool | What makes her do this way? | The dog acts ferocious, but he is really afraid of people
   Hasonló: behave | do |

act3 (v) play a role or part She wants to act Lady Macbeth, but she is too young for the role | She played the servant to her husband's master
   Hasonló: play | represent |

act4 (v) discharge one's duties In what capacity are you acting?
act5 (v) pretend to have certain qualities or state of mind She plays deaf when the news are bad
   Hasonló: act as | play |

act6 (v) be suitable for theatrical performance
act7 (v) have an effect or outcome; often the one desired or expected How does your idea work in practice? | This method doesn't work | The breaks of my new car act quickly | The medicine works only if you take it with a lot of water
   Hasonló: work |

act8 (v) be engaged in an activity, often for no particular purpose other than pleasure
act9 (v) behave unnaturally or affectedly
   Hasonló: dissemble | pretend |

act10 (v) perform on a stage or theater He acted in `Julius Caesar' | I played in `A Christmas Carol'
   Hasonló: play | playact | roleplay |

acting1 (s) serving temporarily especially as a substitute
Ellentétes értelmű: | refrain | action | act upon | act on | act up | actuate | act | acting | actable | actor |
  Lásd még: | refrain | act upon | act on | act up | action | actuate | act | acting | actable | actor |

------ "acting" kifejezésekben --------
act of God (n) a natural and unavoidable catastrophe that interrupts the expected course of events
act of terrorism (n) the calculated use of violence (or the threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious or ideological in nature; this is done through intimidation or coercion or instilling fear
acting out (n) a (usually irritating) impulsive and uncontrollable outburst by a problem child or a neurotic adult
class act (n) someone who shows impressive and stylish excellence
enabling act (n) a provision in a law that confers on appropriate officials the power to implement or enforce the law
fair-trade act (n) formerly a state law that protected manufacturers from price-cutting by allowing them to set minimum retail prices for their merchandise; eliminated by the United States Congress in 1975
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (n) an act passed by Congress in 1978 to establish procedures for requesting judicial authorization for foreign intelligence surveillance and to create the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court; intended to increase United States counterintelligence; separate from ordinary law enforcement surveillance
legislative act (n) an act passed by a legislative body
method acting (n) an acting technique introduced by Stanislavsky in which the actor recalls emotions or reactions from his or her own life and uses them to identify with the character being portrayed
occupational safety and health act (n) a law passed by the United States Congress that created the Occupational Safety and Health Administration to prevent employees from being injured or contracting diseases in the course of their employment
Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (n) law intended to eradicate organized crime by establishing strong sanctions and forfeiture provisions
RICO Act (n) law intended to eradicate organized crime by establishing strong sanctions and forfeiture provisions
riot act (n) a vigorous reprimand
sex act (n) the act of sexual procreation between a man and a woman; the man's penis is inserted into the woman's vagina and excited until orgasm and ejaculation occur
special act (n) a legislative act that applies only to a particular person or particular district
speech act (n) the use of language to perform some act
Stamp Act (n) an act passed by the British Parliament in 1756 that raised revenue from the American Colonies by a duty in the form of a stamp required on all newspapers and legal or commercial documents; opposition by the Colonies resulted in the repeal of the act in 1766
terrorist act (n) the calculated use of violence (or the threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious or ideological in nature; this is done through intimidation or coercion or instilling fear
acting out (n) (psychiatry) the display of previously inhibited emotions (often in actions rather than words); considered to be healthy and therapeutic
Riot Act (n) a former English law requiring mobs to disperse after a magistrate reads the law to them
act as (v) function as or act like
act involuntarily (v) act in an uncontrolled manner
act on (v) carry further or advance
act out (v) represent an incident, state, or emotion by action, especially on stage
act reflexively (v) act in an uncontrolled manner
act superior (v) act like the master of
act up (v) misbehave badly; act in a silly or improper way
act upon (v) have and exert influence or effect
create by mental act (v) create mentally and abstractly rather than with one's hands
act as (v) pretend to have certain qualities or state of mind
act on (v) regulate one's behavior in accordance with certain information, ideas, or advice
act out (v) act out; represent or perform as if in a play
act up (v) make itself felt as a recurring pain

A(z) acting szóhoz valahogyan kapcsolódó szavak - fedezd fel őket is!

event | action | acquiring | getting | causation | causing | delivery | obstetrical delivery | departure | going | going away | leaving | discovery | find | uncovering | disposal | disposition | effectuation | implementation | egress | egression | emergence | equalisation | equalization | leveling | digging up | disinterment | exhumation | mitsvah | mitzvah | actuation | propulsion | recovery | retrieval | running away | touch | touching | nonaccomplishment | nonachievement | leaning | motivating | motivation | assumption | rejection | forfeit | forfeiture | sacrifice | derivation | activity | hire | wear | wearing | assessment | judgement | judgment | production | stay | abidance | residence | residency | inactivity | hinderance | hindrance | interference | stop | stoppage | group action | distribution | legitimation | permissive waste | waste | proclamation | promulgation | communicating | communication | speech act | instrument | legal document | legal instrument | official document | nullity | decree | edict | fiat | order | rescript | legislative act | statute | jurisprudence | law | performance | public presentation | show-stopper | showstopper | stopper | ballet | concert dance | dramatic composition | dramatic work | drama | dramatic play | play | scene | opera | expression | manifestation | reflection | reflexion | act involuntarily | act reflexively | bend over backwards | fall over backwards | presume | vulgarise | vulgarize | optimise | optimize | quack | menace | make | bluster | swagger | swash | freeze | wanton | romanticize | sentimentalise | sentimentalize | sentimentise | sentimentize | bungle | play | toy | act | act as | play | act | act as | play | stooge | jest | joke | piffle | make | make as if | act | dissemble | pretend | break down | lose it | snap | dally | dawdle | backslap | hugger mugger | sauce | footle | frivol | trifle | puff up | swell | follow | loosen up | relax | rage | ramp | storm | act | behave | do | act | behave | do | act | play | represent | serve | criticise | criticize | bank | performing arts | act | act as | play | make | make believe | pretend | re-create | act | play | playact | roleplay | support | play | act out | enact | reenact | act out | impersonate | portray | parody | emote | dramatic art | dramatics | dramaturgy | theater | theatre | perform | play | play | act | play | represent | stooge | mime | pantomime | ham | ham it up | overact | overplay | underact | underplay | act | act | behave | do | assume | feign | sham | simulate | alternate | take turns | end up | fetch up | finish | finish up | land up | wind up | festinate | hasten | hurry | look sharp | rush | disturb | interrupt | react | respond | go ahead | plow ahead | aggress | attack | force | create | come forward | come out | come to the fore | step forward | step to the fore | step up | pay back | repay | reward | satisfice | satisfise | maneuver | manoeuver | manoeuvre | dispatch | evade | race | use | play it by ear | play | deal | partner | exert | egotrip | reciprocate | go | move | proceed | come close | perform | dare | make bold | presume | engage | prosecute | pursue | act on | interact | oppose | react | take time by the forelock | coact | offer | volunteer | get around to | dally | flirt | play | toy | approach | go about | set about | participate | take part | misbehave | misconduct | misdemean | condescend | lower oneself | stoop | acquit | bear | behave | carry | comport | conduct | deport | behave | comport | assay | attempt | essay | seek | try | court | romance | solicit | woo | court | dare | effect | antagonise | antagonize | counteract | anticipate | counter | foresee | forestall | prosecute | commit | perpetrate | pull | rampage | contend | cope | deal | get by | grapple | make do | make out | manage | condescend | deign | descend | condescend | take care | act superior | lord it over | put on airs | queen it over | stampede | make a point | make sure | repeat | take over | surprise | sneak | play | take | guard | begin | start | go off at half-cock | go off half-cocked | hold back | hold off | wait | continue | go along | go on | keep | proceed | do well | had best | continue | continue | persist in | play | drive around | walk around | bring | make for | play | work | wreak | bring home the bacon | come through | deliver the goods | succeed | win | act | play | playact | roleplay | be | activity | characterization | enactment | personation | portrayal | impersonation | personation | method | method acting | dumb show | mime | pantomime | business | byplay | stage business | performance | skit | hamming | overacting | heroics | reenactment | roleplaying | performing arts | impermanent | temporary |

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